Procedure of registration of the company in Serbia with American (USA) ownership
When speaking about opening a firm in Serbia for USA citizens, the procedure of registration is the same as for citizens of every other country.
Taxation for company (LLC) in Serbia with American ownership
Social security payments
When speaking about taxation, it is important to know that Serbia and USA do not have social security agreement signed, which means that if owner/director of Serbian firm is American citizen, then company in Serbia is obligated to pay social contributions in Serbia for its owner/director, which means cost for it will be at least around 80 EUR/month. It is in case owner/director is not employed in the company and it is lowest cost option in cases when American citizen is owner/director of the LLC in Serbia.
Dividend tax
USA and Serbia have not signed agreement about avoidance of double taxation.
If owner is individual from USA, dividend tax rate is 15% . If owner is firm from USA, dividend tax rate is 20%.
Bank account opening for Serbian company when American individual or legal entity is owner of the company
Bank account opening is a little harder than usual, and it is important to know banks market and apply in right bank, but there are no guarantees bank account opening application will be approved. In some banks there is no sense to apply, since some banks unofficially deny applications from citizens of certain country, or with certain business activities. Some banks do not work at all with American citizens, because of compressive reporting requests which they need to fulfil when having Americans as clients.
Our firm helps clients in bank account opening procedures and has a big expirience with bank account opening for companies with American ownership in Serbia.