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Virtual office in Belgrade for 39€ per month for automatic online monthly payments by card or for only 399€ for 12 months for yearly payment (cca 33€/month)!
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*offer valid for new clients who register at our address during special offer
How much will it cost to change my business address to your virtual office?

Special virtual office offer for new clients!

Virtual office in Belgrade for 39€ per month for automatic online monthly payments by card or for only 399€ for 12 months for yearly payment (cca 33€/month)!
No change of price in next years! Free change of address in SBRA (APR) for existing firms (you pay only SBRA fee)
Limited time offer!
*offer valid for new clients who register at our address during special offer

Free change of address if you choose 6 or 12 months virtual office package

Changing your business address can be a hassle, but we make it easy for you. If you opt for our service and pay upfront for a 6 or 12-month period, we will handle all the administrative work for the address change at the Serbian Business Registry Agency (APR) for free. You will only need to pay Serbian Business Registers Agency fee. For individual entrepreneurs, APR administrative fee is around 8 €.  For LLC (DOO), APR administrative fee is around 27 €.


  • No Hidden Costs: Apart from the Serbian Business Registers Agency fee, there are no additional charges.
  • Quick Change: We take care of the paperwork, saving you time. It takes 2-5 working days to complete change in APR.

Choose us and simplify your business management.

What are activity codes (types of activities) in Serbia for individual entrepreneurs and LLC?

Special virtual office offer for new clients!

Virtual office in Belgrade for 39€ per month for automatic online monthly payments by card or for only 399€ for 12 months for yearly payment (cca 33€/month)!
No change of price in next years! Free change of address in SBRA (APR) for existing firms (you pay only SBRA fee)
Limited time offer!
*offer valid for new clients who register at our address during special offer












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The sector includes the use of plant and animal resources, including cultivation of crops and plantations, breeding and reproduction of animals, exploitation of forests and cultivation of other plants, animals and products of animal origin on agricultural farms or in their natural habitat.
01 Agricultural production, hunting and related service activities
The area includes two basic activities: growing crops and plantings and raising animals, as well as
organic production and cultivation of genetically modified plants and animals. Too
it also includes the production of crops and plantings in greenhouses.
It also includes accompanying service activities in agriculture, as well as hunting, denim and
appropriate services.
Group 01.50 (Mixed agricultural production) deviates from the general rule for
determining the predominant activity. Given that they are on many agricultural
farms equally represented by crop and livestock production, such farms
they can be classified into one or another category.
Agricultural activities exclude further processing of agricultural products, which
classified in areas 10 and 11 (Production of food products and production of beverages) i
area 12. (Manufacture of tobacco products), except for processing which includes basic processing
preparation of products for the market (eg cleaning, peeling, sorting and short-term
rot protection).

The area does not include construction works on agricultural land (e.g. drying

land, preparation of fields for rice production, etc.), which are classified in the F sector
(Construction). Likewise, it does not include agricultural cooperatives and similar organizations that
are engaged in the purchase and sale of agricultural products and mediate during procurement
agricultural raw materials. They are classified into sector G (Wholesale and retail trade;
repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles).
It also does not include care for the natural environment (maintenance of parks, reserves, decorative…
area, etc.), classified in part. 81.30.
01.1 Cultivation of annual and biennial plants
It includes the cultivation of plants whose vegetative period is shorter than two seasons. Also included
growing plants for seed production.

01.11 Cultivation of grain (except rice), legumes and oilseeds


It includes outdoor cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds. The cultivation of these crops can often be combined with the cultivation of other crops. This includes:

– cultivation of cereals: hard and soft wheat, rye, millet, barley, oats, corn, sorghum, etc. (napolec, krupnika, triticale)

– cultivation of leguminous vegetables: peas, beans, broad beans, lentils, etc.

– cultivation of oilseeds: sunflower, peanut, soybean, rapeseed, sesame, safflower, flax, castor and others.


Does not include:

– rice cultivation, part. 01.12

– growing corn (sugar), part. 01.13

– growing corn for livestock feed, part. 01.19

– cultivation of oilseeds, part. 01.26


01.12 Growing rice


01.13 Cultivation of vegetables, vegetables, root and tuberous plants



– cultivation of leafy and stem vegetables:

* artichokes, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, lettuce and chicory, spinach and the like

– growing vegetables with fruits:

* blue tomatoes, tomatoes, plantains, cucumbers, gherkins, zucchini, peppers and other vegetables with fruits

– cultivation of bulbous and root vegetables:

* carrots, turnips, onions and leeks, garlic and other bulbs and root vegetables

– cultivation of edible mushrooms and truffles










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– cultivation of vegetable seeds and sugar beet seeds (does not include cultivation of seeds of other types of beets)

– growing sugar beet

– cultivation of other vegetables

– cultivation of root and tuberous plants such as:

* potatoes and other root vegetables with a high content of starch or inulin

* cassava, yam (tropical roots) and other roots


Does not include:

– cultivation of hot peppers, peppers and other spicy, aromatic and medicinal plants, part.


– growing mycelium for mushrooms, part. 01.30


01.14 Cultivation of sugar cane


Does not include:

– sugar beet cultivation, part. 01.13


01.15 Growing tobacco


Does not include:

– production of tobacco products, part. 12.00


01.16 Cultivation of plants for fiber production



– growing cotton

– cultivation of jute, flax, hemp and other plants to obtain textile fibers

– cultivation of sisal and other textile plants from the agave genus

– cultivation of abaca, ramie and other plants to obtain textile fibers

– cultivation of other plants for fiber production


01.19 Cultivation of other annual and biennial plants



– cultivation of fodder plants: fodder beet, clover, alfalfa, corn for livestock feeding, other grass, fodder kale and other plants for livestock feeding

– buckwheat cultivation

– production of beet seeds and other fodder crops (except sugar beet seeds)

– growing flowers, cut flowers and buds

– production of flower seeds


Does not include:

– cultivation of herbs, aromatic and medicinal herbs, part. 01.28


01.2              Cultivation of perennial plants


It includes the cultivation of plants whose vegetative period is longer than two seasons, whether their aerial parts die at the end of the season or they grow continuously. Cultivation of plants intended for seed production.


01.21 Growing grapes



– cultivation of wine and table grape varieties

Does not include:

– wine production, part. 11.02


01.22 Cultivation of tropical and subtropical fruits



– cultivation of tropical and subtropical fruits such as:

* avocado

* banana

* dates










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* figs

* papaya, mango, pineapple and other tropical and subtropical fruits


01.23 Cultivation of citrus fruits



– cultivation of citrus fruits:

* lemon and grapefruit

* oranges

* tangerine

* other citrus fruits


01.24 Cultivation of apple and stone fruit



– growing fruits such as: apples, pears, apricots, plums, quinces, cherries, sour cherries, peaches,

nectarines and other apple and stone fruits


01.25 Cultivation of other woody, bushy and stone fruits



– growing berries:

* blueberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries and other berries

– Kiwi growing

– cultivation of edible pome fruits:

* walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, domestic chestnuts, pistachios and other stone fruits

– cultivation of other woody and bushy fruits


Does not include:

– coconut cultivation, part. 01.26


01.26 Cultivation of oil fruits



– growing olives for oil production and for immediate consumption

– cultivation of coconut and oil palm fruits

– cultivation of fruits of other types of oilseeds


Does not include:

– cultivation of soybeans, peanuts and other oilseeds, part. 01.11


01.27 Cultivation of plants for the preparation of beverages



– growing plants for the preparation of beverages such as: coffee, cocoa, tea, mate, etc.


01.28 Cultivation of herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants



– cultivation of annual and perennial aromatic plants:

* pepper, capers, paprika, nutmeg, vanilla, hops

* laurel, basil, anise, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc.

* growing plants to obtain narcotics


01.29 Cultivation of other perennial plants



– growing rubber trees

– growing New Year’s and decorative trees

– growing trees to obtain sap


Does not include:

– picking flowers, production of cut flowers, bulbs and flower seeds, part. 01.19

– collecting sap from trees or resin in the forest, part. 02.30










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01.3              Cultivation of planting material


01.30 Cultivation of planting material


It covers the production of all vegetative propagation materials, including cuttings, grafts and seedlings for direct propagation or rootstock:

– growing seedlings

– cultivation of ornamental plants, including plants with sod

– cultivation of bulbs, tubers, coils and pelts

– growing mycelium for mushrooms

– activity of nurseries, except nurseries for afforestation


Does not include:

– growing plants for seed production, part. 01.1 and 01.2

– activity of forest nurseries, part. 02.10


01.4              Animal breeding

The branch includes the breeding and reproduction of all animals, except those that live in water. Does not include:

– service activities related to animal breeding, part. 01.62

– obtaining skins of reptiles and birds, part. 01.70

– obtaining raw hides in slaughterhouses, part. 10.11


01.41 Breeding of dairy cows



– breeding and reproduction of dairy cows

– production of raw cow and buffalo milk


Does not include:

– milk processing, part. 10.51


01.42 Breeding of other cattle and buffaloes



– cattle and buffalo breeding for meat production

– obtaining bull semen for breeding


01.43       Breeding of horses and other ungulates



– breeding and selection of horses, donkeys, mules and mules


Does not include:

– activities of stables for racing and riding horses, part. 93.19


01.44 Breeding of camels and llamas



– breeding and reproduction of camels, llamas and other animals from the camel family


01.45 Breeding of sheep and goats



– breeding and reproduction of sheep and goats

– production of raw wool

– production of raw sheep’s or goat’s milk


Does not include:

– shearing of sheep for a fee, part. 01.62

– production of drawn wool, part. 10.11

– milk processing, part. 10.51










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01.46 Pig farming


Does not include:

– obtaining raw pig hides in slaughterhouses, part. 10.12


01.47 Poultry farming



– breeding and selection of poultry such as:

* chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, plovers, etc.

– egg production

– production of day-old chicks in incubators


Does not include:

– breeding of ostriches and other birds, part. 01.49

– production of feathers and down, part. 10.12


01.49 Breeding of other animals



– breeding of semi-domesticated and other animals:

* other birds, except poultry

* insects

* rabbit

– beekeeping and production of honey and beeswax

– breeding of animals for obtaining fur and production of raw fur

– rearing of deer and roe deer in pens

– obtaining raw untanned hides

– silkworm breeding and production of silkworm cocoons

– raising pets (except fish): cats, dogs, birds (parrots, canaries, etc.) and hamsters

– breeding of earthworms and snails

– breeding of unmentioned animals


Does not include:

– poultry breeding, part. 01.47

– service activities related to animal breeding, part. 01.62

– obtaining animal skins by hunting and trappering, part. 01.70

– breeding on frog farms, crocodile farms, etc., part. 03.21 and 03.22

– activity of ponds, part. 03.21 and 03.22

– obtaining raw hides in slaughterhouses, part. 10.12

– care and training of pets, part. 96.09


01.5              Mixed agricultural production


01.50 Mixed agricultural production


It includes the combined production of plants and animals, without specialized production of one or the other. The volume of production is not a decisive factor for determining the type of activity. If one of the productions, vegetable or livestock, exceeds 66% of the total income, then such activity is classified as vegetable or livestock.


Does not include:

– mixed cultivation of plants, part. 01.1 and 01.2

– mixed breeding of animals, part. 01.4


01.6              Service activities in agriculture and post-harvest activities


It includes accompanying activities in agricultural production, as well as activities similar to agricultural ones, which are not undertaken for the purpose of production (harvest/harvest) and are performed as a service, for a fee. It also includes post-harvest activities in order to prepare agricultural products for sale (cleaning, peeling, sorting).










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01.61 Service activities in the cultivation of crops and plantations



– services in the cultivation of crops and plantations for a fee:

* land preparation

* sowing and planting

* regular care of crops and plantings

* pollination of crops and plantings, including aerial pollination

* destruction of pests

* pruning fruit trees and vines

* transplanting rice, thinning beets, etc.

* harvest

– crop storage

– handling irrigation equipment

– maintenance of agricultural areas in good agricultural and ecological condition

– provision of agricultural machinery and supporting workforce


Does not include:

– post-harvest activities, part. 01.63

– soil drainage, part. 43.12

– landscape architecture, part. 71.11

– provision of business and professional agronomist advice, part. 74.90

– arrangement and maintenance of the environment, parks, gardens and green areas, part. 81.30

– organization of agricultural exhibitions and fairs, part. 82.30


01.62 Auxiliary activities in animal breeding



– animal breeding services for a fee:

* improving breeding and growth of animals and improving the quantity and quality of animal products

* artificial insemination, herd control, herd servicing, livestock admission, poultry capping, poultry house cleaning, etc.

* livestock and herd testing services

* sheep shearing

* accommodation and keeping of livestock

* shoeing


Does not include:

– issuing stables for housing animals, part. 68.20

– veterinary services and vaccination of animals, part. 75.00

– rental of animals, part. 77.39

– keeping and caring for pets (dog boarding houses, etc.), part. 96.09


01.63 Post-harvest activities



– preparation of products for the market (cleaning, peeling and sorting)

– cotton cleaning

– preparation of tobacco leaves and drying

– preparation of cocoa beans and peeling

– coating the fruit with wax


Does not include:

– preparation of agricultural products by the producer himself, part. 01.1, 01.2 and 01.3

– post-harvest activities aimed at improving seed quality, part. 01.64

– washing and re-drying of tobacco leaves, part. 12.00

– marketing and mediation of trade and cooperative organizations, part. 46.11

– wholesale trade in agricultural raw materials, part. 46.2


01.64 Processing of seeds


It includes all activities related to improving the quality of seed material, such as: cleaning, sorting and processing of seeds until sale, including genetically modified seeds.










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Does not include:

– growing plants for seed production, part. 01.1 and 01.2

– seed processing to obtain oil, part. 10.41

– research and development of new types of seeds, part. 72.11


01.7              Hunting, trappering and related service activities


01.70 Hunting, denim and related service activities



– supervision and care of wild animals

– hunting and trapping for commercial purposes

– catching wild animals for food, fur, skin, for research purposes, for

zoos or for pets

– processing of coarse leather, reptile or bird skin from hunted or trapped animals

– hunting marine mammals on the coast, such as walruses and seals


Does not include:

– obtaining skin, fur and feathers from animals raised on farms, part. 01.4

– game breeding on farms, part. 01.49

– whaling, part. 03.11

– obtaining raw hides from slaughtered animals in slaughterhouses, part. 10.11

– sport and recreational hunting, part. 93.19

– service activities related to the promotion of hunting and trapping, part. 94.99


02 Forestry and logging


The area includes the production of wood veneer and the collection of forest fruits.

Forestry includes the most necessary processing of felled trees in the forest (cutting branches, peeling,

production of round logs, logs and firewood). The activity is carried out in natural and planted forests. Further processing of wood and other assortments (sawing, impregnation, etc.), which

is usually not carried out in the forest but in special production units, belongs to area 16.

(Processing and processing of wood).

02.1 Forestry and other forestry activities

02.10 Forest cultivation and other forestry activities



– forestry: planting, planting, transplanting, thinning and protection of forests and forests


– raising low vegetation, raising plantations of cellulose wood and wood for firewood

– nursery business

The activity refers to wild and planted forests.


Does not include:

– growing New Year’s conifers, part. 01.29

– activity of other nurseries, part. 01.30

– collecting mushrooms and other wild forest fruits, part. 02.30

– production of chips and sawdust, part. 16.10


02.2              Cutting down trees


02.20 Cutting down trees



– felling of trees and production of assortments for the needs of the wood industry

– production of assortments that are used in unprocessed form, such as pit timber, TT poles, poles and stakes

– collection and production of trees for energy purposes

– collection and production of waste generated by felling trees for energy purposes

The products of these activities can be roundwood or dry branches for firewood.


Does not include:

– growing New Year’s conifers, part. 01.29

– growing forests and other forestry activities: planting, planting, transplanting, thinning and protection of forests and forest belts, part. 02.10

– collection of forest products, part. 02.30










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– production of chips and sawdust, part. 16.10

– production of charcoal by dry distillation of wood, part. 20.14


02.3              Collecting forest fruits


02.30 Collecting forest fruits



– collecting wild fruits: mushrooms, truffles, strawberries, blueberries, hazelnuts, chestnuts, etc.

– collection of uncultivated forest material: balat and other rubber resin, cork, lacquer, resin, balsam, acorn, wild chestnut, moss, lichen, etc.


Does not include:

– cultivation of forest products, except cork oak, part. 01

– growing mushrooms or truffles, part. 01.13

– cultivation of woody, bushy and stone fruit, part. 01.25

– collection of firewood, part. 02.20

– wood cutting and processing, part. 16.10

02.4              Service activities related to forestry


02.40 Service activities related to forestry


Includes forestry services for a fee:

– service activities in forestry:

* assessment of the forest fund, fire protection, etc.

* providing advice on forest management

* control of forest diseases and pests

– service activities related to forest exploitation:

* transport of logs within the forest, etc.


Does not include:

– activity of forest nurseries, part. 02.10

– drainage of forest land, part. 43.12

– cleaning and leveling of forest terrain, part. 43.12


03                            Fisheries and aquaculture


The area includes the catching and farming of fish and other aquatic organisms. Fishing includes catching sea or freshwater fish, crabs, molluscs, collecting and growing shellfish and other marine products (eg pearls, sponges, algae, etc.). This also includes the activity of ponds and the cultivation of other aquatic organisms.


Does not include:

– processing of fish, molluscs and shells, which is carried out in plants on land or in special floating factories for fish processing, part. 10.20

– construction and repair of ships and boats, part. 30.1 and 33.15

– sport or recreational fishing, part. 93.19


03.1              Fishing


The branch includes fishing in sea and inland waters, on a commercial basis, using fishing rods, nets, cages and other devices. The activity can be performed from a vessel or shore.


03.11 Sea fishing



– ocean, sea and coastal fishing, including whaling, on a commercial basis

– catch of marine and freshwater crustaceans and molluscs

– catch of aquatic animals: sea urchins, cuttlefish, turtles, cucumbers, etc.

– collection of marine organisms and products: sponges and natural pearls

– fish processing on fishing boats










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Does not include:

– hunting of marine mammals, except for whales, part. 01.70

– processing and conservation of marine mammals on processing ships, part. 10.11

– processing and preservation of fish, crustaceans, shells and molluscs that is not related to fishing, i.e. processing on ships equipped only for processing and preserving fish or in facilities on the coast, part. 10.20

– rental of crewed vessels, part. 50.10

– fishing inspection, control and watch, part. 84.24

– sport fishing, etc., part. 93.19


03.12 Freshwater fishing



– fishing on rivers and lakes, on a commercial basis

– catch of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs

– catch of freshwater animals

– collection of freshwater organisms and their products


Does not include:

– processing and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, part. 10.20

– fishing inspection, control and watch, part. 84.24

– sport fishing, etc., part. 93.19


03.2              Aquaculture


The branch includes the cultivation and hunting of aquatic organisms (fish, shellfish, molluscs, plants, crocodiles, amphibians, etc.) with the use of various procedures to improve the yield of these organisms in relation to the possibilities in the natural environment (e.g. nutrition and protection from other animals, etc. .).

Breeding refers to juveniles and adults. Cultivation and harvesting of aquatic organisms can take place in private or state ownership.


03.21 Marine aquaculture



– breeding of fish in sea water, including breeding of ornamental fish for aquariums

– production of young oysters, mussels, lobsters, shrimps and fish fry

– cultivation of sea lettuce and other edible seaweeds

– breeding and fattening of fish in seawater in tanks

– breeding and fattening of fish in sea ponds

– breeding of marine worms


Does not include:

– breeding of frogs and other amphibians, part. 03.22

– sport fishing, part. 93.19


03.22 Freshwater aquaculture



– breeding and fattening of fish in fresh water, including ornamental fish for aquariums

– breeding of shellfish, molluscs, amphibians and other animals in fresh water

– breeding of frogs

– services related to spawning and breeding of fish in ponds


Does not include:

– breeding of marine organisms for aquariums, part. 03.21

– sport fishing, part. 93.19










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SECTOR B                              MINING


Mining includes the exploitation of all types of mineral raw materials: solid (coal and ore), liquid (oil) and gaseous (natural gas). Under the exploitation of mineral resources is considered the performance of works on the opening, preparation and excavation of deposits, as well as the transport of mineral resources and the performance of other mining works in the country and on its surface – methods of surface and underground exploitation, as well as pumping. Exploitation of mineral raw materials is also considered to be the performance of works on the preparation of mineral raw materials, and in the exploitation of oil and natural gas also works on the separation of oil and gas, preparation of oil and gas in the exploitation field for transport and storage, separation of natural liquid gases (ethane, propane, butane and natural gasoline) in degassing plants and similar plants, as well as the transportation of these raw materials through collection pipelines and gas pipelines in the exploitation field. The preparation of mineral raw materials is considered to be all processes: crushing of mineral raw materials (crushing, sieving, grinding, grading), concentration and/or separation of useful minerals from tailings (manual or automatic selection, gravity, flotation, magnetic and electrostatic concentration, leaching of mineral raw materials and excavation and further preparation of the solution in order to concentrate useful components), dewatering the products of concentration or separation (thickening, filtering and

drying). Preparation of mineral raw materials includes all processes of consolidation of mineral raw materials and concentrates, separation of sand, gravel and stone, as well as processes of primary processing of decorative and other stones.

Mining activities are classified into areas, branches and groups, according to the main mineral, that is, the metal that is exploited. Areas 05 and 06 include exploitation of energy raw materials (coal, oil and natural gas), and areas 07 and 08 – exploitation of metal ores, other ores and stone. Certain technical activities in this sector can also be performed by third parties, ie specialized companies, as industrial services (area 09).


Does not include:

– processing of extracted raw materials from mines, sector C (Manufacturing industry)

– the use of unprocessed materials for the purpose of landscaping in construction, sector F

(Civil Engineering)

– bottling of drinking and mineral waters at springs and exploitation wells, i.e. boreholes, part 11.07

– crushing processes in order to further treat certain materials (clay, stone and other minerals) that are not performed in conjunction with mining operations, part. 23.9


05 Exploitation of coal


It includes underground and surface coal mining and mineral preparation processes

raw materials (cleaning, separation and others) that are carried out in the exploitation field in the goal
obtaining a marketable product.
It does not include the production of coke (part. 19.10), accompanying services during the exploitation of coal (part.

09.90), as well as oil briquettes (section 19.20).




Exploitation of hard coal and anthracite


05.10 Exploitation of hard coal and anthracite



– underground and surface exploitation of hard coal

– cleaning, separation and other operations of preparation of mineral raw materials with the aim of improving the quality or depositing and loading hard coal and anthracite

– utilization of small fractions of anthracite from tailings landfills


Does not include:

– exploitation of brown coal and lignite, part. 05.20

– exploitation of peat, part. 08.92

– service activities during coal mining, part. 09.90

– production of coke and other coking products, part. 19.10

– construction works during the construction of the mine, part. 43.12










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05.2              Mining of lignite and brown coal


05.20 Exploitation of lignite and brown coal



– underground and surface exploitation of lignite and brown coal

– cleaning, separation and other operations of preparation of mineral raw materials in order to improve the quality or depositing and loading of lignite and brown coal


Does not include:

– exploitation of hard coal and anthracite, part. 05.10

– exploitation of peat, part. 08.92

– service activities during coal mining, part. 09.90

– construction works during the construction of the mine, part. 43.12


06                            Exploitation of crude oil and natural gas


It includes the exploitation of crude oil, condensate and natural gas in the exploitation fields, the exploitation of oil shale (shale) and oil (tar) sands in the exploitation fields for the purpose of obtaining oil, as well as accompanying operations, up to the transportation of products outside the exploitation field.


Does not include:

– service activities in the exploitation of oil and natural gas, part. 09.10

– oil and gas research and production of exploratory wells, part. 09.10

– production of oil derivatives, part. 19.20

– geophysical surveys and creation of geological maps, part. 71.12


06.1               Exploitation of crude oil


06.10 Exploitation of crude oil



– exploitation of oil and oil-gas deposits

– procedures for extracting crude oil (decantation, desalination, dehydration, stabilization, etc.)

– exploitation of oil shale (shale) and oil (tar, bituminous) sands and crude oil extraction processes


Does not include:

– oil and gas research and production of exploratory wells, part. 09.10

– service activities in the exploitation of oil and natural gas, part. 09.10

– production of oil derivatives, part. 19.20

– extraction of liquefied petroleum gas in oil refineries, part. 19.20

– pipeline transport outside the exploitation field, part. 49.50


06.2              Extraction of natural gas


06.20 Exploitation of natural gas



– exploitation of natural gas

– extracting condensate

– drying and separation of liquid hydrocarbon fractions

– gas desulfurization

– liquefaction and regasification of natural gas


Does not include:

– oil and gas research and production of exploratory wells, part. 09.10

– service activities in the exploitation of oil and gas, part. 09.20

– extraction of liquefied petroleum gas in oil refineries, part. 19.20

– production of industrial gases, part. 20.11

– pipeline transport outside the exploitation field, part. 49.50










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07                            Exploitation of metal ores


It includes the exploitation of metallic mineral raw materials by methods of underground and surface exploitation. Exploitation includes the processes of preparation of mineral raw materials (shredding, flotation, leaching, dewatering, etc.), as well as the processes of sintering and calcination of concentrates in the exploitation field.


Does not include:

– roasting pyrite concentrate in order to obtain sulfuric acid, part. 20.13

– production of aluminum oxide from bauxite ore, part. 24.42

– operation of blast furnaces and furnaces for smelting ores and concentrates, part. 24


07.1               Exploitation of iron ore


07.10 Exploitation of iron ore



– exploitation of iron ores

– iron ore preparation processes

– agglomeration of iron ores in the exploitation field


Does not include:

– exploitation and preparation of pyrite and pyrrhotite ores, part. 08.91


07.2               Exploitation of other metal ores


It includes the exploitation of other metal ores.


07.21 Exploitation of uranium and thorium ores



– exploitation and preparation processes of uranium and thorium ores

– production of yellow cake


Does not include:

– enrichment of uranium and thorium ores, part. 20.13

– production of metallic uranium from uranium oxide, part. 24.46

– smelting and refining of uranium, part. 24.46


07.29 Exploitation of ores of other ferrous, non-ferrous, precious and other metals



– exploitation and preparation of other ores of ferrous, non-ferrous, light, alloying, precious and rare metals:

* manganese, chromium, titanium, vanadium, nickel, cobalt, bismuth, tungsten, tin, copper, molybdenum, lead and zinc, antimony, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lithium, rubidium and cesium, beryllium, strontium, niobium and tantalum, zirconium and hafnium, scandium, germanium, rhenium, thallium, gallium, cadmium, indium, selenium and tellurium, as well as a group of rare earth elements

* gold, silver and platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium and rhodium)


Does not include:

– exploitation and preparation of uranium and thorium ores, part. 07.21

– production of aluminum oxide from bauxite, part. 24.42

– production of nickel and copper sulfate, part. 24.44 and 24.45










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08                             Other mining


It includes the exploitation of ores, stones and raw materials for the production of building materials in mines, quarries, gravel pits (outside riverbeds), etc. The products are most often used in construction (sand, gravel, stone) as raw materials for the production of cement, bricks and other materials and chemicals (clay, marl, limestone and others).

It does not include further processing of ores and stones (except crushing, grinding, cutting, washing, drying, separation, mixing).


08.1               Exploitation of stone, sand, clay and other raw materials for building materials


08.11 Exploitation of building and decorative stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk



– exploitation, rough processing and cutting of construction and decorative stone (marble, granite, sandstone, etc.)

– breaking and crushing of decorative and construction stone

– exploitation, crushing and screening of limestone

– exploitation of gypsum and anhydrite

– exploitation of chalk and dolomite


Does not include:

– exploitation of raw materials for the chemical industry and production of mineral fertilizers, part.


– production of calcined dolomite lime, part. 23.52

– cutting, shaping and polishing of architectural stone outside the quarry, part. 23.70


08.12 Exploitation of gravel, sand, clay and kaolin



– exploitation of industrial sand, construction sand and gravel

– crushing and screening of gravel

– exploitation of construction sand

– exploitation of brick clay, refractory clay and kaolin


Does not include:

– exploitation of oil (bituminous, tar) sand, part. 06.10


08.9               Exploitation of other ores and stones


08.91 Exploitation of minerals, production of mineral fertilizers and chemicals



– exploitation of phosphorite and potassium salts

– exploitation of native sulfur

– exploitation of pyrite and pyrrhotite

– exploitation of barite and witerite (barium sulfate and barium carbonate), kizerite

(magnesium sulfate), borate (boron mineral)

– the exploitation of jadarite (sodium-boron-lithium silicate hydroxide) until the production of boric acid, lithium carbonate and sodium sulfate in the exploitation field using

process of preparation of mineral raw materials

– exploitation of natural pigments, fluorite and other minerals as raw materials for the chemical industry

– exploitation of guano


Does not include:

– exploitation of halite (sodium chloride), part. 08.93

– roasting of pyrite concentrate, part. 20.13

– production of artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, part. 20.15










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08.92 Exploitation of peat



– exploitation of peat

– primary processing of peat for quality improvement, easier storage or transport


Does not include:

– service activities in the exploitation of peat, part. 09.90

– production of peat briquettes, part. 19.20

– production of garden soil (mixture of peat, humus, sand, clay, fertilizers, etc.), part.


– production of peat products, part. 23.99


08.93 Exploitation of sodium chloride



– exploitation of halite (sodium chloride) from deposits, including dissolution and pumping

– production of salt by evaporation of sea water or other salty waters

– crushing, purification and refining of salt performed by the manufacturer


Does not include:

– salt processing to obtain edible salt, e.g. iodination without exploitation, part. 10.84

– production of drinking water by desalination of salt water, part. 36.00


08.99 Exploitation of other non-metallic ores and minerals



– exploitation of various minerals such as:

* abrasives, asbestos, fossil flour, graphite, talc, feldspar, etc.

* precious and semi-precious stones, quartz, mica, etc.

* natural asphalt and bitumen


09                            Service activities in mining and geological research


Includes specialized services in mining, for a fee. This includes mineral exploration services from prospecting to detailed deposit investigations, such as sampling and sample processing, exploratory drilling, production oil wells, hydrogeological and geomechanical testing, blasting in mines, construction of pit rooms, excavation and disposal of mine tailings. , as well as the transport of ore in the exploitation field to the plant for the preparation of mineral raw materials, etc.


09.1              Service activities related to exploration and exploitation of oil and gas


09.10 Service activities related to the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas



– services performed during exploration and exploitation of oil and gas for a fee:

* services for prospecting and detailed geological research

* exploratory drilling and execution of other works in conjunction with it

* liquefaction or regasification for the purpose of transport in the exploitation field

* drainage and pumping services for a fee

* test drilling related to oil and gas exploitation


Does not include:

– the listed activities performed by the holder of the authorization for the exploration or exploitation of an oil or gas field, part. 06.10 and 06.20

– servicing and maintenance of mining machines and devices, part. 33.12

– liquefaction or regasification performed during transport outside the exploitation field, part. 52.21

– engineering activities and technical consulting in geophysical, seismic and geological research, part. 71.12










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09.9              Service activities related to the exploration and exploitation of other ores


09.90 Service activities related to the exploration and exploitation of other ores


It includes the provision of services related to the exploitation of other ores and stones included in areas 05, 07 and 08 for a fee.



– services in the exploration of mineral raw materials

– blasting in mines

– construction of pit rooms

– excavation and disposal of mine overburden

– transport of ore on the exploitation field

– drainage and pumping

– exploratory drilling and sounding


Does not include:

– management of mines and quarries for a fee, part. 05, 07 and 08

– servicing and maintenance of mining machinery, part. 33.12

– engineering activities and technical consulting in geophysical, seismic and geological research, part. 71.12










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SECTORC                             MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY


It includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances or components into new products, although this cannot be used as a single criterion for defining a processing activity (see the note on waste processing that follows). The materials, substances or components that are transformed are raw materials that represent the products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, ore and stone extraction, as well as products of other processing activities. Substantial change, renewal or reconstruction of goods, in general, is considered a processing activity.

The final product (output) of the processing industry can be finished, in the sense that it is ready for use or consumption, or semi-finished, in the sense that it becomes an input for further industrial processing. For example. the output of aluminum refining is the input used in primary aluminum production; primary aluminum is the input for drawing aluminum wire; aluminum wire is an input for the production of fabricated wire products.

The production of specialized parts and components, as well as accessories for machines and equipment, is classified in the same class as the production of machines and equipment for which the parts and accessories are intended. The production of non-specialized parts and components of machines and equipment (eg engines, pistons, electric motors, electric assemblies, valves, gearboxes, ball bearings) is classified in the appropriate class of production regardless of the machines and equipment for which these products can be used. However, the manufacture of specialized components and accessories by molding or extrusion of plastic materials is included in branch 22.2. The assembly of components of industrial products is considered a manufacturing industry and includes the assembly of products from those of own production or from those that have been procured.

Waste recycling, i.e. processing of waste into secondary raw materials is classified in branch 38.3. As long as it involves physical or chemical transformations, it is not considered part of the processing industry. The primary purpose of these activities is the processing or treatment of waste and they are therefore classified in sector E. However, the production of new finished products (as opposed to the production of secondary raw materials) is classified as a manufacturing industry even if waste is used as an input in those processes. For example, the production of silver from waste film is considered a manufacturing process.

Specialized maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machinery and equipment is generally classified in area 33. However, repair of computers and products for personal and household use is classified in area 95, while repair of motor vehicles is classified in area 45.

Installation of machines and equipment, when performed as a specialized activity, is classified in group 33.20.



The border between the processing industry and other activities of the Classification is not clearly drawn. In general, the activities performed within the manufacturing industry involve the transformation of materials into new products. Their output is a new product. However, the definition of what constitutes a new product can be subjective. For the sake of clarification, we list the activities that are considered processing industry according to the Classification:

– processing of fresh fish (removing shellfish from the shell and making fish fillets), but not on fishing boats, part. 10.20

– pasteurization of milk and filling of bottles with milk, part. 10.51

– printing and accompanying activities, part. 18.1

– leather processing, part. 15.11

– tree protection, part. 16.10

– galvanizing, heat treatment of metals and polishing, part. 25.61

– reconstruction or processing of machines (eg car engines), part. 29.10

– processing of automobile tires, part. 22.11


On the contrary, there are activities/activities which, although they sometimes involve transformation processes, are classified in other areas of the Classification. Those are:

– felling of trees – sector A

– processing of agricultural products – sector A

– processing of ores and other minerals – sector B

– civil construction and related operations carried out on construction sites – sector F










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– packaging, repackaging or bottling of products such as alcoholic beverages or chemicals; waste sorting; mixing colors according to customer orders; metal cutting according to the customer’s order, which creates a modified version of the same product – sector G


10                            Production of food products


It includes the processing of agricultural, forestry and fishery products to obtain food for humans or animals, and the production of various intermediate products is also included. In this activity, there are often by-products of greater or lesser value (eg leather from slaughtering animals, oil cake from oil production, etc.).

The grouping in this area was done according to the types of products: meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, fats and oils, dairy products, mill products, animal feed, other food products and beverages. It can be produced for one’s own account or for someone else’s account (eg slaughtering on customer order).

Certain activities (e.g. those performed in bakeries, pastry shops or butchers who sell their products) are considered processing activities, even though it is a matter of retail trade in the products of producers who own their own shops. In cases where the processing is minimal and does not lead to a real transformation, the production unit is classified in the G sector.

Preparation of food for immediate use is classified in area 56.

Production of animal feed from slaughterhouse waste or other secondary products is classified in branch 10.9. The processing of residues and waste from the production of food and beverages into secondary raw materials is classified in branch 38.3, and the disposal of such waste in group 38.21.


10.1              Processing and preservation of meat and meat products


10.11 Meat processing and preservation


It includes the activity of slaughterhouses engaged in slaughtering, preparing and packing meat: beef,

pork, lamb, rabbit, mutton, etc.



– production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat with bones

– production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat in pieces

– slaughtering and processing of whales on land or on specialized (vessels) ships

– preparation of raw hides and skins from slaughterhouses

– production of edible animal fats

– processing of animal offal

– production of tabac (pulled) wool


Does not include:

– production of edible poultry fat, part. 10.12

– meat packaging, part. 82.92


10.12 Processing and preservation of poultry meat



– slaughtering, preparation and packaging of poultry

– production of fresh, chilled or frozen poultry meat

– production of edible poultry fat

– production of feathers and down


Does not include:

– packaging of poultry meat, part. 82.92


10.13 Production of meat products



– production of dried, salted or smoked meat

– production of meat products: sausage, salami, blood sausage and liver, salfalada,

pate, cooked ham, etc.










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Does not include:

– production of prepared meat dishes, part. 10.85

– production of prepared meat soups, part. 10.89

– wholesale trade in meat and meat products, part. 46.32

– packaging services, part. 82.92


10.2              Processing and canning of fish, crustaceans and molluscs


10.20 Processing and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs



– processing and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs by freezing, deep freezing, drying, cooking, smoking, salting, brining, canning, etc.

– production of fish, crustacean and mollusc products: boiled fish, fish fillets, roe,

caviar, substitutes for caviar, etc.

– production of food from fish and other aquatic organisms, for humans and animals

– the activity of ships that are exclusively engaged in processing and canning fish

– processing of marine vegetation


Does not include:

– processing and preservation of fish on fishing boats, part. 03.11

– whale processing on land or on specialized ships, part. 10.11

– production of oil and fat from marine animals, part. 10.41

– production of ready-made frozen fish dishes, part. 10.85

– production of fish soup, part. 10.89


10.3              Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables


10.31 Processing and preservation of potatoes



– processing and canning of potatoes:

* production of frozen potatoes

* production of dried potatoes for the preparation of puree

* production of french fries and similar products

* production of chips (crispy potatoes)

* production of flour, breadcrumbs, etc. from potatoes

* industrial peeling of potatoes


10.32 Production of fruit and vegetable juices



– production of fruit or vegetable juices

– production of concentrates from fresh fruits and vegetables


10.39 Other processing and canning of fruits and vegetables



– production of food in which the main ingredient is fruit or vegetables, except for ready meals,

frozen or canned

– preservation of fruit, stone fruits (nuts) or vegetables by freezing, drying,

putting it in oil or vinegar, putting it in cans, etc.

– production of food products from fruit or vegetables

– production of compote, jam, marmalade and fruit jelly

– frying of stone fruits (walnuts)

– production of spreads and other products from stone fruits (walnuts)

– production of perishable food from fruits or vegetables such as salads, mixed salads, etc.

– production of cleaned or sliced fruit

– production of soy cheese (tofu)










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Does not include:

– production of fruit and vegetable juices, part. 10.32

– production of flour or meal from dry pods, part. 10.61

– production of candied fruit and stone fruit, part. 10.82

– production of ready-made vegetable dishes, part. 10.85

– production of artificial concentrates, part. 10.89


10.4              Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats


It includes the production of crude and refined oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin,

except for the rendering and refining of bacon and other edible animal fats.


10.41 Production of oils and fats



– production of various types of crude vegetable oil: olive, soybean, palm,

sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, etc.

– production of defatted flour and meal by grinding oilseeds, oilseed fruits and oilstones, etc.

– production of refined vegetable oil

– vegetable oil processing

– production of inedible animal oils and fats

– production of fish oil and oil from marine mammals

– production of cotton linters (waste cotton fiber), oil cake and other by-products during oil production


Does not include:

– melting and refining of bacon and other edible animal fats, part. 10.11

– margarine production, part. 10.42

– wet grinding of corn

– production of corn oil, part. 10.62

– production of oil, fat and cocoa butter, part. 10.82

– production of essential oils, part. 20.53

– production of chemically modified oils and fats, part. 20.59


10.42 Production of margarine and similar edible fats



– margarine production

– production of margarine mixtures with additives and similar spreads

– production of mixed fats for cooking


10.5              Production of dairy products


10.51       Milk processing and cheese production



– production of fresh, pasteurized, sterilized and homogenized milk or processing of milk at high temperature

– production of milk drinks

– production of milk powder or condensed milk, sweetened or unsweetened

– production of sour cream

– butter production

– yogurt production

– production of cheese and cottage cheese

– whey production

– production of casein, milk sugar (lactose) and others.


Does not include:

– production of raw cow’s milk, part. 01.41

– production of raw milk (sheep, goat, horse, donkey, camel, etc.), part. 01.43, 01.44 and


– production of substitutes for milk, cheese, etc., part. 10.89










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10.52 Ice cream production



– production of ice cream and other edible frozen mixtures


Does not include:

– production of ice cream in pastry shops and ice cream machines, part. 56.10


10.6              Production of mill products, starch and starch products


It includes the grinding of grains or vegetables to obtain flour or meal, the grinding, cleaning and polishing of rice and the preparation of flour mixtures from these products. This also includes the wet grinding of corn and vegetables, as well as the production of starch and starch products.


10.61 Production of mill products



– grain milling: production of flour, semolina, groats or pellets from wheat, rye, oats,

corn and other types of grain

– rice processing: production of blanched, polished, glazed, partially cooked or converted rice

– production of breakfast cereals

– production of rice flour

– vegetable grinding: production of flour and meal from dried leguminous vegetables, roots and tubers

– production of flour mixture for making bread, cakes, small dry pastries,

pancakes, etc.


Does not include:

– production of flour and potato starch, part. 10.31

– wet grinding of corn, part. 10.62


10.62 Production of starch and starch products



– production of starch from rice, potatoes, corn, etc.

– wet grinding (maize)

– corn oil production

– production of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, etc.

– gluten production

– production of tapioca and substitutes for tapioca prepared from starch


Does not include:

– lactose production, part. 10.51

– production of cane or beet sugar, part. 10.81


10.7              Production of bakery products and pasta


It includes the production of bakery products, macaroni, noodles and similar products.


10.71 Production of bread, fresh pastries and cakes



– production of bakery products:

* bread and pastries

* sweets, cakes, pies, pancakes, waffles, rolls, etc.


Excludes production of:

– all long-lasting bakery products, part. 10.72

– pasta, part. 10.73

– bakery products for immediate consumption, part. 56










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10.72 Production of biscuits, biscuits, permanent pastries and cakes


It includes the production of:

– two-baked and “dry” bakery products

– biscuit

– canned dough products and canned cakes

– sweet or salty snacks (cookies, crackers, pretzels)

– wafers and cones


Does not include:

– production of chips and similar potato products, part. 10.31


10.73 Production of macaroni, noodles and similar flour products


It includes the production of:

– macaroni and noodles, cooked or uncooked, filled or unfilled

– couscous and others

– frozen or canned pasta


Does not include:

– production of ready meals with pasta, part. 10.85

– production of ready-made soups with pasta, part. 10.89


10.8              Production of other food products


It includes the production of sugar and sugar products, ready meals, coffee, tea, spices, as well as perishable food products and specialties.


10.81 Sugar production


It includes the production of:

– and refining sugar or sugar substitutes from cane, beet, maple, palm, etc. juices.

– sugar syrup

– molasses

– maple syrup and sugar


Does not include:

– production of glucose and syrup from glucose and maltose, part. 10.62


10.82 Production of cocoa, chocolate and confectionery products


It includes the production of:

– cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa fat, cocoa oil, etc.

– chocolates and chocolate candies

– confectionery products: caramel, nougat, fondant, white chocolate, etc.

– bubble gum

– candied fruits, stone fruits (nuts), peels from fruits and other parts of plants

– candy to ease health problems


Does not include:

– production of sucrose, part. 10.81


10.83 Processing of tea and coffee



– decaffeination and coffee roasting

– production of coffee products:

* ground coffee

* instant coffee (instant coffee)

* coffee extracts and concentrates

– production of substitutes for coffee

– production of tea blends and mate tea










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– packaging of tea, including packaging in bags

– production of tea from other plants (mate, chamomile, linden, etc.)

– production of extracts and preparations that contain tea or mate in their base

– production of herbal mixtures (mint, verbena, chamomile)


Does not include:

– growing tea on plantations, part. 01.27

– production of inulin, part. 10.62

– production of spirits, beer, wine and juices, part. 11

– production of herbal products for pharmaceutical use, part. 21.20


10.84 Production of spices and other food additives



– production of spices, sauces and other additives such as:

* mayonnaise

* flour and semolina from shallots

* prepared mustard, etc.

– production of vinegar

– processing raw salt into edible salt


Does not include:

– growing spices, part. 01.28

– extraction of salt, part. 08.93


10.85 Production of ready meals


It includes the production of ready meals (ie seasoned, cooked and prepared for consumption), frozen, vacuum-packed or canned. This group does not include the preparation of food for immediate consumption, such as in restaurants. To be considered a dish, this food must contain at least two different ingredients (excluding spices).


It includes the production of:

– ready-made dishes from various types of meat (canned food, etc.)

– fish dishes, including fish and chips

– vegetable dishes

– frozen national dishes and pizzas


Does not include:

– production of unbaked pizzas, part. 10.89

– production of fresh dishes or dishes with less than two ingredients (see the corresponding group in area 10)

– manufacture of perishable ready-made food (see 10.89)

– retail trade of ready meals in stores, part. 47.11 and 47.29

– wholesale trade in ready meals, part. 46.38

– preparation of food for immediate consumption (eg in restaurants), part. 56

– the activity of preparing and delivering food for a fee,

part 56.29


10.86 Production of homogenized nutritional preparations and dietetic food



– production of food for dietary purposes:

* baby food

* dairy and other complementary foods with special nutritional supplements

* baby food

* low-calorie foods and foods with a reduced caloric value intended for regulating body weight

* dietary food for special medical purposes

* sodium-reduced foods, including sodium-reduced or sodium-free diet salts

* gluten-free food

* food for use during strong physical efforts, especially for athletes










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* food for diabetics, etc.


10.89 Production of other food products



– production of soups and stews

– yeast production

– production of egg powder, albumin, etc.

– production of artificial honey and caramel

– production of baking powder

– production of honey products

– production of flavored syrups

– production of pectic substances

– production of perishable food such as:

* sandwiches

* fresh, unbaked pizza

– production of food supplements and other unmentioned foods

– production of extracts and juices from meat, fish, crustaceans or molluscs

– production of substitutes for cheese or milk

– production of albumin and other egg products

– production of artificial concentrates


Does not include:

– production of easily perishable dishes from fruits or vegetables, part. 10.39

– production of unbaked frozen pizza, part. 10.85

– production of spirits, beer, wine and soft drinks, part. 11


10.9              Production of ready feed for animals


10.91 Production of ready feed for domestic animals



– production of ready feed for domestic animals, including concentrates for animal nutrition

– production of unmixed fodder for cattle

– processing of slaughterhouse waste to obtain feed for animals


Does not include:

– production of fish food for animal nutrition, part. 10.20

– production of oil cakes, part. 10.41

– activities that produce waste that, although unprocessed, can be feed for animals, e.g. oilseed residues (section 10.41), grain milling residues (section 10.61) and the like.


10.92 Manufacture of ready-made food for pets



– production of food for pets (dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc.)

– processing of slaughterhouse waste to obtain food for pets


Does not include:

– production of fish food for animal nutrition, part. 10.20

– production of oil cakes, part. 10.41

– activities that produce waste that, although unprocessed, can be feed for animals, e.g. oilseed residues (section 10.41), grain milling residues (section 10.61) and the like.


11                            Production of beverages


It includes the production of all types of beverages: soft drinks and mineral water, fermented

of alcoholic beverages, beer, wine and production of distilled alcoholic beverages.










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Does not include:

– production of fruit and vegetable juices, part. 10.32

– production of milk-based beverages, part. 10.51

– processing of tea and coffee, part. 10.83


11.0               Production of beverages


11.01 Distillation, purification and mixing of beverages



– production of distilled alcoholic beverages: whiskey, brandy, gin, liqueur, etc.

– production of drinks mixed with distilled alcoholic beverages

– mixing of distilled spirit

– production of neutral spirits


Does not include:

– production of non-distilled alcoholic beverages, part. 11.02-11.06

– production of synthetic ethyl alcohol, part. 20.14

– bottling and labeling if performed as part of wholesale sales, part. 46.34, or if they are performed for a fee, part. 82.92


11.02 Production of grape wine



– wine production

– production of sparkling wines

– mixing, cleaning and bottling of the produced wine

– production of wine with a low percentage of alcohol or alcohol-free wine


Does not include:

– bottling and labeling if performed as part of wholesale sales, part. 46.34

– bottling and labeling if performed for a fee, part. 82.92


11.03 Production of beverages and other fruit wines



– production of fermented but undistilled alcoholic beverages from rice, apples,

pears and other fruits

– production of mead and mixed drinks containing fruit wines


Does not include:

– bottling and labeling if performed as part of wholesale sales, part. 46.34, and if they are performed for a fee, part. 82.92


11.04 Production of other non-distilled fermented beverages



– production of vermouth and similar drinks


Does not include:

– bottling and labeling if performed as part of wholesale sales, part. 46.34, and if they are performed for a fee, part. 82.92


11.05 Beer production



– production of malt beverages (beer, dark beer and strong dark beer)

– production of beer with low alcohol content


11.06 Production of malt


11.07 Production of refreshing drinks, mineral water and other bottled water


This group includes the production of non-alcoholic beverages (except non-alcoholic wine or beer).










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– production of mineral water and other bottled water

– production of refreshing drinks:

* non-alcoholic flavored or sweetened water (lemonade, orangeade, cola, fruit drinks,

tonic drinks, etc.)


Does not include:

– production of fruit and vegetable juices, part. 10.32

– production of milk-based drinks, part. 10.51

– processing of tea and coffee, part. 10.83

– production of alcoholic beverages, part. 11.01-11.05

– production of non-alcoholic wine, part. 11.02

– production of non-alcoholic beer, part. 11.05

– ice production, part 35.30

– bottling and labeling if performed as part of wholesale sales, part. 46.34, and if they are performed for a fee, part. 82.92


12                            Production of tobacco products


It includes the processing of tobacco to obtain the final product.


12.0               Production of tobacco products


12.00 Production of tobacco products



– production of tobacco products and substitutes for tobacco: cigarettes, tobacco for cigarettes, cigars,

pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc.

– production of homogenized or reconstituted tobacco


Does not include:

– growing tobacco or drying tobacco, part. 01.15 and 01.63


13                            Textile production


It includes preparation and spinning of textile fibres, finishing of fabrics (including garments), manufacture of finished textile products (eg bed linen, carpets, twine etc.) except clothing. The cultivation of natural fibers is classified in area 01, while the production of synthetic fibers is a chemical process classified in group 20.60. Clothing production is classified in area 14.


13.1              Preparation and spinning of textile fibers


13.10 Preparation and spinning of textile fibers


It includes fiber preparation and spinning. The raw material can be of different materials (e.g.

silk, wool, vegetable and animal fibers, artificial fibers, paper, glass, etc.).



– preparation of textile fibers:

* silk winding and washing

* degreasing and carbonization of wool and dyeing of wool

* carding and combing of all types of animal, vegetable and artificial fibers

– spinning and production of yarn and thread for weaving and sewing from any textile material, including mixtures, for sale or further production

* rubbing linen

* texturing, twisting, doubling, cabling and dyeing of yarns from artificial or synthetic filaments

– production of yarn for weaving, knitting, etc.

– production of paper yarn


Does not include:

– preparatory procedures related to agriculture, part. 01

– wetting plants to obtain fibers (jute, flax, coconut, etc.), part. 01.16

– cotton cleaning, part. 01.63










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– manufacture of synthetic or man-made fibers and cables and manufacture of monofilament yarn (including high strength yarn and carpet yarn) from synthetic or man-made fibres, part. 20.60

– production of glass fibers, part. 23.14


13.2              Production of fabrics


13.20 Production of fabrics


It includes the weaving of textile fibers. Yarn can be made of different materials (silk,

wool, vegetable and animal fibers, artificial fibers, paper, glass, etc.).


It includes the production of:

– wide fabrics made of cotton yarns, combed or drawn wool, artificial and synthetic yarns, silk yarns, etc.

– wide fabrics made of linen, raffia, hemp, jute yarn and yarn of other similar fibers and specific yarns

– woven boucle, jean-fabric, terrycloth, gauze, etc.

– glass fiber cloth

– fabric made of hydrocarbon and other artificial fibers

– imitation fur by weaving


Excludes production of:

– knitted and crocheted materials, part. 13.91

– textile floor coverings, part. 13.93

– closely woven fabrics, part. 13.96

– non-woven fabrics and felt, part. 13.99

– other textile items, part. 13.99


13.3              Textile finishing


13.30 Finishing textiles


It includes the finishing of textiles and clothing, e.g. bleaching, dyeing, refining, etc.



– bleaching and dyeing of textile yarns, fabrics and textile items, including clothing items

– finishing, finishing, drying, steaming, shrinking, repairing, sanforizing and mercerizing fabrics and textile items, including clothing items

– fabric pleating, impregnation, coating and rubberizing of clothes

– bleaching denim cloth

– impregnation, coating and gumming of fabrics

– printing on fabrics and clothes


Does not include:

– production of textile fabrics that are impregnated, coated, covered with rubber, where rubber is the main ingredient, part. 22.19


13.9               Production of other textiles


It includes the manufacture of textile products, except for clothing,         eg: ready-made textile items, carpets and rugs, ropes, densely woven fabrics, accessories, etc.



13.91 Production of knitted and crocheted materials



– production of knitted and crocheted fabrics:

* elastic and pleated fabrics

* burlap and terry fabric

* mesh and window fabrics, knitted on raschel or similar machines










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* other knitted and crocheted fabrics

– production of imitation leather by knitting


Does not include:

– production of mesh fabrics and fabrics made of lace and intended for laying-

her to the windows, part. 13.99

– production of knitted and crocheted clothing, part. 14.39


13.92 Manufacture of finished textile products, except clothing



– production of finished products from any textile material, including products from knitted or crocheted fabrics:

* blankets and travel covers

* bed linen, table, toilet and kitchen linen

* blankets, quilts, pillows, cushions, sleeping bags, etc.

– production of finished products for furnishing rooms:

* curtains, blinds, blinds, bed covers, furniture or machine covers, etc.

– production of tarps, tents, camping products, sails, umbrellas, car covers, etc.:

* flag, pennant, pennant, etc.

* dust cloth, for dishes and similar items, life belts, parachutes, etc.

– production of hand-woven tapestries

– production of textile parts for electric blankets


Does not include:

– production of textile items for technical use, part. 13.96


13.93 Production of carpets and floor coverings



– production of textile coverings for the floor: carpets, tarpaulins, asura, etc.

– production of needle felt floor coverings


Does not include:

– production of floor coverings – from cork, rubber or plastic materials, even if their base is made of textiles, part. 16.29

– production of mats and blankets from knitted materials, part. 16.29

– production of linoleum or other hard floor coverings, part. 22.23


13.94 Manufacture of ropes, twine, braids and nets



– production of braids, cords, ropes and ropes (cables) from textile fibers, tapes or similar materials, regardless of whether they are impregnated, coated, covered or coated with rubber or plastic mass

– production of knotted nets from twisted thread, ropes or twine

– production of rope or net products: fishing nets, fenders for ships, cushions for unloading, load loops, ropes and ropes equipped with metal rings, etc.

Does not include:

– production of hairnets, part. 14.19

– production of wire cables, part. 25.93

– production of sport fishing nets, part. 32.30


13.95 Manufacture of non-woven textiles and articles thereof, except clothing


It includes all activities related to the production of textiles or textile products not mentioned in areas 13 or 14, including the large number of processes and the variety of goods that are produced.










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13.96 Production of other technical and industrial textiles



– production of tapes, closely woven fabrics and those assembled on a base without a weft joined by glue

– production of metallised yarn and hemming tapes, rubber threads twisted with textile material, textile yarn or tapes covered, impregnated, coated or coated with rubber or plastics

– production of cord fabric of high strength, from artificial yarn, for vehicle tires

– production of various casings, transmission belts (reinforced with metal or other material or not), sieve cloth, filtering cloth, etc.


Excludes production of:

– transport or transfer belts made of rubberized fabric, where the main constituent part is made of rubber, part. 22.19

– plate and foil made of cellular rubber or plastic, combined with textiles only for reinforcement, part. 22.19 and 22.21

– knitted fabrics made of metal wire, part. 25.93


13.99 Production of other textile items



– felt production

– production of tulle and other net fabrics or lace in the meter, strips or in the motifs of embroidered fabrics

– production of pressure-sensitive textile tapes

– production of textile shoelaces

– production of women’s fingerless gloves and powder pads


Does not include:

– production of floor coverings, part. 13.93

– production of cellulose wadding and products from it: towels, tampons, etc., part. 17.22


14                            Production of clothing items


It includes the production of all types of ready-made garments or tailor-made garments, from any material (leather, fabric, knitted materials, etc.): underwear for men, women or children; clothes for work, entertainment, etc. There is no difference between adult clothing and children’s clothing, or between modern and traditional clothing. Area 14 also includes the fur industry (fur coats and fur clothing).


14.1              Manufacture of clothing, except fur


It includes the production of clothing from any material that can be coated, rubberized or impregnated.


14.11 Production of leather clothing



– production of leather or imitation leather clothing, including leather accessories such as trouser belts, etc.


Excludes production of:

– fur clothes, part. 14.20

– leather sports equipment, part. 32.30

– fireproof and protective clothing, part. 32.99

14.12 Production of work clothes


Does not include:

– footwear production, part. 15.20

– production of fire-resistant and protective clothing, part. 32.99

– repair of clothing items, part. 95.29










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14.13 Production of other clothing



– production of other clothing made of materials such as woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, non-woven textiles, etc., for men, women and children (coats, suits, sets, jackets, trousers, skirts, etc.)

– sewing to order

– production of clothing parts


Does not include:

– production of fur clothing (except headgear), part. 14.20

– production of glued clothing from rubber or plastic, part. 22.19 and 22.29

– production of fire-resistant and protective clothing, part. 32.99

– repair of clothing items, part. 95.29


14.14 Production of linen



– production of underwear from materials such as woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, lace, etc., for men, women and children:

* shirts, panties, pajamas, nightgowns, dressing gowns, blouses, overalls, bras,

corsets, etc.


Does not include:

– repair of clothing items, part. 95.29


14.19 Production of other clothing items and accessories



– production of sets for babies, tracksuits, ski suits, bathing suits, etc.

– production of hats and caps

– production of other clothing accessories: gloves, belts, scarves, bows, ties,

hair net, etc.

– production of fur headdresses

– production of textile shoe uppers

– production of clothing accessories


Does not include:

– production of sports headgear, part. 32.30

– production of protective headgear (except sports), part. 32.99

– production of fire-resistant and protective clothing, part. 32.99

– repair of clothing items, part. 95.29


14.2              Production of fur products


14.20 Production of fur products



– production of fur products:

* fur clothing and accessories made of natural and artificial fur

* items made of unused fur (upholstery, rugs, patchwork, etc.)

* various fur products (mats, industrial polishing cloths, etc.)


Does not include:

– breeding of animals that have fur, part. 01.4 and 01.70

– raw leather production, part. 10.11

– production of imitation fur (with real hair, woven or knitted), part. 13.20 and 13.91

– production of fur head coverings, part. 14.19

– production of clothing items decorated with fur, part. 14.19

– skin coloring, part. 15.11

– production of boots and shoes with fur parts, part. 15.20










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14.3               Production of knitted and crocheted clothing


14.31 Production of knitted and crocheted socks



– production of socks, tights and socks


14.39 Production of other knitted and crocheted clothing



– production of knitted and crocheted pullovers, vests, sweaters, etc.


Does not include:

– production of knitted and crocheted fabrics, part. 13.91

– production of socks, part. 14.31


15                            Production of leather and leather goods


It includes tanning and finishing, dyeing and processing of leather, as well as production of final leather products. It also includes the manufacture of artificial leather products, which are included here because they are made in a similar way to leather products (eg luggage) and are often produced in the same production unit.


15.1               Leather tanning and finishing; production of passenger and hand bags and belts; fur finishing and dyeing


This branch includes the production of leather and fur, as well as their products.


15.11 Tanning and finishing of leather; fur finishing and dyeing



– tanning, dyeing and finishing of leather

– production of suede, parchment, varnished or metallized leather

– production of composite leather on a natural basis

– processing of fur and leather with hair: scraping, combing, tanning, bleaching, shearing,

plucking and dyeing


Does not include:

– raw leather production, part. 01.4

– production of raw hide in slaughterhouses, part. 10.11

– production of leather clothing, part. 14.11

– production of imitation leather that is not based on natural leather, part. 22.19 and 22.29


15.12 Production of travel and handbags, etc., handicraft products and belts



– production of suitcases, handbags and similar items from leather, artificial leather or materials such as plastic films, textiles, vulcan fiber and cardboard, if the same technology as for leather is applied

– production of Sarak products and belts

– production of watch straps from non-metallic materials

– production of various items made of leather or artificial leather: drive belts,

gaskets, etc. for technical purposes

– production of leather saddlery and riding equipment

– production of leather shoelaces



Does not include:

– production of leather clothing, part. 14.11

– production of leather gloves and headgear, part. 14.19

– footwear production, part. 15.20

– production of bicycle seats, part. 30.92

– production of straps for wristwatches made of precious metals, part. 32.12










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– production of straps for wristwatches from non-precious materials, part. 32.13

– production of protective work belts, part. 32.99


15.2               Footwear production


15.20 Footwear production



– production of footwear for all purposes and from all materials, made by any process,

including molding

– production of footwear parts: upper parts, outer and inner soles, heels, etc.

– production of kamašni, etc. products


Excludes production of:

– upper parts of textile footwear, part. 14.19

– wooden parts for footwear (eg heels and moulds), part. 16.29

– rubber parts for footwear, part. 22.19

– plastic parts for footwear, part. 22.29

– ski shoe, part. 32.30

– orthopedic shoes, part. 32.50


16                            Wood processing and products made of wood, cork, straw and wicker, except furniture


It includes the production of wood products (eg boards, panels, veneers, crates, parquet, cladding, prefabricated wooden houses, etc.). The manufacturing process includes sawing, planing, cutting, profiling, laminating and assembling wood products, starting with round wood that is sawn, or sawn timber that can be cut further to produce planks, slats and other shapes. Sawn timber or other shaped wood can later be scraped or planed and assembled into finished products.

Manufacturers are classified into groups according to the type of product. Sawmills are not classified here.


Does not include:

– furniture production, part. 31.0

– assembly of wooden parts of equipment, etc., part. 43.32, 43.33 and 43.39


16.1              Cutting and wood processing


16.10 Cutting and wood processing



– wood processing and cutting

– sawing, turning and processing wood with machines

– production of wooden railway sleepers

– production of profiled wooden products

– production of unassembled timber for plastering

– production of wood wool, wood flour, wood chips, wood chips, etc.

– drying of wood

– impregnation or chemical treatment of wood with the use of protective agents or other materials


Does not include:

– cutting logs and rough processing of wood in the forest, part. 02.20

– production of veneer, plywood, layered, fibrous and chipboard, part. 16.21

– production of shingles and hewn wood, part. 16.23

– production of wood briquettes for burning, part. 16.29


16.2               Production of wood, cork, wicker and straw products


It includes the production of wood, cork, wicker and straw products.










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16.21 Production of wood veneers and panels



– production of veneer that is thin enough to be used for veneering,

covering chipboards or for other purposes:

* sanded, painted, coated, impregnated veneer sheets

* veneer in the form of a pattern

– production of bonded, veneered, etc. plate

– production of medium density boards (MFD) and other fiber boards

– production of chipboards

– production of fiber boards

– production of layered and compressed wood

– production of glued wood and laminated veneer


16.22 Parquet production


It includes the production of wood parquet, laminated parquet and strips.


Does not include:

– production of unassembled wooden floorboards, part. 16.10


16.23 Production of other building joinery and elements



– production of wood products intended primarily for use in construction:

* beams, wood for rafters (roof), roof structures, etc.

* wooden roof supports, prefabricated, laminated with glue and connected with metal

* doors, windows, shutters and their frames, whether or not they contain metal parts of equipment such as hinges, locks, etc.

* steps, fences, etc.

* shingles, split (hewn) wood, moulds, models and decorations made of wood

– production of prefabricated houses or elements primarily made of wood, e.g. sauna

– production of mobile homes

– production of walls and partitions from wood (except those that can stand independently)


Does not include:

– production of kitchen sets, bookshelves, wardrobes, etc., part. 31.01,

31.02 and 31.09

– production of free-standing wood products, part. 31.0


16.24 Production of wooden packaging


It includes the production of:

– crates, boxes, crates and similar wooden packaging

– pallets, box-pallets and other wooden mounting surfaces

– barrels, barrels, vats and other wooden cooper products

– coils for cables, etc. from wood


Excludes production of:

– passenger haberdashery, part. 15.12

– chest made of wicker material (wicker), part. 16.29

16.29 Manufacture of other products from wood, cork, straw and wicker



– production of various wood products:

* wooden handles and parts for tools, brooms, brushes, etc.

* wooden molds for shoes, wooden hangers, etc.

* wooden utensils for kitchen use; wall and standing racks for suits and hats

* wooden statuettes and ornaments, marquetry and wood inlays

* wooden jewelry boxes, cutlery, etc. products

* wooden spools, bobbins for sewing thread and similar products made of scraped wood

* other wooden items

– natural cork processing

– production of products from natural or agglomerated cork (including floor coverings and stoppers)










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– production of braids and products from braiding materials: straw, wicker, cane, etc.

– production of baskets and other wicker goods

– production of fire briquettes made from compressed wood or substitutes such as coffee or soybeans

– production of wooden frames for pictures and mirrors

– production of frames for paintings

– production of wooden parts of footwear (e.g. heels or molds)

– production of holders for umbrellas, walking sticks, etc.

– production of parts for pipes


Does not include:

– production of mats, rugs and curtains from textile material, part. 13.92

– production of wooden suitcases, part. 15.12

– production of wooden shoes and soles, part. 15.20

– production of matches, part. 20.51

– production of watch boxes, part. 26.52

– production of wooden spools, lids, bobbins, coils that are part of the textile industry, part. 28.94

– furniture production, part. 31.0

– production of wooden toys, part. 32.40

– production of brushes and brooms, part. 32.91

– production of coffins, part. 32.99

– production of support sticks and handles for wooden umbrellas, part. 32.99

– life belts made of cork for water, 32.99


17 Production of paper and paper products


This area includes the production of cellulose fibers, paper and converted paper

products. The production of these products is grouped together because of what they represent

a series of related production processes. In one production unit, more than

one activity.

There are basically three activities: the production of cellulose fibers involves the separation of cellulose fibers from other materials in wood or used paper and the mixing of reagents in small quantities to strengthen the binding of the fibers. Papermaking involves releasing the pulp onto a moving wire bed to form a continuous sheet. Converted paper products are made from paper and other materials using different techniques.
Paper products can be printed (eg wallpaper, decorative wrapping paper, etc.)

if printing information is not the main purpose of the activity.

Production of pulp, paper and cardboard is included in branch 17.1, while other groups include production of further processed paper and paper products.
17.1 Production of pulp, paper and cardboard


17.11 Production of cellulose fibers



– production of bleached, semi-bleached and unbleached wood pulp by mechanical and chemical methods

(with or without dissolution) or by a semi-chemical process

– production of cellulose from cotton fibers, etc.

– removal of printing ink and production of pulp from waste paper


17.12 Production of paper and cardboard



– production of paper and cardboard intended for further industrial processing

– further processing of paper and cardboard:

* coating, covering and impregnating paper and cardboard

– production of creped and pleated paper

– production of handmade paper

– production of newsprint and other paper for printing and writing

– production of cellulose wadding and fabrics from cellulose fibers

– production of carbon and self-copying paper in rolls or larger boards










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Excludes production of:

– corrugated paper and cardboard, part. 17.21

– further processing of objects made of paper and cardboard, part. 17.22, 17.23, 17.24 and 17.29

– sandpaper, part. 23.91

– coated or impregnated paper, where the coating or impregnated paper is a significant constituent part (classified in the activity to which the coating belongs)


17.2              Production of paper and cardboard items


17.21 Production of corrugated paper and cardboard and packaging from paper and cardboard


It includes the production of:

– corrugated paper and cardboard

– packaging made of corrugated paper and cardboard

– paper and cardboard packaging

– collapsible cardboard packaging

– solid cardboard packaging

– sack and paper bag

– office binders, maps and similar products


Excludes production of:

– envelope, part. 17.23

– shaped and pressed articles made of paper pulp (eg cardboard for egg packaging, paper plates made of modeled cellulose), etc., as well as articles made of corrugated paper and cardboard, part. 17.29


17.22 Production of paper articles for personal and household use



– production of paper items for personal and household use and cellulose wadding products:

* makeup remover slip

* handkerchief, napkin and napkin

* toilet paper

* sanitary napkins and tampons, diapers for babies

* cup, bowl, tray, etc.

– production of textile wadding and items made of wadding: sanitary napkins and tampons


Does not include:

– production of cellulose wadding, part. 17.12


17.23 Production of office items from paper



– production of ready-to-use printing and writing paper

– production of paper for computer printing

– production of self-copying paper ready for use

– production of duplicating matrices and ready-to-use carbon paper

– production of ready-to-use rubberized and sticky paper

– production of envelopes and stationery

– production of maps

– production of office and school supplies such as notebooks, notebooks,

notebooks, pads, forms, etc.

– production of boxes, bags and notebooks for office use


Does not include:

– printing on paper products, part. 18.1



17.24 Wallpaper production



– production of paper wall coverings and wall coverings, including plastic covered wall coverings and textile wall coverings










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Does not include:

– production of paper and cardboard, part. 17.12

– production of plastic wallpaper, part. 22.29


17.29 Production of other paper and cardboard products



– production of labels (stickers)

– production of filter paper and cardboard

– production of bobbins, spools, bobbins, etc. from paper and cardboard

– production of egg boxes and other packaging products from pressed cardboard

– production of cards for jacquard machines

– making decorative and other paper items


Does not include:

– production of playing cards and other games from paper and cardboard, part. 32.40


18                            Printing and duplicating audio and video recordings


It includes the printing of products such as magazines, books, periodicals, business forms, greeting cards and other materials, as well as related ancillary activities, e.g. binding books, creating graphic matrices, preparing data for printing, etc. The processes used in printing include a number of methods for transferring content from a matrix or screen to a medium through lithographic, gravure, screen or flexographic printing.

The final printed product (bound and bound book, graphic matrix, computer disk or file) is almost always the product of these processes.

Printing also includes various methods of transferring images from a graphic matrix, screen or computer file to media such as paper, plastic, metal, textiles or wood. The most significant transfer of images is from a graphic matrix or screen image to media (lithography, engraving, letterpress, intaglio, screen printing, etc.). New technology is increasingly being used where a computer program directly controls the printing machine, as well as new electrostatic and other equipment (digital or non-mechanical printing).

Although printing and publishing may be performed by the same unit (a newspaper publisher, for example), it is increasingly rare for these different activities to be performed in the same physical location.

This sector also includes duplication of recorded record carriers, e.g. records, CDs,

DVD-ova, video-cassette, etc.


It does not include publishing activities, section J.


18.1               Printing and printing services


It includes the printing of newspapers, books, periodicals, business forms, greeting cards and other materials, and operations related to printing such as binding books, making graphic matrices and preparing data for printing. Printing can be done with different techniques and on different materials.


18.11 Newspaper printing



– printing of newspapers and other periodicals published at least four times a week


Does not include:

– publication of printed materials, part. 58.1

– photocopying of documents, part. 82.19










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18.12 Other printing



– printing of magazines and other periodical publications that come out less than four times a week

– printing of books and brochures, sheet music, maps, atlases, posters, playing cards, advertising catalogs, prospectuses and other printed advertisements, postage and tax stamps, ownership documents, checks and other securities, registers, albums, diaries, calendars , business forms and other commercial materials, personal permanent paper documents and other printed materials, printed on printing machines using impressions, offset machines, photogravure machines, flexographic machines and other printing machines, on duplicating machines, computer printers and photocopiers and thermocopiers

– printing of labels, “smart” cards and stickers

– direct printing on textiles, wood, ceramics, metal, glass and plastic (e.g. on bags)


Does not include:

– silk printing on textiles and clothing, part. 13.30

– production of office and school supplies such as notebooks, notebooks,

deadlines and forms, part. 17.23

– publishing activity, part. 58.1

– photocopying, part. 82.19


18.13 Press preparation services



– data entry activity: preparation of printing forms, adjustment of text and image layout, input data, including scanning and recognition of optical features, electronic layout, text and image arrangement on film, photographic and plain paper, data entry for printing, including scanning and optical reading

– document formatting and other preparatory operations for printing

– preparation of digital data, enlargement, selection, connection of data on magnetic media

– preparation and processing of data for multimedia use

– computer design of printed products

– preparation of printed compositions for all types of printing (flexographic, plastic,

photopolymer, polymer and lithographic plates, screens and templates)

– preparation for relief printing

– engraving and engraving of cylinders and plates for engraving

– preparation of lithographic plates

– graphic works such as Braille embossing or relief printing, punching,

perforating, laminating, inserting, embossing, etc.

– production of reprographic products

– design of printed products, corrections, etc.


Does not include:

– specialized design activities, part. 74.10


18.14 Bookbinding and related services



– final procedures after printing, binding of books, brochures, magazines and catalogs using different technological procedures, cutting, folding, binding, final binding (also with plastic).

– preparation and production of the main project, sketches, samples, models and other reprographic products

– finishing works on assembling printed sheets into books, brochures, magazines, catalogs, etc., which are performed by folding, assembly, quilting, felting, gluing, hemming, etc.; gold-printing

– final works on printed paper or cardboard such as business forms, labels, calendars, advertising materials, prospectuses, etc., which are performed by folding, gluing, drilling, perforating, modeling in relief, coating with plastic, etc.

– final works on CDs and DVDs

– other finishing works (painting, embossing, marking)

– final postal services (standardization and preparation of envelopes)










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18.2               Duplication of recordings


18.20 Duplication of recorded records



– duplicating sound recordings

– duplication of film and other video recordings from the master

– duplication of software and data from the master to CDs and tapes


Does not include:

– duplication of printed material, part. 18.11 and 18.12

– release of software (computer program packages), part. 58.2

– production and distribution of films, videos and transfer to DVD and other media, part. 59.11-59.13

– duplication of films for public distribution, part. 59.12

– production of masters for gramophone records or audio material, part. 59.20


19                            Production of coke and petroleum derivatives


It includes the processing of crude oil and coal and products from which energy is obtained. The predominant process is oil refining and it involves the separation of crude oil into its component parts using cracking and fractional distillation processes. This includes the production of significant products for own account (eg coke, butane, propane, gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, etc.), as well as processing services, eg. custom refining.

This also includes gas production, e.g. ethane and butane, as products of the oil refinery.


Does not include:

– production of industrial gases, part. 20.11

– extraction of natural gas (methane, ethane, propane and butane), part. 06.20

– production of pure chemical compounds of oil refining products, part. 20

– production of industrial gases, part. 20.11

– production of 100% pure gaseous hydrocarbons, part. 20.14

– gas production for supply needs (coking gas, water gas, generator gas,

biogas, etc.), part. 35.21


The production of petrochemical products from refined oil is classified in area 20.


19.1              Production of coking products


19.10 Production of coking products



– activity of coke ovens

– production of coke and semi-coke

– production of coke gas

– production of pitch coke

– gas production from coke from blast furnaces

– production of raw coke and tar from coal

– coke agglomeration


Does not include:

– production of briquettes from coal fuel, part. 19.20


19.2               Production of oil derivatives


19.20 Production of oil derivatives


It includes the production of liquid and gaseous fuels and other products of fractional distillation of crude oil, bituminous materials, etc. Oil refining includes one or more activities such as separation, distillation and cracking:


– production of motor fuels (gasoline, kerosene, etc.)

– production of light, medium and heavy fuels, refinery gases such as ethane,

propane, butane, etc.

– production of base lubricating oils and fats, including those from waste oils

– production of products for the petrochemical industry and road surfacing










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– production of various products such as white spirit, vaseline and paraffin wax

– production of oil briquettes

– mixing of biofuels; mixing alcohol with oil (gasohol)


20                            Production of chemicals and chemical products


It includes the processing of organic and inorganic raw materials using chemical processes. Here we distinguish between the production of basic chemicals, which make up the first group, and the production of intermediate and final products, which make up the remaining industrial groups, and are produced by further processing of basic chemicals.


20.1               Production of basic chemicals, artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastic and synthetic materials


It includes the production of basic chemicals, artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds,

plastic and synthetic masses in primary forms.


20.11 Production of industrial gases



– production of liquid or compressed industrial or medical gases:

* individual gases

* liquid or compressed air

* cooling gases

* mixed industrial gases

* inert gases such as carbon dioxide

* gases for insulation, etc.


Does not include:

– extraction of methane, ethane, propane or butane, part. 06.20

– production of fuel gases such as ethane, propane and butane in oil refineries, part. 19.20

– production of gases from coal, waste, etc., part. 35.21


20.12 Production of means for preparing colors and pigments



– production of means for making colors and pigments of any origin, in basic form or as a concentrate

– production of products used as fluorescent agents or luminescents


Does not include:

– production of prepared colors and pigments, part. 20.30


20.13 Production of other basic inorganic chemicals


It includes the production of chemicals using basic processes. The output from these processes is usually represented by separate chemical elements or separate chemically defined compounds.



– production of chemical elements (except industrial gases and basic metals)

– production of inorganic acids, except nitric acid

– production of alkali, lye and other inorganic bases, except for ammonia

– production of other inorganic compounds

– roasting of iron pyrites

– production of distilled water

– production of enriched uranium and thorium


Does not include:

– production of industrial gases, part. 20.11

– production of nitrogen fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, part. 20.15

– production of ammonia, part. 20.15

– production of potassium nitrite and nitrate, part. 20.15

– production of ammonium carbonate, part. 20.15

– production of flavored distilled water, part. 20.53

– production of base metals (see area 24)










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20.14 Production of other basic organic chemicals


It involves the production of chemicals using basic processes such as thermal cracking and distillation. The output from these processes is usually represented by separate chemical elements or separate chemically defined compounds.



– production of other basic organic chemicals:

* saturated and unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons

* saturated and unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons

* acyclic and cyclic alcohol, including synthetic ethyl alcohols

* monocarboxylic and polycarboxylic acids, including acetic acid

* other compounds with an oxygen group, including aldehydes, ketones, quinones and organic compounds with double or polyoxygen groups

* organic compounds with a nitrogen group, including amines

* other organic compounds, including products of dry distillation of wood (eg charcoal) and others.

– production of synthetic aromatic products

– production of tar from coal

– rennet production

– production of synthetic glycerin


Does not include:

– production of plastics in primary forms, part. 20.16

– production of synthetic rubber in primary forms, part. 20.17

– production of crude glycerin, part. 20.41

– production of natural essential oils, part. 20.53

– production of salicylic and acetylsalicylic acid, part. 21.10


20.15 Production of artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds



– production of artificial fertilizers:

* simple or complex nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium artificial fertilizers

* urea, raw natural phosphates and raw natural potassium salts

– production of nitrogenous compounds:

* nitric acid and sulphonitric acid, ammonia, ammonium chloride, potassium nitrite and nitrate, triammonium phosphate and ammonium carbonate

– production of soil for growing flowers, with peat as the main ingredient

– production of soil mixtures for growing flowers, made of natural soil, sand,

clay and minerals


Does not include:

– extraction of guano, part. 08.91

– production of agrochemical products such as pesticides, part. 20.20


20.16 Production of plastics in primary forms


It includes the production of resin, plastics and non-vulcanized thermoplastic elastomers and resin mixtures according to the customer’s order, as well as the production of synthetic resin in a non-standard way:

– production of plastics in primary forms:

* polymers, including polymers of ethylene, propylene, styrene, vinyl chloride,

vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinyl alcohol and acrylate

* polyamide

* phenolic and epoxy resins and polyurethanes

* alkyd and polyester resins and polyether

* silicone

* polymer-based ion exchangers, etc.

– production of cellulose and chemical derivatives of cellulose


Does not include:

– production of artificial and synthetic fibers, filaments and yarns, part. 20.60

– crushing of plastic waste, part. 38.32










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20.17 Production of synthetic rubber in primary forms


It includes the production of:

– synthetic rubber in primary forms, or in the form of plates, sheets and strips

– a mixture of synthetic rubber and natural rubber or rubber-like rubber (e.g. balata)


20.2               Production of pesticides and chemicals for agriculture


20.20 Production of pesticides and chemicals for agriculture


It includes the production of:

– insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides and acaricides

– anti-sprouting agents and agents for plant growth regulation

– chemical for agriculture

– biocidal products

– disinfectants for use in agriculture and other ways of use


Does not include:

– production of rennet, part. 20.14

– production of artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, part. 20.15

– production of cleaning products that do not have a biocidal effect, part. 20.41


20.3               Production of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, graphic paints and putties


20.30 Production of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, graphic paints and putties


It includes the production of:

– paints, varnishes, enamels and lacquer-paints

– prepared pigments, opaque colors and paints

– prepared agents for clouding and coloring, vitreous enamel, glazes, coatings and similar preparations

– whales

– sealing compounds and similar non-refractory means for sealing and surface coating (putty, etc.)

– complex organic solvents and thinners

– prepared means for removing paints, varnishes, etc.

– graphic colors


Excludes production of:

– colors and pigments, part. 20.12

– inks and brushes for writing and drawing, part. 20.59


20.4               Production of detergents, soaps, other cleaning and polishing agents, perfumes and toilet preparations


20.41 Production of detergents, soaps, cleaning and polishing agents


It includes the production of:

– detergents in solid and liquid form

– surfactants

– soap (except cosmetic)

– crude glycerin

– washing aids (pre-washing, rinsing and bleaching)

– other cleaning agents

– means for perfuming and deodorizing rooms

– means for polishing:

* artificial waxes and wax-based products

* polish and skin cream

* wood polish and cream

* polish and cream for bodywork, glass and metal

* other polishing agents


Excludes production of:

– of pure chemical compounds, part. 20.13 and 20.14

– synthetic glycerin from petroleum derivatives, part. 20.14

– cosmetic soaps, part. 20.42










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20.42 Production of perfumes and toilet preparations


It includes the production of:

– perfumes and toilet preparations:

* perfumes and toilet waters

* preparations for beautification and make-up

* preparations for sun protection and preparations for enhancing pigmentation when sunbathing

* preparations for manicure and pedicure

* shampoos and hairsprays, preparations for curling and straightening hair

* toothpastes and preparations for oral hygiene, including preparations for fixing dental prostheses

* shaving preparations, including preparations for use before and after shaving

* deodorant and bath salts

* depilator and others.

– cosmetic soaps


Does not include:

– extraction and purification of natural essential oils, part. 20.53

– production of products that have a biocidal effect, part. 20.20


20.5              Production of other chemical products


It includes the production of explosives, pyrotechnics, adhesives, essential oils and other chemical products, photographic chemicals (including films and photosensitive paper), complex diagnostic preparations, etc.


20.51 Production of explosives


It includes the production of:

– gunpowder

– explosives and pyrotechnic products, including initial capsules, detonators,

signal rockets, etc.

– a match


20.52 Production of adhesives



– production of felt and its derivatives, adhesives and prepared adhesives, including rubber-based adhesives


Does not include:

– production of gelatin and its derivatives, part. 20.59


20.53 Production of essential oils


It includes the production of:

– extracts from natural aromatic products

– resinoids from plant and animal extracts, balsams, etc.

– a mixture of essential oils and natural or other aromatic products for use in the production of perfumes or food products


Excludes production of:

– synthetic aromatic products, part. 20.14

– perfumes and toilet preparations, part. 20.42


20.59 Production of other chemical products


It includes the production of:

– photographic plates, films, paper and other light-sensitive but non-illuminated materials

– chemical preparations for photographic purposes

– gelatin and its derivatives

– different chemical products:

* peptones and their derivatives and other protein substances and their derivatives

* chemically modified oils and fats










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* means for finishing textiles and leather, finishing, etc.

* powders and pastes for welding, hard or soft soldering

* means for degreasing (pickling) metals

* prepared additives for cement

* activated carbon, additives to lubricating oils, accelerators for rubber, catalysts and other chemical products for industrial use

* antidetonators and antifreeze preparations

* fluids for hydraulic transmissions

* complex laboratory and diagnostic preparations, etc.

– ink and shower


Excludes production of:

– bulk chemically pure compounds, part. 20.13 and 20.14

– distilled water, part. 20.13

– other organic basic chemicals, part. 20.14

– graphic colors, part. 20.30

– bituminous compounds for paving roads, part. 23.99


20.6               Production of artificial fibers


20.60 Production of artificial fibers


It includes the production of:

– artificial filaments

– artificial staple fibres, not drawn, not combed and otherwise prepared for spinning

– artificial monofilament yarns, including high tenacity yarns and textured yarns

– artificial monofilaments or tapes


Does not include:

– spinning of artificial fibers, part. 13.10

– production of sewing thread from artificial filaments, part. 13.10


21                            Production of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations


It includes the production of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations. It also includes the production of medicinal chemicals and herbal products.


21.1              Production of basic pharmaceutical products


21.10 Production of basic pharmaceutical products



– testing, improvement and production of medically active substances used in the production of pharmaceutical preparations:

* antibiotics, vitamins, salicylic acid, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.

– blood processing

– production of chemically pure sugars

– processing of glands and production of extracts from glands

21.2              Production of pharmaceutical preparations


21.20 Production of pharmaceutical preparations



– production of medicines:

* antiserum and other blood fractions

* vaccine

* various medicines, including homeopathic preparations

– production of chemical contraceptives for external use and hormonal contraceptive preparations

– production of medical diagnostic preparations, including pregnancy tests

– production of radioactive diagnostic preparations for examinations

– production of biotechnical pharmaceutical preparations










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– production of medically impregnated cotton wool, gauze, bandages, bandage material,

surgical catgut and others.

– processing of plants (grinding, sorting) for pharmaceutical purposes


Does not include:

– production of herbal mixtures (mint, spore, chamomile, etc.), part. 10.83

– production of dental material and cement, part. 32.50

– production of cement for bone reconstruction, part. 32.50

– production of surgical clothing, part. 32.50

– wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products, part. 46.46

– retail trade in pharmaceutical products, part. 47.73

– research and development in pharmacology and herbal pharmacology, part. 72.1

– packaging of pharmaceutical preparations, part. 82.92


22                            Production of rubber and plastic products


It includes the production of rubber and plastic products, characterized by the raw materials used in the production process. This does not mean that all products made of these materials are classified in this area.


22.1              Production of rubber products


It includes the production of rubber products.


22.11 Production of tires for vehicles, retreading of tires for vehicles



– production of tires for: motor vehicles, equipment, mobile machinery, aviation,

toys, furniture and other needs:

* pneumatic tires

* full tires

– production of inner tires

– production of replaceable parts for external tires, wall protectors, tapes for retreading external tires, etc.

– retreading of outer tires


Does not include:

– production of rubber materials for repair, part. 22.19

– repair of external and internal tires, adjustment and replacement, part. 45.20


22.19 Manufacture of other rubber products



– production of other products from natural or synthetic rubber, unvulcanized,

vulcanized or hard rubbers:

* plates, sheets, strips, rods and other profiled shapes made of rubber

* pipes, hoses and snot

* conveyor belts, transfer and drive belts

* contraceptives, pacifiers and hot water bottles

* garments that are not sewn but only glued

* rubber soles and other rubber parts of footwear

* rubber threads and ropes

* rubberized yarn and fabric

* rings, flanges and rubber seals

* lining for rubber rollers

* inflatable rubber mattresses

* inflatable balloons

* rubber brushes

* hard rubber tubes

* combs, hairpins, curlers, etc. from hard rubber

* impregnated textile, coated or laminated with rubber

* rubber materials for vehicle tire repair

– production of rubber sexy items










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– production of swimming caps

– production of diving clothes


Does not include:

– production of cord fabrics for outer tires for vehicles, part. 13.96

– production of garments from elastic fabrics, part. 14.14 and 14.19

– production of rubber footwear, part. 15.20

– production of gum and rubber-based adhesives, part. 20.52

– production of profiles for the protection of tires for vehicles, part. 22.11

– production of inflatable rubber boats, part. 30.11 and 30.12

– production of non-covered foam rubber mattresses, part. 31.03

– production of rubber sports props, part. 32.30

– production of rubber games and toys (including inflatable pools, inflatable boats, inflatable rubber animals, balls, etc.), part. 32.40

– tire renewal, part. 38.32


22.2              Production of plastic products


It includes the processing of new or recycled plastic resin into intermediate products using various processes, e.g. by pressing, modeling, pouring into molds, extruding, etc. For most of these procedures, the production process is such that a large amount of various products can be made.


22.21 Production of plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles



– production of semi-finished products from plastic:

* plates, sheets, blocks, films, foils, tapes, etc. (self-adhesive or not)

– production of finished plastic products:

* pipes, hoses and nozzles, accessories for pipes and hoses, etc.

– production of cellophane


Does not include:

– production of plastic in primary forms, part. 20.16

– production of articles from synthetic and natural rubber, part. 22.1


22.22 Production of plastic packaging



– production of plastic items for packaging goods:

* bag, sack, box, crate, canister, bottle, etc.


Does not include:

– production of suitcases and handbags made of plastic and travel items made of plastic,

part 15.12


22.23 Production of plastic items for construction



– production of plastic objects for construction:

* doors, windows, frames, shutters, blinds, floor moldings, etc.

* tanks and reservoirs

* floor, wall or ceiling coverings in the form of rolls or tiles, etc.

* sanitary items such as bathtubs, showers, sinks, toilet bowls,

cisterns, etc.

– production of linoleum and hard floor coverings, regardless of whether they are covered on the underside with fabric or non-woven textiles

– production of artificial stone (e.g. marble imitation)


22.29 Manufacture of other plastic products



– production of table and kitchen utensils and items for toilet needs made of plastic

– production of various plastic products:










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* helmets, insulating elements, parts for electrical lines, office equipment or school equipment, articles of clothing (if they are not sewn but glued), household fittings, statuettes, transmission and drive belts, self-adhesive plastic tapes, plastic shoe molds, plastic cigar and cigarette holders, combs, plastic curlers, plastic novelties, etc.


Excludes production of:

– travel items made of plastic materials, part. 15.12

– plastic shoes, part. 15.20

– plastic furniture, part. 31.01, 31.02, 31.09

– non-covered plastic mattresses, part. 31.03

– plastic sports props, part. 32.30

– plastic games and toys, part. 32.40

– medical and dental aids made of plastic, part. 32.50

– plastic medical and dental aids, part. 32.50

– plastic ophthalmological items, part. 32.50

– hard head coverings and other personal safety items made of plastic,

part 32.99


23                            Production of products from other non-metallic minerals


This area includes production activities in which other non-metallic minerals are used. It includes the production of glass and glass products (eg flat glass, hollow glass, fiberglass, technical glass, etc.), ceramics, tiles and baked products from clay, cement and gypsum, from raw materials to final products. Production of shaped and finished stone and other mineral products is also included.


23.1              Production of glass and glass products


It includes the production of glass in all forms, using any process, as well as glass objects.


23.11 Production of flat glass



– production of flat glass, including reinforced, colored or frosted glass


23.12 Shaping and processing of flat glass



– production of tempered or laminated safety glass

– production of glass mirrors

– production of multi-layer wall elements for insulation

– grinding, engraving and polishing flat glass


23.13 Production of hollow glass



– production of bottles and other packaging made of glass and crystal

– production of drinking glasses and other glass or crystal products for household use


Does not include:

– production of glass toys, part. 32.40


23.14 Production of glass fibers



– production of glass fibers, including glass wool and non-woven products from them


Does not include:

– production of glass fiber fabrics, part. 13.10

– production of optical fiber cables for data or image transmission, part. 27.31










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23.19       Production and processing of other glass, including technical glass products



– production of glass products for laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical purposes

– production of glass for wristwatches and other watches, optical glass and optical elements that are not optically processed

– production of glass items used for jewelry making

– production of glass insulators and insulating accessories

– production of glass lampshades

– production of glass figurines

– production of glass blocks for paving

– production of glass rods, pipes, etc.


Does not include:

– production of processed glass optical elements, part. 26.70

– production of syringes and other medical-laboratory equipment, part. 32.50


23.2               Production of refractory products


23.20 Production of refractory products


It includes the production of intermediate products from mined or mined non-metallic minerals such as sand, gravel, stone or clay.



– production of refractory mortar and concrete

– production of refractory ceramic products:

* thermo-insulating ceramic products made from silicate fossil flour

* refractory bricks, blocks and tiles

* refractory ceramic retorts, pots, muffs, spouts, tubes, pipes, etc.

– production of refractory items containing magnesite, dolomite and chromite


23.3               Production of building materials from clay


23.31 Production of ceramic tiles and plates



– production of non-refractory ceramic floor and wall tiles, mosaic-cubes, etc.

– production of non-refractory ceramic slabs and pavements


Does not include:

– production of artificial stone from plastic materials (eg marble imitation), part. 22.23

– production of refractory ceramic products, part. 23.20

– production of floor coverings from baked clay, part. 23.32

– production of ceramic bricks and roof tiles, part. 23.32


23.32 Manufacture of bricks, tiles and building products from baked clay



– production of non-refractory building material from baked clay: bricks, roof tiles,

pipes for chimneys and other pipes, drains, etc.

– production of floor blocks from baked clay


Does not include:

– production of refractory ceramic products, part. 23.2

– production of non-refractory ceramic products for other needs (except for construction), part. 23.4


23.4              Production of other ceramic and porcelain products


It includes the production of final products from ores and non-metallic minerals such as sand,

gravel, clay and stone.










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23.41 Production of ceramic household items and decorative items


It includes the production of:

– ceramic table products and other ceramic household products

– figurines and other decorative objects made of ceramics

Does not include:

– production of ceramic jewelry imitations, part. 32.13

– production of ceramic toys, part. 32.40


23.42 Production of sanitary ceramic products



– production of sanitary ceramic products (bathtubs, sinks, large cups, etc.)


Does not include:

– production of refractory ceramic products, part. 23.20

– production of ceramic construction material, part. 23.3


23.43 Production of ceramic insulators and insulating accessories



– production of ceramic electrical insulators and insulating accessories


Does not include:

– production of refractory ceramic products, part. 23.20


23.44 Production of other technical ceramic products



– production of ceramic objects for laboratory, chemical and technical purposes

– production of ceramic parts for magnets


Does not include:

– production of artificial stone (eg marble imitation), part. 22.23

– production of refractory ceramic products, part. 23.20

– production of ceramic building materials, part. 23.3

– production of ceramic insulating materials, part. 23.43


23.49 Production of other ceramic products



– production of ceramic pots, dishes and similar products used for transporting or packaging products

– production of unmentioned ceramic products

Does not include:

– production of ceramic sanitary products, part. 23.42

– production of artificial teeth, part. 32.50


23.5              Production of cement, lime and gypsum


23.51 Cement production



– production of clinker and hydraulic cement, including portland cement,

aluminum cement, slag cement and superphosphate cement


Does not include:

– production of refractory mortar and concrete, part. 23.20

– production of ready and dry mixed concrete mixture and mortar, part. 23.63 and 23.64

– mortar production, part. 23.64

– production of cement products, part. 23.69

– production of cement for dentistry, part. 32.50










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23.52 Production of lime and gypsum



– production of quick, slaked and hydrated lime

– production of gypsum and baked sulfates

– production of calcined dolomite


Does not include:

– production of plaster objects, part. 23.62 and 23.69


23.6              Production of concrete, cement and plaster products


23.61 Production of concrete products intended for construction



– production of concrete, cement or artificial stone products for use in construction:

* bricks, paving slabs, blocks, panels, fillings, pipes, pillars, etc.

* prefabricated construction elements for high-rise and low-rise construction, made of concrete, cement or artificial stone


Does not include:

– production of refractory mortar, part. 23.20

– production of ready-made concrete mixture and mortar, part. 23.63 and 23.64


23.62 Production of gypsum products intended for construction



– production of gypsum products for use in construction:

* boards, plates, panels, etc.


23.63 Production of fresh concrete



– production of fresh and dry mixed concrete and mortar


Does not include:

– production of refractory cement, part. 23.20


23.64 Production of mortar



– production of plaster powder


Does not include:

– production of refractory mortar, part. 23.20

– production of fresh, dry mixed mortar and concrete, part. 23.63


23.65 Production of fiber cement products



– production of building materials from plant substances (wood wool, straw, reed)

which are agglomerated with cement, gypsum or other mineral binders

– production of asbestos-cement products and products with cellulose and similar fibers:

* corrugated and other plates, panels, roof tiles, pipes, tanks, gutters, troughs, cups,

dishes, furniture, window frames, etc.


23.69 Production of other concrete, plaster and cement products



– production of other products from concrete, cement, plaster and artificial stone:

* statues, objects with concave and convex relief, decorative vessels, planters,

bench and others










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23.7               Cutting, shaping and processing of stone


23.70 Cutting, shaping and processing of stone



– cutting, shaping and processing of stone for use in construction, cemeteries, road construction, roofing, etc.

– production of stone tables and benches


Does not include:

– activities performed in quarries, such as rough stone processing, part. 08.11

– production of millstones, grinding stones and similar products, part. 23.9


23.9               Production of grinding and other non-metallic mineral products


It includes the production of other non-metallic mineral products.


23.91 Production of abrasive products



– production of millstones, sharpening and polishing stones and natural or artificial abrasive materials, including materials on a soft base (e.g. sandpaper)


23.99 Production of other products from non-metallic minerals


It includes the production of:

– friction materials and non-assembled items from them, based on mineral substances or cellulose

– mineral insulating materials such as slag wool, stone wool and similar mineral wool, expanded or leafy vermiculite, expanded clay and similar materials for heat and sound insulation

– products made of various mineral materials: processed mica and mica products, peat, graphite (except electrical materials) and others.

– products made of asphalt and similar materials (eg adhesive tapes, coal tar black resins)

– artificial corundum


Excludes production of:

– glass wool and glass wool products, part. 23.14

– graphite electrodes, part. 27.90

– carbon or graphite sealants, part. 28.29


24                            Production of basic metals


It includes the smelting and refining of metals from ore or waste raw materials, in electric furnaces or using some other metallurgical processes. This also includes the production of cast products and alloys.

Smelting products (ingots, slabs, etc.) are reshaped by rolling, drawing, extruding or casting into molds. In this way, plates, rods, profiles, wires and other primary metal products are obtained.


24.1               Production of pig iron, steel and ferroalloys


It includes activities such as direct reduction of iron ore, production of pig iron in primary forms, processing of pig iron into steel, production of ferroalloys and steel products.


24.10 Production of pig iron, steel and ferroalloys



– activities of blast furnaces, steel converters and rolling mills

– production of crude steel and manganese iron in blocks or other primary forms

– production of iron alloys










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– production of iron products by direct reduction of iron and other sponge iron products

– production of extremely pure iron by electrolysis or other chemical processes

– remelting of waste steel or iron bars

– production of granular iron and powder

– production of steel in bars or other primary forms

– production of semi-finished steel products

– production of hot, cold and flat rolled steel products

– production of hot-rolled steel rods and poles

– production of hot-rolled open steel profiles

– production of steel plates and welded open steel profiles

– production of products for railway rails (unassembled rails) made of steel


Does not include:

– production of cold-drawn steel bars, part. 24.3


24.2              Production of steel pipes, hollow profiles and fittings


24.20 Production of steel pipes, hollow profiles and fittings



– production of seamless pipes of circular or non-circular cross-section, as well as castings of circular cross-section, for further processing by hot rolling, hot drawing or other heat processing processes of the finished product, which can be a rod or a small metal rod obtained by hot rolling or permanent casting

– production of seamless pipes from hot-rolled or hot-drawn castings with further processing, cold drawing or cold rolling of pipes with a circular cross-section and cold drawing exclusively of pipes with a non-circular cross-section and hollow profiles

– production of welded pipes with an outer section ≤ 406.4 mm, cold-formed from hot-rolled flat products and longitudinally or spirally welded

– production of welded pipes with an outer section ≤ 406.4 mm of circular cross-section by permanent cold or hot forming of hot or cold-rolled flat products and longitudinally or spirally welded, and non-circular cross-section by hot or cold forming of hot or cold-rolled strips longitudinally welded

– production of welded pipes with an outer section ≤ 406.4 mm, by hot or cold forming of hot or cold rolled strips and longitudinally welded, delivered as welded, or further processed by cold drawing or cold rolling or cold formed into pipes of non-circular cross section

– production of flat flanges or flanges with forged edges, processing of hot-rolled flat steel products

– production of joint products, such as elbows or reducers, by forging hot-rolled seamless steel tubes

– production of thin and other tubular steel products


Does not include:

– production of seamless steel pipes by centrifugal casting, part. 24.52


24.3              Production of other primary steel processing products


24.31 Cold rolling of bars



– production of steel bars and profiles by cold drawing


Does not include:

– cold drawing or wire drawing, part. 24.34


24.32       Cold rolling of flat products



– production of flat rolled steel products, in coils or strips, width

≤ 600 mm, by cold (re)rolling of hot rolled flat products










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24.33 Cold profile forming


It includes the production of:

– profiles by cold rolling

– cold-formed and cold-bent sandwich panels


24.34 Cold wire drawing



– production of steel wire by cold drawing of steel rods


Does not include:

– pulling steel bars or profiles, part. 24.31

– production of wire products, part. 25.93


24.4              Production of precious and other non-ferrous metals


24.41 Production of precious metals



– production of precious metals:

* production and purification of processed and unprocessed precious metals: gold, silver and platinum from ores and waste

– production of precious metal alloys

– production of semi-finished products from precious metals

– coating base metals with silver

– plating base metals and silver with gold

– Plating of base metals, silver or gold with platinum

– production of wire from these metals by drawing

– production of laminated foils from precious metals


Does not include:

– casting of non-precious metals, part. 24.53 and 24.54

– production of jewelry from precious metals, part. 32.12


24.42 Aluminum production



– production of aluminum from alumina

– production of aluminum from electrolytically refined waste and aluminum residues

– production of aluminum alloys

– primary processing of aluminum

– production of aluminum wires

– production of aluminum foil for wrapping

– production of laminated aluminum foil (made of aluminum foil as a basic component)


Does not include:

– casting of non-precious metals, part. 24.53 and 24.54


24.43 Production of lead, zinc and tin



– production of lead, zinc and tin from ores

– production of lead, zinc and tin from electrolytically refined waste and residues of lead, zinc and tin

– production of lead, zinc and tin alloys

– semi-production of lead, zinc and tin

– production of wire from these metals by drawing

– tinfoil production










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Does not include:

– casting of lead, zinc and tin, part. 24.53 and 24.54


24.44 Production of copper



– production of copper from ores

– production of copper from electrolytically refined waste and copper residues

– production of copper alloys

– primary processing of copper

– semi-production of copper wire

– production of copper wire by drawing


Does not include:

– copper casting, part. 24.54


24.45 Production of other non-ferrous metals



– production of chrome, manganese, nickel and other non-ferrous metals from ores or oxides

– production of chrome, manganese, nickel and other non-ferrous metals from electrolytic and aluminum

non-thermally purified scraps and residues of those metals

– production of alloys of chromium, manganese, nickel, etc.

– semi-production of chromium, manganese, nickel, etc.

– production of nickel scale

– production of wire from these metals by drawing


Does not include:

– metal casting, part. 24.53 and 24.54


24.46 Production of nuclear fuel



– production of uranium from red cake or other ores

– smelting and refining of uranium


24.5               Metal casting


It includes the production of semi-finished cast products and various custom cast products.


Does not include:

– production of final cast products (eg pipes), part. 24.20

– production of boilers and radiators, part. 25.21

– cast household products, part. 25.99


24.51 Iron casting


It includes the activity of ironworks.



– casting of iron products

– casting products from gray cast iron

– casting of spheroidal (nodular) graphite iron castings

– casting of malleable (temper) cast iron

– production of cast iron pipes and centrifugally cast iron or steel pipes


24.52 Steel casting


It includes the activity of steel rolling mills.


Casting includes:

– steel products

– steel castings

– steel pipes










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– fittings for cast steel pipes


24.53 Casting of light metals


Casting includes:

– products made of aluminum, magnesium, titanium, etc.

– light metal castings


24.54 Casting of other non-ferrous metals


Casting includes:

– heavy metal castings

– precious metal castings

– castings from unpainted metals


Does not include:

– casting performed during the production of metal products made in other ways,

part 25-32


25                            Manufacture of metal products, except machines and devices


This area includes the manufacture of “pure” metal products (such as parts, containers and structures), usually with a static, immovable function, in contrast to the following areas (26-30), which cover the manufacture of combinations or assemblies of such metal products (sometimes with other materials) into more complex devices, which, if they are not purely electrical, electronic or optical, work with moving parts.

The production of weapons and ammunition is also included.


Does not include:

– specialized repair and maintenance of metal products, part. 33.1

– specialized assembly of products from this group in construction (eg boilers for central heating), part. 33.20


25.1               Production of metal structures


It includes the production of metal structures (e.g. metal frames or parts of con-



25.11 Production of metal structures and parts of structures


It includes the production of:

– metal structures for construction (pillars, beams, structures for bridges, etc.)

– metal industrial frames (frames for blast furnaces, lifting and manipulation equipment, etc.)

– prefabricated metal buildings: barracks, halls and other modular elements for exhibitions, etc.


Excludes production of:

– parts for ship and steam boilers, part. 25.30

– parts for railway tracks, part. 25.99

– parts for ships, del. 30.11


25.12 Production of metal doors and windows


It includes production:

– metal doors and windows, door and window frames, shutters, gates, etc.

– metal parts for installing floors


25.2              Production of metal tanks, tanks and containers


It includes the production of larger metal tanks, radiators and boilers for central heating.


25.21 Production of boilers and radiators for central heating



– production of boilers and radiators for central heating and their parts










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Does not include:

– production of electric radiators and electric water heaters, part. 27.51


25.29 Production of other metal tanks, tanks and containers


It includes the production of:

– tanks, cisterns and similar metal containers, fixedly installed, used for storage or in production

– metal containers for compression or liquid gases


Excludes production of:

– metal containers, tubs, etc. for packing or transporting goods, capacity > 300 l, part.

25.91 and 25.92

– transport containers, part. 29.20


25.3              Production of steam boilers, except boilers for central heating


Includes production of steam boilers.


25.30 Production of steam boilers, except boilers for central heating



– production of steam boilers and other steam generators

– production of auxiliary devices for steam boilers: steam condensers, economizers,

superheaters, steam collectors and accumulators, etc.

– production of nuclear reactors, except devices for isotope separation

– production of parts for steam boilers

– the construction of a pipe system that is included in the generator operation process mainly for the purpose of ensuring the pressure in the pipes or the pipe system, together with the accompanying accessories and construction works


Excludes production of:

– boilers for central heating and radiators, part. 25.21

– of steam turbines, part. 28.11

– isotope separator, part. 28.99


25.4              Production of weapons and ammunition


25.40 Production of weapons and ammunition


It includes the production of:

– heavy weapons (artillery, rocket launchers, torpedo tubes, heavy machine guns, cannons,

guns, etc.)

– light weapons (revolvers, shotguns and light machine guns)

– air or gas weapons and pistols

– live ammunition

– fire hunting, sporting and protective weapons and appropriate ammunition

– explosive devices such as mines, bombs and torpedoes


Excludes production of:

– initial caps, detonators and light signal rockets, part. 20.51

– gunpowder and ammunition, part. 20.51

– knives, bayonets, sabers, etc., part. 25.71

– armored vehicles for transporting money and valuables, part. 29.10

– of spacecraft, part. 30.30

– tanks and other combat vehicles, part. 30.40


25.5              Forging, pressing, stamping and rolling of metal; powder metallurgy


It includes metal processing activities such as forging, pressing, stamping, etc., which are performed to order.










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25.50 Forging, pressing, stamping and rolling of metal; powder metallurgy



– forging, pressing, stamping and rolling of metal

– powder metallurgy: production of metal objects directly from metal powder,

by heating (sintering) or under pressure


Does not include:

– production of metal powder, part. 24.1 and 24.2


25.6              Metal processing and coating; metal machining


It includes general metal processing: coating, polishing, welding, engraving, etc., which is done to order.


25.61 Processing and coating of metals



– metal coating

– heat treatment of metals

– removal of sawdust, cleaning with sandblasting, tumbling and cleaning of metal

– metal painting, engraving and printing

– covering metal with non-metallic materials (plasticizing, varnishing, enameling, etc.)

– steelmaking and metal polishing


Does not include:

– activities of blacksmiths, part. 01.62

– printing on metal, part. 18.12

– covering plastic with metal, part. 22.29

– stamping of precious metals on other metal base, part. 24.41-24.44


25.62 Machining of metals



– drilling, scraping, milling, eroding, planing, summering, reaming, straightening,

sawing, sharpening, grinding, welding, joining and other works on metal parts

– laser metal cutting and embossing


Does not include:

– activities of blacksmiths, part. 01.62.

– on-site engraving, part. 95.25


25.7              Production of blades, tools and general purpose metal goods


25.71 Blade production



– production of cutlery (knives, forks, spoons, etc.)

– production of various objects for cutting:

* razor and razor blade

* scissors and hair clippers

* scissors for pruning and cutting branches, etc.

– production of sabers, swords, bayonets, etc.


Does not include:

– production of tableware, tableware or service metalware, part. 25.99

– production of blades from precious metals, part. 32.12

25.72 Manufacture of locks and fittings



– production of padlocks, locks, keys, fittings and other metal objects for buildings,

furniture, vehicles, etc.










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25.73 Manufacture of tools


It includes the production of:

– knives and blades for cutting, for machines or for mechanical devices

– agricultural hand tools such as pickaxe, pitchfork, axe, shovel, scythe, sickle, etc.

– hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, etc.

– saw and saw blades, including circular and chain saw blades

– replaceable parts of hand tools, regardless of whether they are electric or not (drills, etc.)

– blacksmith’s tools (sledge hammer, anvil, pliers, etc.)

– vices and tools for fastening (clamping)

– molds and models (except molds for ingots)


Does not include:

– production of manual machines and devices with built-in motor, part. 28.24

– production of molds for ingots, part. 28.91


25.9              Production of other metal products


It includes the production of various metal products, vessels and packaging for industry and household, wire products, chains and springs, fasteners and screw elements and other products for use in industry and household.


25.91 Manufacture of steel barrels and similar packaging



– production of buckets, barrels, boxes and cans


Does not include:

– production of cisterns and tanks, part. 25.2


25.92 Manufacture of light metal packaging


It includes the production of:

– buckets and cans for food packaging, tubes and boxes

– metal lids and fasteners


25.93 Manufacture of wire products, chains and springs


It includes the production of:

– metal ropes, braided tapes, etc. products

– non-insulated and insulated metal cables that are not intended for the transmission of electricity

– coated wires

– wire products (barbed wire, wire fences, grids, nets, etc.)

– nails, staples, needles, etc.

– nets and grids made of stretched iron, steel or copper plates

– spring (except for watches):

* leaf springs, spiral springs and torsion bars

* sheets for springs

– chains, except chains for power transmission and cutting


Excludes production of:

– spring for watches and wristwatches, part. 26.52

– insulated wires and cables for power transmission, part. 27.32

– drive-transmission chains, part. 28.15


25.94 Production of fasteners and screw machine products


It includes the production of:

– pins, rivets, washers, etc. without thread

– screw machine products (screws, screws, nuts, etc.)










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25.99 Production of other metal products


It includes the production of:

– metal household products:

* tableware (plates and trays)

* kitchenware (pots and kettles)

* tableware (bowls and plates)

* pans, pans and other non-electric table and kitchen utensils

* small kitchen non-electric appliances and accessories

* sponges (pads) for cleaning (scrubbing) and others.

– elements made of zinc (gutter, bathtub, sink, sink, etc. products)

– small metal products for office use, excluding furniture

– safes, cabinets and safes, armored doors, etc.

– various metal objects:

* propellers and oars for ships

* anchor

* rings

* fasteners for railway tracks

* clips, clip and hook

* metal ladder

* metal signs, including traffic signs

– production of foil bags

– production of permanent metal magnets

– production of metal vacuum pots and bottles

– production of metal badges and metal military insignia for ranks

– production of metal hair curlers, metal holders for umbrellas,

combs, etc.


Excludes production of:

– sabers and bayonets, part. 25.71

– trolley for supermarkets, part. 30.99

– metal furniture, part. 31.01, 31.02 and 31.09

– sports equipment, part. 32.30

– toys, part. 32.40


26                            Production of computers, electronic and optical products


It includes the production of computers, peripheral computing units, communication devices and similar electronic products, including components of these devices.

The production process is characterized by the design and use of integrated circuits, as well as the application of highly sophisticated technology. The field also includes the production of entertainment electronics, measuring, research, control, laser, electromedical and electrotherapeutic devices and instruments, optical instruments and devices, as well as the production of magnetic and optical media.


26.1              Production of electronic elements and boards


26.11 Production of electronic elements


It includes the production of semiconductor and other elements for use in electronics:

– electronic capacitors

– resistors

– microprocessor

– electrical pipes

– electronic connectors

– unequipped circuit boards

– electronic circuits (analog, digital or hybrid)

– diodes, transistors, etc. products

– inductors (eg dampers, coils, transformers) and various electronic elements

– mounted piezoelectric crystals and liquid crystals

– solenoids, switches and transducers for electronic applications

– pads, semi-conductors, finished or semi-finished

– display elements (plasma, polymer, LCD)










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– light emitting diodes (LED)

– cables for printers and monitors, USB cables, connectors, etc.


Excludes production of:

– printing of “smart” cards, part. 18.12

– modem, part. 26.30

– computer and television displays, part. 26.20 and 26.40

– X-ray tubes and other laser devices, part. 26.60

– optical elements and instruments, part. 26.70

– electrical appliances, part. 27

– fluorescent lamps, part. 27.11

– electrical relays, part. 27.12

– electrical switches, part. 27.33


26.12 Production of printed electronic boards



– assembly of elements on the printed circuit board

– production of elements for electronic motherboards

– production of inserted electronic cards (e.g. music, video, control,

network, modem, etc.)


Does not include:

– printing of “smart” cards, part. 18.12

– production of unequipped, electronically printed bindings (plate), part. 26.11


26.2              Production of computers and peripheral equipment


26.20 Production of computers and peripheral equipment


It includes the production and/or assembly of computers of all kinds, such as central units, desktop computers, portable computers (laptops) and servers, and computer peripheral equipment, such as data storage equipment, input and output units (printers, monitors , keyboards, etc.). Computers can be analog, digital or hybrid. Digital computers are the most common and perform the following:


(1) remember the processing program or programs, as well as the data required for the current implementation of the program

(2) can be programmed according to user requirements

(3) perform arithmetic operations specified by the user

(4) perform the processing program required of them without the participation of human intervention

Analog computers can simulate mathematical models and contain all the elements of analog control and programming.

It includes the production of:

– desktop computers

– central units

– laptops

– drive magnetic disks, flash drives and other data storage devices

– optical discs (eg CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW)

– printers, monitors and keyboards

– all kinds of mice, game handles and accessories, with accompanying ball

– computer terminals for special purposes

– server

– optical readers, including bar-code scanners

– “smart” card readers

– a virtual reality helmet

– computer projectors (video transmitters)

– computer terminals

– multifunctional office equipment that serves to perform two or more functions:

printing, optical reading, photocopying and faxing


Does not include:

– duplication of recorded records (computer programs, audio and video records, etc.), part.


– production of electronic elements, equipment for computers and peripheral units, part. 26.1

– production of input-output computer modems, part. 26.12

– production of inserted electronic cards, modules and connections, part. 26.12










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– production of electronic motherboards, part. 26.12

– production of modems and supporting equipment, part. 26.30

– production of digital communication equipment for data transmission, e.g. of bridges and routers, part. 26.30

– production of electronic devices for general use, e.g. player and DVD player,

part 26.40

– production of televisions, monitors and displays, part. 26.40

– production of video game consoles, part. 26.40

– production of magnetic and optical record carriers for computers, part. 26.80


26.3              Production of communication equipment


26.30 Production of communication equipment


It includes the manufacture of telephones and data transmission equipment used for the electronic transmission of signals by wire or air, such as radio and television transmission and wireless communication.


It includes the production of:

– communication equipment for central units

– wireless phones

– PBX equipment

– telephones and telefaxes, including answering machines

– data transmission equipment, e.g. transmitters and routers

– transmitting and receiving antennas

– equipment for cable television

– a pager

– mobile phones and equipment for mobile telephony

– radio and television studio equipment and portable equipment, including television cameras

– modems and portable equipment

– anti-burglary and anti-fire alarm systems that send signals to the monitoring station

– radio and television transmitters

– communication aids that use infrared signals (e.g. remote controls)


Excludes production of:

– electronic elements and subassemblies/subassemblies used in communication equipment, including built-in/external computer modems, part. 26.12

– computers and peripheral equipment, part. 26.20

– electronic devices for general consumption, part. 26.40

– GPS equipment, part. 26.51

– electrical signaling in traffic, part. 27.90

– semaphore, part. 27.90


26.4              Production of consumer electronic devices


26.40 Production of consumer electronic devices


It includes the production of audio and video equipment for the home, motor vehicles, public address systems and amplifiers for musical instruments.


It includes the production of:

– equipment for recording and duplicating video cassettes

– television

– television monitors and displays

– equipment for recording and duplicating sound recordings

– stereo equipment

– radio receiver

– sound transmission system (intercom, etc.)

– home video camera

– jukeboxes

– amplifiers for musical instruments and public announcement systems

– microphone

– CD and DVD players










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– Karaoke machine

– video game console


Does not include:

– duplicating recorded media of computer, audio, video, etc., part. 18.2

– production of computer peripheral equipment and computer monitors, part. 26.20

– production of answering machines, part. 26.30

– production of search equipment, part. 26.30

– production of devices for remote control, part. 26.30

– production of radio and television studio equipment and portable equipment, such as playback equipment, transmitting and receiving antennas, commercial video cameras, etc., part. 26.30

– production of digital cameras, part. 26.70

– production of electronic games with fixed (irreplaceable) software, part. 32.40


26.5              Production of measuring, research and navigation instruments and devices;

watch production


It covers the manufacture of measuring, research and navigation equipment for various industrial and non-industrial purposes, including timekeeping devices (such as watches, wristwatches and similar devices).


26.51 Production of measuring, research and navigation instruments and apparatus


It includes the production of aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments for search, detection, navigation and control; automatic control devices and regulators for air conditioning, measuring, displaying, recording, transmitting and controlling temperature, humidity, pressure, fluid flow, viscosity, density, acidity, concentration and rotation.

It also includes instruments for measuring and testing electrical quantities; laboratory instruments for chemical and physical analysis of the composition or concentration of samples of all aggregate states of matter; other instruments and their parts.


This also includes the production of non-electrical measuring and navigation equipment (except for simple mechanical tools).


It includes the production of:

– aircraft instruments

– test equipment for exhaust gases from cars

– meteorological equipment

– equipment for testing and reviewing physical characteristics

– polygraph machines

– radiation detection devices and radiation control equipment

– instruments for research tests and measurements

– thermometers (except medical ones)

– fire control apparatus and burners

– spectrometers

– pneumatic testers

– devices for measuring consumption (e.g. water, gas, electricity)

– devices for measuring flow and measuring devices

– machines and devices for testing the physical properties of materials

– mine detectors, pulse (signal) generators; metal detector

– device for tracking, detection, navigation, aeronautical and nautical equipment

– radar equipment

– GPS device

– devices for environmental control and automatic device control

– motion detectors

– radar

– laboratory analytical instruments (e.g. blood analysis equipment)

– laboratory scales, scales, incubators and various laboratory measuring devices,

testing, etc.

Excludes production of:

– answering machines, part. 26.30

– radiation equipment, part. 26.60

– equipment for optical positioning, part. 26.70










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– dictation machine, part. 28.23

– devices for measuring weight (except laboratory scales), leveller, tape measure, etc.,

part 28.29

– medical thermometers, part. 32.50

– control equipment for industrial processes, part. 33.20

– simple mechanical measuring devices (eg measuring tapes, compasses); view the production group according to the material used as the main


26.52 Manufacture of watches


It includes the production of:

– watches, clocks, time recording devices and their parts

– watches and clocks of all kinds, including dashboard clocks

– watch cases, watch cases and cabinets, including those made of precious metals

– apparatus for registering time and apparatus for measuring, registering and otherwise showing time intervals such as:

* parking clocks, stopwatches and clocks for recording the time and date

– time switches and clocks in the production process and similar devices

– parts for watches and clocks such as:

* springs, axle bearings, dials, housings of any material


Does not include:

– production of non-metallic bracelets for wristwatches, part. 15.12

– production of watch glass, part. 23.19

– production of bracelets for wristwatches from precious metals, part. 32.12

– production of bracelets for wristwatches from base metals, part. 32.13

– watch repair, part. 95.25


26.6               Production of radiation equipment, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment


26.60 Production of radiation equipment, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment


It includes the production of:

– devices and tubes for radiation (e.g. industrial, medical, diagnostic,

medical-therapeutic and research-scientific)

– X-ray machines and machines that use alpha, beta or gamma rays

– CT scanner

– FIVE scanners

– equipment for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

– medical ultrasound equipment

– electromedical endoscopic equipment

– medical laser devices

– pacemaker

– hearing aids

– devices for sterilizing milk and food by radiation


Does not include:

– solarium production, part. 28.99


26.7               Production of optical instruments and photographic equipment


It includes the manufacture of optical instruments and lenses, such as binoculars, microscopes (except electron and proton), telescopes, prisms and lenses (except ophthalmic); coated or polished lenses (except ophthalmic); production of photographic equipment such as cameras and flashes.


26.70 Production of optical instruments and photographic equipment


It includes the production of:

– optical mirrors

– optical and safety equipment

– optical equipment for positioning

– optical equipment for magnification

– optical comparators










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– film and digital cameras

– movie projectors and slide projectors

– projector

– optical measuring and control devices and instruments

– lenses, optical microscopes, binoculars and telescopes

– laser devices


Excludes production of:

– computer projectors, part. 26.20

– commercial TV and video cameras, part. 26.30

– consumer video camera, part. 26.40

– complete equipment containing laser components, part. 26.60

– photocopier, part. 28.23

– glasses of all kinds, glasses and contact lenses, part. 32.50


26.8              Production of magnetic and optical record carriers


26.80 Production of magnetic and optical record carriers



– production of magnetic or optical record carriers (empty magnetic, audio and video tapes, diskettes, audio and video cassettes, laser discs, etc.)


Does not include:

– duplication of recorded records (computer, audio, video, etc.), part. 18.2

27                            Production of electrical equipment


It includes the production of generators, transformers and equipment for the distribution of electricity. It includes the production of products that generate, distribute and correct electrical energy. It also includes the manufacture of light bulbs, signaling equipment and electrical household appliances.


It does not include the production of electronic products, part. 26.


27.1               Production of electric motors, generators, transformers and equipment for the distribution of electricity


It includes the production of transformers for the transmission and distribution of special transformers

of: electric motors, generators and motor generators.


27.11 Production of electric motors, generators and transformers



– production of all electric motors and transformers: AC, DC and AC/DC

– production of electric motors (except starter motors for internal combustion motor vehicles)

– production of transformers (voltage regulators) for electricity distribution

– production of ARC-transformers for welding

– production of auxiliary transformers for electricity distribution

– production of generators (except alternators with rechargeable batteries, for internal combustion engines)

– production of sets for motor generators (except turbines)

– production of ballast for fluorescent lamps (for transformers)

– factory winding of threads for electrical devices


Excludes production of:

– electronic elements for transformers and switches, part. 26.11

– electrical equipment for welding and soldering, part. 27.90

– gearboxes, converters and routers, part. 27.90

– generator in assembly with turbine, part. 28.11

– starter motors and generators for internal combustion machines, part. 29.31










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27.12 Production of electricity distribution equipment and electricity management equipment


It includes the production of:

– electrical devices for breaking, protecting or connecting electrical circuits

– electrical devices for managing and controlling the distribution of electricity

– electrical conductors

– electrical control and distribution panels

– fuse

– switches (except in places of wiring, e.g. sockets, plugs, push-button or handle switches)

– starters (primary starters)


Excludes production of:

– devices for industrial process management, part. 26.51

– sockets, plugs and other switches at wiring locations, part. 27.33


27.2              Production of batteries and accumulators


27.20 Production of batteries and accumulators


It includes the production of:

– non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries

– primary cells and primary batteries

– cells containing manganese dioxide, silver oxide, mercury dioxide, lithium and other cells

– batteries and parts for them

– separators, housings and linings

– lead acid batteries

– nickel batteries

– lithium batteries

– battery with dry cells

– battery with wet cells


27.3              Production of wire and cable equipment


This branch includes the production of wire equipment for the transmission of electric current and other wire equipment for wiring electric circuits, regardless of the material. This branch also includes wire insulation and the production of optical cables.


27.31 Production of optical fiber cables



– production of optical fiber cables for data and image transmission


Excludes production of:

– glass fibers or threads, part. 23.14

– optical cables equipped with connectors and devices for independent use, depending on the application, part. 26.12


27.32 Manufacture of other electronic and electrical conductors and cables



– production of insulated wire and cables from steel, copper and aluminum


Excludes production of:

– non-insulated wires, part. 24.34 and 24.41-24.45

– cables for computer devices, cables for printers, USB cables and similar cable sets or assemblies, part. 26.11

– sets of cables, wire and similar sets of cables for motor vehicles, part. 29.31

– electrical sets connected with installed wire and connectors, part. 27.90

– ignition cables and other cables for cars, part. 29.31










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27.33 Manufacture of equipment for connecting wires and cables


It includes the production of wire equipment for electric circuits that contain current or not, regardless of the material.


It includes the production of:

– bus bars, electrical conductors (except switches)

– GFCI (Ground Circuit Breaker)

– lamp holder

– fuses and coils

– switches for electrical installations (e.g. pressure switches, automatic switches, clip-on switches, switches)

– electrical outlets and sockets

– a box for electrical wires (e.g. switch boxes)

– electrical lines and connections

– electrical equipment for switching on or protecting electrical circuits or for connecting to electrical circuits:

* switches, fuses, surge arresters, voltage limiters, switches and distribution boxes, relays, connectors, etc.

– plastic wired equipment that does not transmit electricity, including plastic junction boxes,

plastic connectors and switch covers


Excludes production of:

– ceramic insulators, part. 23.43

– electronic elements for connectors, sockets and switches, part. 26.11


27.4              Production of lighting equipment


27.40 Production of lighting equipment


It includes the manufacture of bulbs, tubes and elements for them (except glass for bulbs), electric lighting devices and elements for electric lighting devices.


It includes the production of:

– discharge lamps, electric lamps with carbon fiber, fluorescent,

ultraviolet, infrared lamps and bulbs

– devices for ceiling lighting

– chandelier

– table lamps

– decorative bulbs for the Christmas tree

– a log for an electric fireplace

– electric lamps against insects

– lantern (carbide, electric, gas, gasoline, kerosene)

– reflectors

– street lights (except traffic signs)

– lighting for transport equipment (eg for motor vehicles, airplanes and boats)

– non-electric lighting equipment


Excludes production of:

– glass parts for lighting, part. 23.19

– current wired devices for lighting installations

– ceiling fans or bathroom fans with built-in lighting devices

– plugs, switches and other equipment for connecting wires for lighting, part. 27.33

– electric fans with built-in light, part. 27.51

– production of electrical signs and electrical signaling devices in traffic

(traffic lights, etc.), part. 27.90

27.5              Production of household appliances


It includes the production of small electrical appliances for household use – fans, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, floor cleaning appliances, food preparation appliances, refrigerators, water heaters, vertical freezers, chest freezers and other electrical and non-electrical appliances such as washing machines, water heaters and waste disposal units. This branch also includes the production of devices with electric, gas and other fuel sources.










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27.51 Production of household electrical appliances


It includes the production of:

– household electrical appliances:

* fridge and freezer

* dishwasher, washing and drying machine

* vacuum cleaners and waste collectors

* floor smoothing machine

* chopper, mixer, juicer and can opener

* electric shavers and electric toothbrushes

* knife sharpener, aspirator, etc.

– electrothermal household appliances:

* electric heaters

* electric water heaters

* electric blankets

* electric hair dryers, combs, brushes and curlers

* electric appliances for ironing

* electrical devices for heating rooms (oil radiators, storage,

convection, heaters, radiators) and household fans

* electric ovens, microwave ovens, stoves, stoves, toasters, tea and coffee makers

* fryers, skewers, grills, electric heaters, etc.


Does not include:

– production of industrial refrigerators and freezers, room air conditioners, attic fans, built-in room heaters, central air conditioners, exhaust fans and professional cooking equipment; professional laundries, dry cleaning, ironing equipment; professional and industrial vacuum cleaning machines, part. 28

– production of home sewing machines, part. 28.94

– installation of space ventilation devices, part. 43.29


27.52 Manufacture of non-electric household appliances



– production of non-electric space heaters, stoves, grills, stoves, cooking equipment and heating plates


27.9              Production of other electrical equipment


27.90 Production of other electrical equipment


It includes the production of various electrical equipment, apart from motors, generators and transformers, batteries and accumulators, wire products, lighting equipment and household appliances.


It includes the production of:

– fixed battery chargers

– electric devices for opening and closing doors

– electric bells

– extension cables made of purchased insulating wire

– ultrasonic (ultrasonic) cleaning machines (except laboratory and dental)

– solid state inverters, rectifiers, heating cells, regulated and non-regulated power supplies

– accessories for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

– surge suppressors (except for voltage at the distribution level)

– cables, extension cables and other sets of electric cables made of insulated wire and with connectors

– carbon and graphite electrodes, contacts and other electrical products made of carbon and graphite

– accelerator parts

– electric capacitors, resistors and similar elements

– electromagnet

– siren

– electronic traffic lights










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– electric signs

– electrical equipment for signaling or regulating traffic

– electrical insulators (except for glass and porcelain) and equipment made of non-precious metals

– electrical equipment for welding and soldering, including manual fittings for soldering


Excludes production of:

– ceramic insulators and insulating elements, part. 23.43

– carbon and graphite fibers and products (except electrodes and electrical equipment), part.


– rectifiers containing electronic components, voltage-regulated integrated circuits, integrated circuits, current converters, electronic resistors and similar devices, part. 26.11

– transformers, motors, generators, switches, relays and industrial controllers,

part 27.1

– battery, part. 27.20

– communication wires, wired equipment that transmits and does not transmit electricity, part. 27.3

– lighting equipment, part. 27.40

– household appliances, part. 27.5

– non-electric equipment for welding and soldering, part. 28.29

– electrical equipment for motor vehicles (generators, alternators, spark plugs, electric window and door systems and voltage regulators), part. 29.31

– laboratory ultrasonic cleaners, part. 26.51

– electric motors, generators and transformers and equipment for distribution and management,

part 27.1

– accumulators, primary cells and batteries, part. 27.20

– insulated wires and cables, part. 27.3

– lighting devices, part. 27.40

– household electrical appliances, part. 27.5

– gas welding apparatus, part. 28.29

– non-electric equipment for welding and soldering, part. 28.29

– electrical parts and electronic equipment for motor vehicles and their engines, part. 29.31


28 Production of unmentioned machines and unmentioned equipment


This area includes the production of machines and equipment that act on materials

independently, mechanically or thermally, or they perform operations on materials (such as

such as handling, dispensing, measuring or packaging), including their mechanical

components that produce and apply force, as well as any specially manufactured primaries

parts. It includes the manufacture of fixed, mobile or hand-held devices regardless

whether they are designed for industrial engineering and construction, agriculture or

home use. Production of special equipment for passenger or goods transport in special

certain rooms also belong to this area.

In this area, the production of machines for special purposes is separated, i.e. a machine for exclusive use in an industrial branch or group, and a machine for general purposes, i.e. machines used in several industrial branches listed in the Classification.
Also classified here is the production of other machines for special purposes, not mentioned elsewhere in the Classification, whether or not they are used in a production process, such as amusement park equipment, automatic equipment for bowling alleys, etc.
This area does not include the production of metal products for general purposes (area 25), associated control equipment, computer equipment, measuring and testing equipment, electrical energy distribution and management apparatus (areas 26 and 27) and general purpose motor vehicles (areas 29 and 30).
28.1 Production of general purpose machines


28.11 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except for aircraft and motor vehicles


It includes the production of:

– internal combustion piston engines and their parts, except aircraft engines,

vehicles and motorcycles:

* marine engines

* railway engines (locomotive)

– pistons and piston rings, carburetors and all parts for internal combustion engines, diesel engines, etc.

– turbines and their parts:

* steam turbines and other steam machines

* hydraulic turbines, water circuits and their regulators










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* wind turbine

* gas turbines, except for turbojets and turboprops for airplanes

– of all units for turbines with a generator

– engines for industrial use


Excludes production of:

– electric generators, part. 27.11

– generators (except turbine generators), part. 27.11

– electrical equipment and internal combustion engine parts, part. 29.31

– engines for vehicles, airplanes and motorcycles, part. 29.10, 30.30 and 30.91

– turbojet and turboprop engines, part. 30.30


28.12 Production of hydraulic drive devices


It includes the production of:

– hydraulic and pneumatic parts (pumps, motors, compressors, valves, pipes and fittings)

– air preparation devices for use in the pneumatic system

– fluid energy systems

– hydraulic transmission devices

– hydrostatic transmissions


Excludes production of:

– compressor, part. 28.13

– pumps for non-hydraulic use, part. 28.13

– valves for non-fluid energy applications, part. 28.14

– mechanical transmission equipment, part. 28.15


28.13 Production of other pumps and compressors


It includes the production of:

– air and vacuum pumps, air and other gas compressors

– liquid pumps, equipped or not equipped with measuring devices

– pumps for fuel, water, oil, for car engines, etc.

– hand pumps


Does not include:

– production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, part. 28.12


28.14 Manufacture of other faucets and valves


It includes the production of:

– industrial taps and valves, including regulating valves and taps for inflow

– sanitary faucets and valves

– faucet and valve for heating


Excludes production of:

– valves made of soft rubber, glass or ceramic materials,

part 22.19, 23.19 and 23.44

– intake and exhaust valves for internal combustion engines, part. 28.11

– hydraulic and pneumatic valves for use in pneumatic systems, part. 28.12



28.15 Production of bearings, gears and toothed drive elements


It includes the production of:

– ball and roller bearings and their parts

– mechanical transmission devices:

* transmission shafts and elbows, camshafts, crankshafts, drive arms, etc.

* sliding bearings and their housings

– gears, gearboxes and gear transmissions and other speed gearboxes

– clutches and couplings for shafts

– flywheel and belt

– articulated chains










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– chains for power transmission


Excludes production of:

– other chains, part. 25.93

– hydraulic transmission equipment, part. 28.12

– hydrostatic transmission devices, part. 28.12

– electrical equipment for igniting and starting internal combustion engines,

part 29.31

– portable devices with mechanical drive, for vehicles, airplanes and motorcycles, part. 29 and 30


28.2               Production of other general purpose machines


28.21 Production of industrial furnaces and burners


It includes the production of:

– electric and other industrial and laboratory furnaces and furnaces, including incineration furnaces

– burner

– electric fixed devices for space heating and electric water heaters in swimming pools

– non-electric fixed heating devices, e.g. solar collectors, steam, oil and similar burners and devices for households

– electric heating devices in households (electrically powered air heating devices, heat pumps, etc.) and non-electrically powered air heating devices

– mechanical equipment for burning, grates, apparatus for emptying ashes, etc.


Excludes production of:

– appliances for heating water, for households, part. 25.21

– dryer for agriculture, part. 28.93

– bakery ovens, part. 28.93

– dryer for wood, pulp, paper and cardboard, part. 28.99

– medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, part. 32.50

– laboratory (dental) furnaces, part. 32.50


28.22 Production of lifting and carrying equipment


It includes the production of:

– equipment with manual or mechanical drive, machines for lifting, transferring, loading and unloading:

* roller and pulley

* cranes, mobile lifting platforms, mobile conveyors, etc.

* work vehicles with or without equipment, for lifting and carrying, with or without self-propelled (the type used in factories)

* mechanical manipulators and industrial robots specially designed for lifting,

conveying, loading and unloading

– conveyors, wire cranes, liquid elevators, etc.

– elevators, escalators and tracks, etc.

– parts of devices for lifting and transferring


Does not include:

– production of industrial robots, part. 28.29

– production of cranes and conveyor belts for underground work, part. 28.92

– production of excavators, excavators and loaders, part. 28.92

– production of floating, railway and truck cranes, part. 30.11 and 30.20

– installation of elevators and escalators, part. 43.29


28.23 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer equipment


It includes the production of:

– calculators

– cash register

– calculators, electronic or non-electronic

– machine for processing shipments (enveloping, stamping and addressing; opening,

sorting, scanning) and a machine for arranging shipments










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– typewriters

– shorthand machines

– office bookbinding equipment

– check writing machine

– a machine for counting and twisting coins

– pencil cutter

– stapler and machine for removing staples

– vote counting machine

– tape holder

– hole puncher

– photocopier

– toner cartridges

– school boards; white boards and marker boards

– dictation machine (dictaphone)


Does not include:

– production of computers and peripheral devices, part. 26.20


28.24 Production of hand-operated devices with mechanisms



– production of hand tools with built-in motor (electric or other) or pneumatically driven:

* circular or reciprocating saws

* chain saws

* drill and milling machine

* manual sandblasting devices

* pneumatic joining guns

* pneumatic rivet guns

* sander

* clippers and snacks

* wrenches

* machine for hammering nails that are powered by gunpowder


Excludes production of:

– replaceable parts for hand tools, part. 25.73

– manual electric welding and soldering devices, part. 27.90


28.25 Manufacture of refrigeration and ventilation equipment, except for household use


It includes the production of:

– industrial equipment for cooling and freezing

– air conditioning devices, including accessories for the main parts

– heat exchangers and devices for liquefaction of air and other gases

– attic fans (gable fans, roof fans, etc.), except for households


Excludes production of:

– cooling and freezing equipment, for household use, part. 27.51

– household fans, part. 27.51


28.29 Production of other general purpose machines and apparatus


It includes the production of:

– weight measuring devices (except precision laboratory scales):

* home scales and scales for trade, scales for continuous measurement, wagon scales, weights, etc.

– machines and devices for filtering and purifying liquids

– devices for ejecting, dispersing and spraying liquids and powders:

* spray guns, fire extinguishers, sandblasting machines, steam cleaning machines, etc.

– packaging and wrapping machines such as filling, closing, sealing machines,

encapsulation, marking, etc.

– machine for washing or drying bottles and for carbonated drinks

– distillation and purification machine in oil refineries, chemical industry,

beverage industry etc.










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– gas generators

– calenders and other rolling machines and corresponding cylinders (except for metal and glass)

– centrifuge (except for separators in dairies and clothes dryers)

– sealants and similar seals made of combined materials or layers of the same material

– vending machines, etc.

– spirit level, measuring tapes and similar devices, precision machine tools (except optical)

– cooling columns and similar cooling devices using recycled water

– non-electric welding machines


Excludes production of:

– precision scales (for laboratories, etc.), part. 26.51

– cooling and freezing devices, for household use, part. 27.51

– household fans, part. 27.51

– electric welding machines, part. 27.90

– agricultural devices for spraying and dusting, part. 28.30

– devices for rolling metal and glass and their rollers, part. 28.91 and 28.99

– agricultural dryers, part. 28.93

– machine for filtering and cleaning food, part. 28.93

– cream separator, part. 28.93

– textile printing machine, part. 28.94


28.3              Production of machines for agriculture and forestry


28.30 Production of machinery for agriculture and forestry



– production of tractors for agriculture and forestry

– production of single-axle tractors and motor cultivators

– manufacture of lawn mowers, including lawn mowers

– productionin       agricultural               self-loading          and self-unloading                        trailer                       and a semi-trailer

– production of agricultural machines for soil preparation, sowing or fertilizing:

plows, fertilizer spreaders, seed drills, harrows, etc.

– production of machines for harvesting and threshing: reapers, threshers, sorters, etc.

– production of milking machines

– production of agricultural machines for spraying and dusting

– production of various agricultural equipment for raising poultry and bees, preparation of fodder, etc.

– production of machines for cleaning, sorting and grading eggs, fruit, seeds, grains, etc.


Excludes production of:

– manual agricultural tools, part. 25.73

– work vehicles for transfer, part. 28.22

– powered hand-held machines and devices, part. 28.24

– cream separator, part. 28.93

– machine for cooling, sorting and drying pods, part. 28.93

– road tractors for semi-trailers, part. 29.10

– road trailers or semi-trailers, part. 29.20


28.4              Production of metal processing machines and machine tools


It includes the production of processing machines and machine tools for processing metal and other materials (wood, stone, hard rubber and plastic, cold glass, etc.), including those that use laser, ultrasound, electroerosion, plasma, magnetic pulse, etc.


28.41 Production of metal processing machines


It includes the production of:

– machine tools for metal processing (and those that use laser, ultrasound, electroerosion,

plasma, magnetic pulse)

– machine tools for turning, drilling, milling, shaping, scraping and grinding

– a machine for cutting and cutting metal

– machine tools for calibrating and pressing

– metal drawing machine and wire processing machine










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– punching press, hydraulic presses, hydraulic brakes, hammers, forging machines, etc.


Excludes production of:

– replaceable parts for hand or machine tools, part. 25.73

– electric welding machines, part. 27.90


28.49 Manufacture of other machine tools


It includes the production of:

– machine tools for processing all kinds of materials such as wood, bone, stone, hard rubber, hard plastic, cold glass; processing with laser, ultrasound, electroerosion, plasma, magnetic pulse, etc. is included.

– holders for machine tools

– other special fasteners for machine tools

– fixed machines for joining, riveting, gluing or other joining of wood products,

cork, bone, hard rubber or plastic

– fixed rotary or rotary impact drills, saws, riveters, ferrous metal cutters, etc.

– press for chipboard boards, etc.

– machine for power plants

– parts and equipment for all listed machine tools


Excludes production of:

– replaceable attachments for processing machines (drills, punches, molds, milling cutters,

of turning tools, saw blades and cutting knives), part. 25.73

– electric devices for welding and soldering such as fittings and guns, part. 27.90

– drive machines and apparatus, part. 28.24

– machines used in foundries, part. 28.91

– of mining machines and apparatus, part. 28.92


28.9              Production of other machines for special purposes


It includes the production of machines for special use in metallurgy, mines and quarries, in construction, the beverage, food, tobacco, textile, clothing, leather, paper, plastics, tires and other special purposes; also includes specific machinery (in non-industrial activities, such as aircraft propulsion machinery and amusement park equipment).


28.91 Production of machines for metallurgy


It includes the production of:

– machines and equipment for working with hot metals: converters, molds for ingots, casting pots, casting machines (except for ingots) and others.

– a machine for rolling metal and rollers for those machines


Excludes production of:

– molds and molds for casting (except for ingots), as well as machines for shaping foundry molds, part. 25.73

– extractor for processing hot metals, part. 28.41

– machine for forming molds intended for hot metals (except for ingots), part. 28.99

28.92 Manufacture of machinery for mines, quarries and construction


It includes the production of:

– elevators, endless belts and conveyors for working underground

– a machine for drilling, cutting, excavating and tunneling (for underground use or not)

– machine for processing minerals by sifting, sorting, separation, etc.

– mixer for concrete and mortar

– earthmoving machine: bulldozer, angle dozer, grader, scraper

(grinding machines), levelers, mechanical buckets, loaders, etc.

– bucket for bulldozers and loaders

– machine for driving and extracting piles, machine for applying surface layers of mortar, bitumen and concrete

– crawlers and tractors for use in mining

– large transporters for transporting ores










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Excludes production of:

– equipment for lifting and transferring, part. 28.22

– other tractors, part. 28.30 and 29.10

– stone processing machine tools, including stone splitting and roughing machines,

part 28.49

– concrete mixer vehicles, part. 29.10


28.93 Manufacture of machinery for the food, beverage and tobacco industries


It includes the production of:

– dryer for agriculture

– machine for the dairy industry:

* cream separator

* machine for processing and processing milk

* machine for making cheese (homogenizer, mold, press, etc.)

– machine for the milling industry:

* machine for cleaning, sorting or classifying seeds, grain or dried leguminous vegetables (winnower, sieve, separator, seed washing machine)

* machine for the production of flour (mills, sifters, bran cleaners, mixers,

rice husker and grain separator)

– press and kneading machine in the production of wine, cider, fruit juices, etc.

– machine for the bakery industry and the production of macaroni, spaghetti and similar products:

* bakery ovens, devices for mixing, cutting, dividing and shaping the dough, machines for stacking biscuits, etc.

– machines and equipment for processing various foods: for making sweets, cocoa or chocolate; for the production of sugar and beer; processing of meat or poultry, preparation of fruit, stone fruit or vegetables, fish, crustaceans or seafood

– filtering and cleaning machine

– machine for extraction and processing of animal and vegetable fats and oils

– a machine for processing tobacco and making cigarettes or cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc.

– food preparation machine in hotels and restaurants


Excludes production of:

– equipment for sterilization of food and milk by radiation, part. 26.60

– packing, wrapping and measuring machine, part. 28.29

– a machine for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other fruits (except seeds,

cereals and dried leguminous vegetables), part. 28.30


28.94 Manufacture of machinery for the textile, clothing and leather industry


It includes the production of:

– machine for the textile industry:

* machine for preparing, producing, extruding, drawing, texturing and cutting artificial or synthetic fibers, materials or yarns

* machine for the preparation of textile fibers: for cleaning cotton, breaking bales, collecting and spreading cotton, washing and carbonizing wool, etc.

* machine for combing, combing and winding wool on frames, etc.

* spinner

* machine for preparing textile yarn: for winding, weaving, etc.

* weaving machine (loom), including handlooms

* knitting machine

* machine for making knotted nets, tulle, lace, braids, etc.

– auxiliary devices and equipment for textile machines:

* dobi-machines, jacquard-machines, automatic movement stops, mechanisms for replacing weaving cones, spindles and butterfly for spindles, etc.

– fabric printing machine

– fabric processing machine:

* machine for washing, bleaching, dyeing, decorating, finishing, coating or impregnating fabrics

* a machine for winding, unwinding, wrapping, cutting or shredding fabrics

– washing machine and ironing machine:

* washing machine and ironing machine, including hot presses

* laundry type washing and drying machine

* centrifugal clothes dryers

* dry cleaning machine

– sewing machines, as well as heads and needles for them (for household use or not)










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– a machine for making or finishing felt or non-woven textiles

– machine for the leather industry:

* machine for preparing, tanning or processing rawhide, fur or tanned leather

* machine for making or repairing shoes and other items made of leather or fur


Excludes production of:

– paper and cards with built-in programs for jacquard machine operation, part. 17.29

– household washing and drying machine, part. 27.51

– ironing machine, part. 28.29

– bookbinding machine, part. 28.99


28.95 Production of machines for the paper and cardboard industry


It includes the production of:

– machine for making pulp (cellulose fibers)

– machine for making paper and cardboard

– machine for making objects from paper and cardboard


28.96 Production of machines for the production of plastics and rubber



– production of machines for the production of soft rubber and plastic and for the production of products from these materials:

* extruders, presses, machines for making or retreading vehicle tires and other machines for making rubber and plastic products


28.99 Production of machines for other special purposes


It includes the production of:

– dryer for wood, pulp, paper, cardboard and other materials (except for agricultural products and textiles)

– printing and bookbinding machines, as well as machines for activities that support printing on a large number of materials

– a machine for making tiles and bricks, for shaping ceramic products, pipes, graphite electrodes, writing chalk, molds for foundries, etc.

– semiconductor production machines

– industrial multipurpose robots

– various special machines and equipment:

* machine for assembling electric and electronic lamps, tubes and bulbs

* machine for making or hot processing glass or glass goods, glass fibers or yarn

* machines and apparatus for isotope separation; machine for making ropes, etc.

– equipment for centering and balancing tires; balancing equipment (except wheel balancing)

– central lubrication system

– equipment for launching aircraft, catapults and similar equipment

– automatic devices for bowling (equipment for fitting balls)

– devices for amusement parks: merry-go-rounds, slides, shooting ranges, swings, etc.


Excludes production of:

– household appliances, part. 27.5

– photocopier, part. 28.23

– machine for processing hard rubber and plastic or cold glass, part. 28.49

– module for ingots, part. 28.91


29                            Production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers


It includes the production of motor vehicles for the transport of passengers and goods. It also includes the production of engines for motor vehicles and various parts and equipment for them, as well as the production of trailers and semi-trailers.

Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles produced in this area are classified in part. 45.20.










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29.1               Production of motor vehicles


29.10 Production of motor vehicles



– car production

– production of commercial vehicles:

* vans, trucks, cargo tractors for semi-trailers, etc.

– production of buses, trolleybuses and passenger cars

– production of engines for motor vehicles

– production of chassis for motor vehicles

– production of other motor vehicles:

* vehicles designed for driving on snow, special vehicles for transporting people on golf courses, etc.

* fire engines, road cleaning vehicles, traveling libraries and armored vehicles

* vehicles with a concrete mixer

* ATVs (motorcycles), go-karts, etc., including racing vehicles

– factory rebuilding of engines for motor vehicles


Does not include:

– production of electric motors (except starter motors), part. 27.11

– production of light bulbs and lighting equipment for vehicles, part. 27.40

– production of pistons, piston rings and carburetors, part. 28.11

– production of agricultural tractors, part. 28.30

– production of scrapers, part. 28.92

– production of tractors used in construction and mines, part. 28.92

– production of cargo tractors for unloading, part. 28.92

– production of bodies for motor vehicles, part. 29.10[1]

– production of electrical parts for motor vehicles, part. 29.31

– production of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles, part. 29.32

– production of tanks and other military vehicles, part. 30.40

– maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, part. 45.20


29.2               Production of bodies for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers


29.20 Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers


It includes the production of:

– bodywork, including cabins for motor vehicles

– equipment for all types of vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

– trailer and semi-trailer:

* tankers, moving trailers, etc.

* caravans, postal trailers, etc.

– containers intended for one or more modes of transport


Excludes production of:

– trailers and semi-trailers specially intended for use in agriculture, part. 28.30

– other parts and accessories for bodywork for motor vehicles, part. 29.32

– carriage vehicles, part. 30.99


29.3              Production of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines


29.31 Production of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles


It includes the production of:

– electrical equipment for ignition and starting of internal combustion engines:

* ignition magnets, dynamo-magnets, ignition coils, spark plugs, glow plugs, starters, generators (dynamos, alternators), regulators, etc.

– wipers and devices for defrosting and defogging, electric devices for opening windows and doors on cars, etc.

– sets of conductors





[1]We assume that a technical error was made and that instead of: “del. 29.10” it should be written: “del. 29.20”.










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– voltage regulator


Excludes production of:

– batteries and accumulators for vehicles, part. 27.20

– light bulbs and lighting equipment, part. 27.40

– pumps for motor vehicles, part. 28.13


29.32 Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles


It includes the production of:

– various parts and accessories for motor vehicles:

* brakes, gearboxes, axles, wheels, shock absorbers, radiators, silencers, exhaust pipes,

catalysts, clutches, steering wheels, steering columns, control mechanism boxes, etc.

– parts and accessories for the bodywork of motor vehicles:

* seat belts, doors, bumpers, etc.

– seats for motor vehicles


Does not include:

– production of tires for wheels, for vehicles, part. 22.11

– production of rubber pipes, belts, etc. of rubber, for vehicles, part. 22.19

– production of plastic pipes, belts, etc. of plastic, for vehicles, part. 22.2

– production of batteries for motor vehicles, part. 27.20

– production of pistons, piston engines and carburetors, part. 28.11

– maintenance, repair and alteration of motor vehicles, part. 45.20


30                            Production of other means of transport


It includes the production of means of transport: the construction of ships intended for transport and other commercial purposes, the production of rail vehicles, aircraft and spacecraft and their parts.


30.1               Construction of ships and boats


It includes the construction of ships, boats and other watercraft intended for transport and other commercial purposes (sports and recreation).


30.11 Construction of ships and vessels


It includes the construction of ships, with the exception of ships intended for sports and recreation, as well as the construction of floating structures:

– construction of commercial ships:

* passenger ships, ferries, cargo tankers, etc.

– construction of warships

– construction of fishing boats

– construction of speedboats and hovercrafts (except recreational ones)

– construction of drilling platforms, floating or submersible

– construction of floating structures:

* floating docks, pontoons and caissons, landing platforms, barges, tugboats, floating cranes, non-recreational inflatable rafts, etc.

– production of parts for ships and navigable structures


Does not include:

– production of ship parts and assembly assemblies such as:

* sails, part. 13.92

* ship propellers, part. 25.99

* steel and iron anchors, part. 25.99

* marine engines, part. 28.11

* navigational instruments, part. 26.51

* lighting equipment for ships, part. 27.40

– production of amphibious vehicles, part. 29.10

– production of inflatable boats or rafts for recreation, part. 30.12

– repair and maintenance of ships and boats, part. 33.15

– cutting ships, part. 38.31

– interior equipment of ships, part. 43.3










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30.12 Construction of boats for sports and leisure



– manufacturing of inflatable boats and rafts

– making sailboats with or without an auxiliary engine

– production of motor boats for leisure

– production of water scooters

– manufacture of other boats for leisure and sports:

* kayak, canoe, skiff, etc.


Does not include:

– production of boat parts for leisure and sports:

* sails, part. 13.92

* steel and iron anchors, part. 25.99

* marine engines, part. 28.11

* windsurfing boards, part. 32.30

– repair and maintenance of boats for sports and recreation, part. 33.15


30.2              Production of locomotives and rail vehicles


30.20 Production of locomotives and rail vehicles



– production of diesel, electric, steam and other locomotives

– production of self-propelled railway and tram wagons and vehicles for maintenance or servicing

– production of rolling stock for railway and tram traffic, without own drive:

* passenger wagons, freight wagons, tank wagons, automatic unloading wagons, workshop wagons, crane wagons, tenders, etc.

– production of special parts for railway and tram locomotives and wagons:

* bogies, axles and wheels, brakes and parts for them

* hook and coupling of wagons, bumpers and parts for them; shock absorber

* skeletons of wagons and locomotives; bodies; joints for passage between wagons, etc.

– production of mining locomotives and wagons

– production of mechanical and electromechanical devices for signaling, security control and management of railway, tram and road traffic on inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations and airports

– factory renovation and overhaul of rail vehicles

– production of seats for rail vehicles


Excludes production of:

– unassembled rails, part. 24.10

– component parts for fastening railway rails, part. 25.99

– electric motors, part. 27.11

– electrical equipment: signaling, protective and traffic management, part. 27.90

– engines and turbines, part. 28.11


30.3               Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft and related equipment


30.30 Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft and related equipment


It includes the production of:

– airplanes for transporting goods or passengers, for the armed forces, for sports and other purposes

– a helicopter

– gliders and piloted kites

– airships and balloons

– parts and accessories for aircraft from this group:

* major parts such as fuselage, wings, doors, control surfaces, landing gear, fuel tanks, cockpits, etc.

* propellers, rotors and rotor blades for helicopters

* engines of the general type used for aircraft

* turboreactor and turbopropeller parts

– spacecrafts, launch pads, satellites, planetary probes, spaceships, etc.

– airplane seats

– intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM)










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Excludes production of:

– parachute, part. 13.92

– military weapons and ammunition, part. 25.40

– telecommunication equipment for satellites, part. 26.30

– aeronautical instruments and aeronautical instruments for aircraft, part. 26.51

– navigation systems for aircraft, part. 26.51

– lighting equipment for aircraft, part. 27.40

– starting devices and other electrical parts for internal combustion engines, part. 27.90

– pistons, piston rings and carburetors, part. 28.11

– aircraft launch equipment (for aircraft carriers) and similar equipment, part. 28.99


30.4              Production of combat military vehicles


30.40 Production of combat military vehicles


It includes the production of:

– tanks

– armed amphibious vehicles

– other military combat vehicles


Does not include:

– production of weapons and ammunition, part. 25.40


30.9              Production of other means of transport


It includes the production of transport equipment that does not include motor and rail vehicles,

air, water, railway equipment, as well as space transport equipment and military vehicles.


30.91 Manufacture of motorcycles


It includes the production of:

– motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles with an auxiliary engine

– motorcycle engines

– trailer for motorcycles

– parts and accessories for motorcycles


Excludes production of:

– bicycles, part. 30.92

– wheelchairs, part. 30.92


30.92 Manufacture of bicycles and wheelchairs


It includes the production of:

– bicycles and similar means of transport without a motor (including tricycles for transporting goods), children’s bicycles and tricycles

– parts and accessories for bicycles, etc.

– wheelchairs for transporting the disabled, with or without a motor

– parts and accessories for means of transport for the disabled

– baby strollers


Excludes production of:

– bicycles with an auxiliary motor, part. 30.91

– toy vehicles designed for riding, including plastic bicycles and tricycles, part



30.99 Production of other transport equipment


It includes the production of:

– handcarts: luggage carts, sledges, shopping carts, etc.

– horse-drawn vehicles: single-horse carriages, donkey-drawn carriages, hearses, etc.


Excludes production of:

– industrial transport vehicles, including self-driving vehicles, part. 28.22

– decorative carts for restaurants










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31                            Furniture production


It includes the production of furniture and related products from all materials, except stone,

concrete and ceramics.

Furniture manufacturing processes are standardized procedures for processing materials and assembling components, including cutting, shaping, molding, and laminating. Aesthetics and functionality represent a significant part of the production process.

Some of the procedures used in furniture manufacturing are similar to procedures used in other segments of the manufacturing industry. For example. cutting and assembling are applied in the production of wooden (supporting, frame) elements, which is classified in area 16. (Production of wood and wood products). However, many procedures used in the production of wooden furniture differ from those used in the production of wooden objects. In a similar way, in the production of metal furniture, techniques are used that are also applied in the production of rolled products, which are classified in area 25. (Manufacture of finished metal products). The process of molding plastic furniture is similar to molding other plastic products. However, the production of plastic furniture is considered a separate activity.


31.0              Furniture production


31.01 Production of furniture for business and sales premises


It includes the production of furniture of any kind, from any material (except stone,

concrete or ceramic), for any space and for any purpose:

– chairs and sofas for: offices, study rooms, hotels, restaurants and public spaces

– seats for theaters, cinemas, etc.

– special furniture for stores: counters, display boxes, shelves, etc.

– office furniture

– furniture for laboratories

– decorative carts for restaurants

– furniture for churches, schools and restaurants


Does not include:

– production of school and office blackboards, part. 28.23

– production of seats for vehicles, part. 29.32, 30.20 and 30.30

– production of seats for trains, part. 30.20

– production of operating tables, dental chairs, hospital beds, etc.,

part 32.50

– installation and fastening of modular furniture and assembly of laboratory equipment, part. 43.32


31.02 Production of kitchen furniture



– production of kitchen furniture


31.03 Production of mattresses



– mattress production:

* mattresses with springs, filled or internally equipped with supporting materials

* non-covered mattresses made of foam rubber or plastics

– production of auxiliary mattresses


Does not include:

– production of inflatable mattresses and “water beds”, part. 22.19


31.09 Production of other furniture



– production of sofas and sofa sets

– production of garden chairs and sofas

– production of furniture for bedrooms, dining rooms, gardens, living rooms, bathrooms, etc.

– production of closets for sewing machines, televisions, etc.

– finishing (such as chair upholstery)

– furniture finishing (such as spraying, painting, French polishing and upholstery)










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Does not include:

– production of pillows, small upholstered chairs without backs, decorative pillows, blankets and duvets, part. 13.92

– production of sanitary ceramic products, part. 23.42

– production of concrete benches, etc., part. 23.69

– production of tables, stone benches, etc., part. 23.70

– production of lamps and lighting equipment, part. 27.40

– production of seats for cars, trains and airplanes, part. 29.32, 30.20 and 30.30

– repair and restoration of furniture, part. 95.24


32                            Other processing activities


It includes the production of various products that are not included in other activities. Given that it is a residual activity, production processes, input materials and the purpose of manufactured items can vary greatly, so the usual criteria for classifying activities are not applied here.


32.1              Production of jewelry, bijouterie and similar items


It includes the production of jewelry and products that represent imitation jewelry.


32.11 Coinage



– production of coins, including money (paper) that is legal tender, regardless of whether it is made of precious metals or not


32.12 Manufacture of jewelry and related items



– production of processed pearls

– production of precious and semi-precious stones, including production of industrial quality stones and synthetic and reconstituted precious and semi-precious stones

– diamond grinding

– production of jewelry from precious metals or base metals coated with precious metals, jewelry from precious or semi-precious stones, jewelry from precious metals in combination with precious or semi-precious stones or with other materials

– production of jewelry made of precious metals or other metals coated with precious metals:

* dishes (shallow and deep), cutlery, items for toilet use,

office items, items for religious use, etc.

– production of technical or laboratory equipment from precious metals (except instruments and their parts):

* vessels for melting, spatulas, anodes, etc.

– making bracelets and cases for wristwatches, cigarette boxes, etc. from precious metals

– engraving on personal items made of precious and non-precious metals


Does not include:

– production of non-metallic bracelets for wristwatches (made of fabric, leather, plastic, etc.),

part 15.12

– production of articles from base metals covered with precious metals (except imitation jewelry), part. 25

– production of watch boxes, part. 26.52

– production of bracelets for wristwatches from base metals, part. 32.13

– production of imitation jewelry (jewelry), part. 32.13

– jewelry repair, part. 95.25


32.13 Manufacture of imitation jewelry and related products


Includes making:

– artificial pearls and jewelry made of non-precious materials

– rings, bracelets, necklaces and similar items made of base metals coated with precious metals

– jewelry containing imitation precious stones, imitation diamonds, as well as similar manufacture of metal watch bands (except precious stones)










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Excludes production of:

– jewelry made of precious metals and precious stones, part. 32.12

– jewelry containing real precious stones, part. 32.1

– bracelet for wristwatches made of precious metals, part. 32.12


32.2              Production of musical instruments


32.20 Production of musical instruments


It includes the production of:

– stringed musical instruments

– keyboard instruments with strings, including automatic piano

– organs, including harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal pipes

– accordions and similar instruments, including harmonicas

– wind instruments

– percussion

– electronic musical instruments

– music boxes, fair organs, steam organs, etc.

– parts and accessories for musical instruments: metronome, tuning forks, strings, discs and rollers for automatic mechanical instruments, etc.

– whistles, calling horns and other oral wind instruments for giving sound signals


Does not include:

– duplication of recorded record carriers (video tapes and discs), part. 18.2

– production of microphones, amplifiers, speakers, headphones and similar parts, part. 26.40

– production of gramophones, tape recorders, etc., part. 26.40

– production of musical instruments-toys, part. 32.40

– restoration of the organ and other historical musical instruments, part. 33.19

– publishing of audio and video tapes and discs, part. 59.20


32.3               Production of sports equipment


32.30 Production of sports equipment


It includes the production of sports and athletic equipment (except clothing and footwear).



– production of sports items and devices and games on open or closed fields

(except clothing and footwear), of any material:

* hard and soft balls and inflatable balls

* rackets, clubs and golf clubs

* skis, bindings and ski poles

* ski shoes

* windsurfing boards

* props for sport fishing, including nets

* props for hunting, mountaineering, etc.

* leather sports gloves and sports headgear

* pools for swimming and rowing

* ice skates, roller skates, etc.

* bows and crossbows

* equipment for gymnastics, fitness, athletics, etc.


Does not include:

– production of sails, part. 13.92

– production of sports clothing, part. 14.13

– production of saddles and horse equipment, part. 15.12

– production of whips and whips, part. 15.12

– production of sports shoes, part. 15.20

– production of sports weapons and ammunition, part. 25.40

– production of metal weights (for sports), part. 25.99

– production of sports vehicles, except toboggans, etc., part. 29 and 30

– boat production, part. 30.12

– production of earplugs (for swimming and against noise), part. 32.99

– repair of sports equipment, part. 95.29










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32.4              Production of games and toys


It includes the production of dolls, games and toys (including electronic), tools for various types of hobbies and children’s vehicles (except metal bicycles and tricycles).


32.40 Production of games and toys


It includes the production of:

– dolls and clothes and accessories for dolls

– figurines, models of characters from feature films, comics, etc.

– musical instruments-toys

– toys in the shape of animals

– playing cards

– electronic games: video games, chess games, etc.

– miniature models, models and similar models for fun, electric trains, assembly sets, etc.

– slot machine games that are activated by inserting coins, billiards,

special tables for casino games, etc.

– items for entertainment at fairs, table and board games

– wheeled toys that may be intended for riding, including plastic bicycles and tricycles

– puzzles and similar items for fun


Does not include:

– production of electronic video game consoles, part. 26.40

– production of bicycles and means of transport for the disabled, part. 30.92

– production of objects and toys for entertainment and novelties, part. 32.99

– development and release of software for video games, part. 58.21 and 62.01

– production of items for celebrating various holidays, props for magicians, for entertainment, etc., part. 32.99

– release of computer games, part. 58.21

– programming of computer games, part. 62.01


32.5              Production of medical and dental instruments and materials


32.50 Production of medical and dental instruments and materials


It includes laboratory apparatus, surgical and medical instruments, surgical accessories, dental apparatus, devices for the treatment of dental irregularities and prosthetic material. Furniture for medicine, surgery, etc. is also classified here, where additional specific functions determine the purpose of the product (eg dental chair with built-in hydraulic functions).


It includes the production of:

– surgical drapes, sterile thread and cotton wool

– materials for fillings and cement (except dental adhesives), dental wax and dental plaster preparations

– cement for bone reconstruction

– ovens for dental laboratories

– ultrasonic cleaning devices

– laboratory apparatus for sterilization

– laboratory distillation apparatus and laboratory centrifuges

– instruments and aids for the needs of medicine, surgery, dentistry and veterinary medicine

– dentures, cement, etc. for use in dentistry

– medical, dental and veterinary furniture: operating tables,

dental chairs and hospital beds with mechanical equipment

– plates and screws for bones, syringes, needles, catheters, tubes, etc.

– dental instruments (including dental chairs with equipment)

– artificial teeth, bridges, etc. in dental laboratories

– orthopedic and prosthetic equipment

– glass eyes

– medical thermometers

– ophthalmic articles (eyeglasses, sunglasses and lenses)


Does not include:

– production of surgical thread, medical gauze, etc., part. 21.20

– production of electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment, part. 26.60










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– production of wheelchairs, part. 30.92

– activities of opticians, part. 47.78


32.9              Other processing activities


32.91 Manufacture of brooms and brushes


It includes the production of:

– brooms and brushes, including those which are integral parts of machines, hand-held mechanical floor cleaning devices, fringed and feather brushes, painters’ brushes, paint rollers and cartridges and other brushes and brooms

– brushes for clothes, shoes, teeth and personal hygiene


32.99 Production of other items


It includes the production of:

– protective equipment:

* firefighting clothes

* protective work belts and other belts for various professions

* life jackets made of cork for water

* protective helmets made of plastic or metal

* metal protective helmets and other metal items for personal protection

* ear and nose plugs (for swimming and nose protection)

* gas mask

– pens and pencils of all kinds, mechanical or non-mechanical

– pencil cases

– stamps for stamping or numbering, hand-held devices for printing or making labels, tapes for typewriters and pads for stamps

– parasols and umbrellas, walking sticks and safety sticks

– the globe

– buttons, drickers, zippers, rivets (large buckles) and others.

– lighter

– items for personal use: smoking pipes, combs, hairpins, deodorants, vacuum bottles and other vacuum containers for personal or household use, wigs, artificial beards, artificial eyebrows, entertainment items and toys, etc.

– candles, candlesticks, candles, artificial flowers, fruits, wreaths, etc.

– tailor’s dolls, hand sieves and sieves, coffins, etc.

– flower baskets, bouquets, wreaths and similar items


Excludes production of:

– wick for lanterns, part. 13.99

– work clothes (e.g. laboratory suits, uniforms, etc.), part. 14.12

– paper decorations, part. 17.29


33                            Repair and installation of machines and equipment


It includes the specialized repair of products produced in the processing industry sector with the aim of bringing machines, equipment and other products to a functional state. Included is the provision of general servicing and routine maintenance of the mentioned products for their efficient operation and prevention of breakdowns and unnecessary repairs.

This area includes only specialized repair and maintenance activities. A large proportion of repairs are also carried out by manufacturers of machinery, equipment and other products, in which case the units engaged in these repairs and production activities are classified according to the value added principle. Thus, these combined activities are often associated with product creation. The same principle applies to combined trade and repair. Reconstruction or processing of machines and equipment is considered an activity of the processing industry and is included in other activities of this sector.

Repair and maintenance of products used as investment equipment and as consumer products are generally classified as repair and maintenance of household items (eg repair of household furniture, 95.24).


Specialized machine installation is also included in this area. However, the installation of equipment that is an integral part of buildings or similar structures (eg installation of electrical wiring, installation of elevators or air conditioning devices) is classified in the Construction sector.










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Does not include:

– cleaning of industrial equipment, part. 81.22

– repair and maintenance of computers and communication equipment, part. 95.1

– repair and maintenance of household items, part. 95.2


33.1              Repair of metal products, machines and equipment


It includes specialized repair of metal products, machines and equipment manufactured within the processing industry.

General or regular maintenance (i.e. servicing) of these products is covered to ensure their continued operation and prevent their deterioration.


Does not include:

– processing or re-production of machines and equipment, part. 25-31

– cleaning of industrial machines, part. 81.22

– repair and maintenance of computers and communication equipment, part. 95.1

– repair and maintenance of household appliances, part. 95.2


33.11 Repair of metal products


Covers repair and maintenance of fabricated metal products in area 25:

– repair of metal cisterns, tanks and containers

– repair and maintenance of pipes and pipe installations

– repair by welding and soldering

– repair and maintenance of steam boilers and their associated devices: condensers,

economizer, heater, steam collector and accumulator

– repair and maintenance of nuclear reactors, except for isotope separators

– repair and maintenance of parts of ship’s steam boilers and devices for heating and central heating

– repair and maintenance of weapons and combat equipment (includes repair of sports and recreational pistols)

– repair and maintenance of shopping carts


Does not include:

– sharpening of blades and saws, part. 33.12

– repair of pipe installations of the central heating system, part. 43.22

– repair of mechanical locking devices, safes, etc., part. 80.20

– repair of the surveillance and protection system, part. 80.20


33.12 Repair of machines


Includes repair and maintenance of industrial machinery and equipment – sharpening or installation, replacement of blades and saws in commercial and industrial machinery, or welding services (automatic, general); repair of agricultural and other heavy industry machinery and equipment, machine tools, commercial refrigeration equipment, construction equipment and mining machinery and similar machinery and equipment from area 28:

– repair and maintenance of non-motorized machines for vehicles

– repair and maintenance of pumps, compressors and similar devices

– repair and maintenance of machines that use fluid energy

– valve repair

– repair of gears and other gears

– repair and maintenance of industrial furnaces

– repair and maintenance of lifting and conveying equipment, including elevators and escalators

– repair and maintenance of industrial cooling devices and air purification equipment

– repair and maintenance of general machines of commercial type

– repair and maintenance of electric hand machines

– repair and maintenance of machines and auxiliary parts for metal cutting and shaping

– repair and maintenance of general purpose machines

– repair and maintenance of agricultural tractors

– repair and maintenance of machines for agriculture and forestry

– repair and maintenance of metallurgical machines

– repair and maintenance of food, beverage and tobacco processing machines

– repair and maintenance of machines for the textile industry, leather production

– repair and maintenance of machines for the paper industry










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– repair and maintenance of machines for the plastic and rubber industry

– repair and maintenance of other machines for special purposes from area 28

– repair and maintenance of measuring devices

– repair and maintenance of vending machines

– repair and maintenance of cash registers

– repair and maintenance of photocopiers

– repair and maintenance of computing machines, electronic or non-electronic

– repair and maintenance of typewriters

– repair and maintenance of presses for chipboards and the like

– repair and maintenance of machines and apparatus for welding and soldering


Does not include:

– repair and maintenance of stoves and other heating devices, part. 43.22

– installation of stoves and other heating devices, part. 43.22

– computer repair, part. 95.11


33.13 Repair of electronic and optical equipment


Includes repair and maintenance of products from part. 26.5, 26.6 and 26.7, except those considered household products.


Includes repair and maintenance of measuring, control, research, navigation and control devices from branch 26.5:

– repair and maintenance of aircraft instruments

– repair and maintenance of devices for testing automobile exhaust gases

– repair and maintenance of meteorological instruments

– repair and maintenance of equipment for testing physical, electrical and chemical characteristics

– repair and maintenance of measuring, control, research, navigation and other instruments

– repair and maintenance of radiation detection and monitoring instruments


Includes repair and maintenance of laser, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment from branch 26.6:

– repair and maintenance of magnetic resonance devices, ultrasound devices, pacemakers,

hearing aids, devices for electrocardiography, endoscopy, radiation, etc.


Includes repair and maintenance of optical instruments from branch 26.7, such as: binoculars, microscopes (except electron and proton), telescopes, prisms, lenses (except ophthalmic), as well as photographic equipment and devices if they are intended for professional use.


Does not include:

– repair and maintenance of photocopying equipment, part. 33.12

– repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment, part. 95.11

– repair and maintenance of computer projectors, part. 95.11

– repair and maintenance of communication equipment, part. 95.12

– repair and maintenance of video cameras and televisions for general use, part. 95.21

– repair and maintenance of clocks and watches, part. 95.25


33.14 Repair of electrical equipment



– repair and maintenance of products from area 27 (except household appliances)

– repair and maintenance of transformers

– repair and maintenance of electric motors and generators

– repair and maintenance of circuit breakers and switchboards

– repair and maintenance of devices for controlling circuits and relays

– repair and maintenance of batteries and accumulators

– repair and maintenance of electrical appliances for lighting

– repair and maintenance of current wire equipment and non-current wire equipment for connecting electric circuits with wire


Does not include:

– repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment, part. 95.11

– repair and maintenance of telecommunication equipment, part. 95.12










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– repair and maintenance of electronic devices for general consumption, part. 95.21

– repair and maintenance of clocks and watches, part. 95.25


33.15 Repair and maintenance of ships and boats


It includes the repair and maintenance of ships and boats. However, factory rebuilding or overhaul of ships is classified in area 30.



– maintenance, repair or conversion of ships

– maintenance, repair and processing of sailboats and boats for leisure and sports


Does not include:

– factory renovation and overhaul of ships, part. 30.1

– repair and maintenance of marine engines and boat engines, part. 33.12

– cutting, scraping and dismantling of ships, part. 38.31


33.16 Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft


It includes the repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft.



– maintenance and repair of aircraft (except for factory overhaul, inspection and renewal)

– maintenance and repair of aircraft engines


Does not include:

– factory renovation and overhaul of aircraft, part. 30.30


33.17 Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment


Includes repair and maintenance of other transport equipment from area 30, except motorcycles and bicycles.



– repair and maintenance of rail vehicles (except factory overhaul and conversion)

– repair and maintenance of horse-drawn vehicles


Does not include:

– factory renovation and overhaul of locomotives and rail vehicles, part. 30.20

– repair and maintenance of military combat vehicles, part. 30.40

– repair and maintenance of shopping carts, part. 33.11

– repair and maintenance of engines for rail vehicles, part. 33.12

– repair and maintenance of motorcycles, part. 45.40

– repair and maintenance of bicycles, part. 95.29


33.19 Repair of other equipment


Includes repair of equipment not included in other groups of this field:

– fishing nets, mats, bags for chemicals, etc.

– ropes, ship’s equipment, canvas for sails and tarps

– the bag

– wooden pallets, barrels, reels, etc.

– ball machines and other chip-based machines

– restoration of the organ and other historical musical instruments


Does not include:

– restoration and repair of home and office furniture, part. 95.24

– repair and maintenance of bicycles, part. 95.29

– repair, alteration and maintenance of clothing, part. 95.29










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33.2              Assembly of industrial machines and equipment


33.20 Assembly of industrial machines and equipment


It includes special assembly of industrial machines and equipment. The installation of equipment that is an integral part of the construction facility belongs to Construction (eg installation of elevators, escalators, air conditioning devices, alarm systems, etc.).



– installation of industrial machines in factories

– assembly of equipment for industrial process control and management

– assembly of equipment for control of industrial processes

– installation of other industrial equipment:

* communication equipment

* central and similar computers

* laser and electromedical equipment

– dismantling of larger industrial machines and equipment

– assembly of mills

– equipping machines

– assembly of equipment for bowling alleys


Does not include:

– installation of elevators, automatic doors, vacuum cleaning systems, cooling systems, etc., part. 43.29

– installation of doors, vaults, fittings, furniture, etc., 43.32

– installation of doors, stairs, cabins for trying on suits, furniture, etc., part. 43.32

– mounting (installation) of computers, part. 62.09










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It includes the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and hot water using a network system of pipelines, trunk lines and network electric cables. The size of the network is not decisive. It also covers the distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water in industrial plants or residential buildings.

It also includes steam supply and air conditioning.

It does not include the work of services for water supply and sewerage, area 36 and 37, as well as gas pipeline transport (over long distances, mostly), part. 49.30.


35                            Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning


35.1              Production, transmission and distribution of electricity


It includes production and transmission of electricity to distribution centers and distribution.


35.11 Production of electricity


It includes the production of:

– electricity in hydroelectric power plants

– electricity in thermal power plants and heating plants using solid, liquid and gaseous fuels or supply from other renewable energy sources

– electricity in nuclear power plants

– electricity in solar and wind power plants

– electricity in power plants for the combined production of electricity and heat


Does not include:

– production of electricity by burning waste, part. 38.21


35.12 Transmission of electricity



– transmission network management and transmission of electricity to distribution systems


Does not include:

– construction of transmission lines, part. 42.22


35.13 Distribution of electricity



– management of the distribution network and distribution of electricity received from power plants or the transmission system to consumers


35.14 Trade in electricity



– sale of electricity to users

– activity of traders, market intermediaries or representatives who trade electricity through the energy distribution system managed by others


35.2              Gas production and distribution of gaseous fuels through gas pipelines


It includes gas production and distribution of natural or synthetic gas through the distribution network to consumers. Gas sellers or intermediaries who organize the sale of gas through a distribution network managed by others are covered.

Gas transportation by gas pipelines that connect producers with gas distributors, or between distribution centers, is excluded from this branch and belongs to the activity of transportation through gas pipelines.










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35.21 Gas production


It includes the production of:

– gas by dry distillation of coal or from agricultural by-products or waste

– gaseous fuels of a certain caloric value from different types of gases: by cleaning, mixing or other procedures, including natural gas


Does not include:

– extraction of natural gas, part. 06.20

– operation of coke ovens, part. 19.10

– production of oil derivatives, part. 19.20

– production of technical gases, part. 20.11


35.22 Distribution of gaseous fuels by gas pipeline



– distribution and supply of gas pipeline fuels of all types by gas pipeline


Does not include:

– gas pipeline transport (except distribution network), part. 49.50


35.23 Trade in gaseous fuels through the gas pipeline network



– sale of gas to users through the gas pipeline network

– the activity of traders, market intermediaries or representatives who trade gas fuels through the gas distribution system managed by others


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in gaseous fuels, part. 46.71

– retail trade in bottled gas, part. 47.78

– direct sale of fuel, part. 47.99


35.3              Steam supply and air conditioning


35.30 Steam supply and air conditioning


It includes the production of:

– and distribution of steam and hot water for heating and other purposes

– and distribution of cold air and water

– ice for cooling food and for non-food purposes










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This sector includes activities related to the process of removing various forms of waste (including collection and processing), such as solid or liquid industrial waste or household waste, as well as activities to control contaminated landfills. The end product of the waste or wastewater treatment process can be (permanently) removed or can become an input for other production processes. Water supply activities are also classified in this sector.


36                            Collection, purification and distribution of water


It includes the collection, purification and distribution of water for household and industrial needs. Collecting water from different sources as well as distributing water by different means are included.


36.0              Collection, purification and distribution of water


36.00 Collection, purification and distribution of water


It includes the collection, purification and distribution of water for household and industrial needs. Included are the collection of water from different sources and the distribution of water, as well as the operation of irrigation systems; irrigation services and similar auxiliary services in agriculture are not included.



– collecting water from lakes, rivers, wells, springs, etc.

– rainwater collection

– water filtration

– water treatment for industrial and other purposes

– desalination of sea or underground water as the main activity in water production

– distribution of water by pipeline, tank vehicle or other way

– operation of irrigation canals


Does not include:

– operation of irrigation equipment for the needs of agriculture, part. 01.61

– waste water treatment to prevent pollution, part. 37.00

– pipeline water transport, part. 49.50


37                            Removal of waste water


It includes the operation of sewage systems or devices for different water treatment, wastewater treatment, collection of waste from water, its removal and disposal.


37.0              Removal of waste water


37.00 Removal of waste water



– operation of sewage systems and waste water treatment devices

– collection and transport of industrial, municipal and other waste water, as well as rainwater, using sewage networks, collectors, mobile tanks or other

types of transport

– emptying and cleaning of septic tanks and tanks, manholes and sewage pits;

maintenance of chemical toilets

– treatment/purification of waste water (including sewage and industrial waste water and water from swimming pools) using physical, chemical and biological processes

– maintenance and cleaning of drainage channels and drainage, including unblocking of drains


Does not include:

– decontamination of surface and underground water at the place of pollution, part. 39.00

– cleaning and degassing of sewage pipes in buildings, part. 43.22










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38                            Collection, treatment and disposal of waste; reuse of waste materials


It includes the collection, treatment and disposal of waste (waste materials). It also includes the removal of waste and the performance of preparatory actions for treatment, e.g. (classification of waste into separate waste streams).


38.1 Collection of waste


It includes collection of household (municipal) and commercial waste in containers. This includes separate collection of non-hazardous waste from hazardous waste, e.g. household waste, used batteries, used edible oil and grease, used motor oil as well as construction waste.


38.11 Collection of non-hazardous waste



– collection of non-hazardous solid waste (garbage) in the local territory, such as collection of municipal and commercial waste in containers which may be a mixture of materials that can be reused

– collection of recyclable materials

– collection of waste from public areas

– collection of construction waste

– collection and removal of debris such as branches and gravel

– collection of textile waste

– activities in transfer stations for non-hazardous waste


Does not include:

– collection of hazardous waste, part. 38.12

– operation of landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21

– operation of facilities for sorting and separating mixed waste (into paper, plastic, etc.)

intended for recycling, part. 38.32


38.12 Collection of hazardous waste


It includes the collection of solid and non-solid waste, e.g. explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other substances and preparations dangerous to human health and the environment. It includes the identification, processing, packaging and labeling of waste for transport.



– collection of hazardous waste such as:

* used motor oils

* biologically hazardous waste

* nuclear waste

* used batteries

– activities in transfer stations for hazardous waste


Does not include:

– cleaning and remediation of contaminated buildings, mined locations, soil, then groundwater, asbestos removal, part. 39.00


38.2              Waste treatment and disposal


It includes disposal, treatment before disposal, for different types of waste and in different ways, such as treatment of organic waste for the purpose of disposal, treatment and disposal of poisoned or dead animals, etc. contaminated waste; treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals, unloading waste on land or in water, burying or plowing the remains; disposal of used goods such as refrigerators, to eliminate harmful waste, disposal of waste generated by incineration or burning. It also includes obtaining energy during the incineration process.


Does not include:

– treatment and disposal of waste water, part. 37.00

– reuse of waste material, part. 38.3










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38.21 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste


It includes disposal and pre-disposal treatment of solid and non-hazardous non-solid waste:

– operation of non-hazardous waste landfills

– disposal (disposal) of non-hazardous waste by burning or incineration or other methods, with or without utilization for the production of electricity or steam,

compost, fuel substitutes, biogas, ash or other products for further use

– treatment of organic waste for disposal


Does not include:

– incineration and burning of hazardous waste, part. 38.22

– operation of a facility for sorting mixed waste such as paper,                plastic used cans and metals for reuse, part. 38.32

– decontamination, cleaning of soil, water, removal of dangerous substances, part. 39.00


38.22 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste


It includes the disposal and treatment before disposal of solid and non-solid hazardous waste, including waste that is explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other substances and preparations dangerous to human health and the environment.



– operation of hazardous waste treatment facilities

– treatment and disposal of poisoned or dead animals and other contaminated waste

– incineration of hazardous waste

– disposal of used devices (e.g. refrigerators), from which harmful substances are then removed

– treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste, including:

* treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals

* encapsulation, preparation or other treatment of nuclear waste for storage


Does not include:

– reprocessing of nuclear fuel, part. 20.13

– incineration of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21

– decontamination and cleaning of soil and water, removal of dangerous substances in order to reduce pollution, part. 39.00


38.3              Reuse of materials


38.31 Dismantling wrecks


It includes the dismantling of wrecks of any kind (cars, ships, computers, televisions and other devices) in order to reuse the materials.


Does not include:

– disposal of used goods as a refrigerator in order to eliminate harmful waste, part.


– dismantling of cars, ships, computers, televisions and other devices for the purpose of reselling used parts, sector G


38.32 Reuse of sorted materials


It includes the processing of metallic and non-metallic waste and scrap and residues into secondary raw materials, usually involving physical or chemical transformation processes.

It also includes the reuse of materials from waste streams in the form of: 1) separation and

sorting of materials that can be reused from non-hazardous waste streams or 2) separation and sorting of mixed waste that can be reused, such as paper, plastic, used cans and metals into different categories.


Examples of a physical or chemical transformation process:

– mechanical crushing of metal waste from the shell of a car, washing machine, bicycle, etc.

– mechanical reduction of large iron parts such as railway wagons

– cutting metal waste, old unusable vehicles










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– other methods of mechanical treatment to reduce volume, such as cutting and pressing

– regeneration of metal from photographic waste, e.g. fixings, photographic paper and film

– rubber regeneration, such as used tires for the production of secondary raw materials

– sorting and pelletizing plastic for the production of secondary raw materials (for pipes, pots, pallets, etc.)

– processing (cleaning, melting, grinding) of plastic or rubber waste into granules

– crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass

– crushing, cleaning and sorting of other types of waste, such as construction waste to obtain secondary raw materials

– processing of used edible oil and fat to obtain secondary raw materials

– processing of other waste from food, drinks, tobacco and other residues into secondary raw materials.


Does not include:

– production of finished products from secondary raw materials, such as: production of yarn and fibers from the remains of ready-made goods, production of pulp from waste paper, retreading of tires or production of metal from metal waste, which should be

classified into appropriate activities (sector C manufacturing industry)

– processing of nuclear fuel waste, part. 20.13

– smelting of waste and iron scraps, part. 24.10

– reuse of waste in the process of burning or incineration, part. 38.2

– treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21

– treatment of organic waste for disposal, including the composting process, part. 38.21

– obtaining energy during the process of incineration of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21

– treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals, etc., part. 38.22

– treatment and disposal of toxic and contaminated waste, part. 38.22

– wholesale trade in waste and scraps, part. 46.77


39 Rehabilitation, reclamation and other services in the field of waste management
It includes the provision of remediation and reclamation services, such as: cleanup of contaminated facilities and sites, soil, surface and groundwater.
39.0 Rehabilitation, reclamation and long-term services in the field of waste management


39.00 Rehabilitation, recultivation and long services in the field of waste management



– decontamination of soil and groundwater at the site of pollution using mechanical, chemical or biological methods

– decontamination of industrial facilities or locations, including nuclear ones

facilities and locations

– decontamination and cleaning of surface waters from pollution resulting from accidents, such as the collection of pollutants or the application of chemicals

– cleaning of oil stains and other pollutants on the ground, in surface waters, in the seas

and oceans, including coastlines

– removal/reduction of toxic substances, asbestos, lead paint and other toxic substances

– other specialized cleaning and sanitation of the environment


Does not include:

– destruction of pests in agriculture, part. 01.61

– water purification, part. 36.00

– treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, part. 38.21

– treatment and disposal of hazardous waste, part. 38.22

– road cleaning, street washing and removal of ice and snow, part. 81.29










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SECTOR F                             CONSTRUCTION


It includes general and specialized construction works on buildings and other structures. It includes new construction, repairs, additions and adaptations, installation of prefabricated buildings or structures on the construction site, as well as temporary structures.

General construction represents the construction of complete residential and commercial buildings, shops and other public buildings, auxiliary and agricultural buildings, etc., or, on the other hand, the construction of other buildings such as highways, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, airports, piers and others coastal facilities, irrigation systems, sewage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and power lines, sports facilities, etc.

These jobs can be performed for one’s own account or for someone else’s account. Part of the work, and sometimes the entire work, can be performed by subcontractors. This is the unit entrusted with overall responsibility for the construction project.

It also includes the repair of buildings and other structures.

This sector includes the entire construction of buildings (area 41), all works on the construction of other buildings (area 42), as well as specialized construction activities, and only if they are performed as part of the construction process (area 43).

Rental of construction equipment with an operator is classified as specialized construction work performed using this equipment.

It also includes the organization of the execution of construction projects (elaboration of construction projects) of buildings or other structures, which includes the financial, technical and physical resources required for the realization of the construction project for later sale.

If these works are not carried out for the purpose of later sale of the building, but for own use (e.g. leasing space in own buildings, processing operations in the factory), the unit is not classified here, but is classified according to operational operations, i.e. actual condition, production, etc.


41                            Construction of buildings


It includes the construction of all types of buildings. This includes new construction, repairs, additions and adaptations, installation of prefabricated buildings or structures on the construction site, as well as temporary buildings.

The construction of complete residential and commercial buildings, shops and other public and auxiliary buildings, agricultural buildings, etc. is covered.


41.1              Elaboration of construction projects


41.10 Development of construction projects



– development of construction projects for residential and non-residential buildings by combining financial, technical and physical resources necessary for the realization of construction projects for later sale


Does not include:

– construction of buildings, part. 41.20

– architectural and construction design, part. 71.1

– project management services related to the construction project, part. 71.1


41.2              Construction of residential and non-residential buildings


It includes the construction of complete buildings either for one’s own account, with the intention of selling, or on the basis of a contract. Part of the construction or the entire construction can be performed by a subcontractor.


If only specialized parts of the construction process are performed, then the activity is classified in area 43.


41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings



– construction of all types of residential buildings:

* building with one apartment

* multi-apartment building, including multi-storey buildings

– construction of all types of non-residential buildings:

* building for industrial production, e.g. factories, workshops, assembly plants, etc.

* hospital, school and office building










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* hotels, shops, shopping centers and restaurants

* airport buildings

* sports halls

* parking garage, including underground garages

* warehouses

* a building for performing religious ceremonies

– assembly and erection of prefabricated buildings on the construction site

– remodeling and renovation of existing residential buildings


Does not include:

– construction of industrial plants, except for buildings, part. 42.99

– architectural and construction design, part. 71.1

– construction project management, part. 71.1


42                            Construction of other buildings


It includes the construction of other buildings. This includes new construction, repairs, additions and adaptations, installation of prefabricated buildings or structures on the construction site, as well as temporary structures.

It includes the construction of (complex, heavy) structures such as highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, airport runways, piers and other water facilities, irrigation systems, sewage systems, industrial plants, pipelines and power lines and sports fields. These works can be performed for own account or for a fee.

Part of the work, and sometimes the entire work, can be performed by subcontractors.

If only specialized parts of the construction process are performed, then the activity is classified in area 43.


42.1              Construction of roads and railways


42.11 Construction of roads and highways



– construction of highways, streets, roads and other roads for vehicles and pedestrians

– surface works on streets, roads, highways, bridges or tunnels:

* asphalting of roads

* painting and marking of signs on the roads

* installation of fences and traffic signs, etc.

– construction of airport runways


Does not include:

– installation of street lighting and electrical signaling,

– architectural and construction design, part. 71.1

– construction project management, part. 71.1


42.12 Construction of railroads and subways



– construction of railroads and subways


Does not include:

– installation of lighting and electrical signaling, part. 43.21

– architectural and construction design, part. 71.1

– technical management of the construction project, part. 71.1


42.13 Construction of bridges and tunnels



– construction of bridges, including bridges for elevated highways (viaducts)

– tunnel construction










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Does not include:

– installation of lighting and electrical signaling, part. 43.21

– architectural and construction design, part. 71.1

– construction project management, part. 71.1


42.2              Construction of pipelines, electrical and communication lines


42.21 Construction of pipelines


It includes the construction of pipelines for transporting liquids and the construction of interconnected buildings and structures that form an integral part of these systems.



– construction of other buildings for:

* pipelines for transmission over long distances and urban pipelines (intercity and local pipelines)

* main feeders and mains

* irrigation systems (canals)

* tanks

– construction:

* drainage systems (collectors), including repairs

* waste water disposal facilities

* pumping stations

– digging a well


Does not include:

– project management in connection with civil engineering works, part. 71.12


42.22 Construction of electrical and telecommunication lines


It includes the construction of lines for the distribution of electricity and telecommunications and the construction of interconnected buildings and structures that form an integral part of those systems.



– construction of other buildings for:

* intercity and local communication and energy transmission lines and network

* power plants


Does not include:

– project management in connection with civil engineering works, part. 71.12


42.9              Construction of other buildings


42.91 Construction of hydrotechnical facilities



– construction:

* waterways, docks, marinas, constitutions, etc., as well as the execution of river works

(defining the coasts)

* dam and embankment

– excavation (dredging) of waterways


Does not include:

– project management in connection with civil engineering works, part. 71.12


42.99 Construction of other unmentioned buildings



– construction of industrial facilities, except for buildings such as:

* refineries

* chemical industry plants

– construction of structures that are not buildings, such as:










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* outdoor sports facilities

– equipping plots with the necessary infrastructure (e.g. land reclamation, road construction, etc.)


Does not include:

– assembly of industrial apparatus and equipment, part. 33.20

– subdivision of land without equipping it with the necessary infrastructure, part. 68.10

– project management services related to civil engineering works, part. 71.12


43 Specialized construction works


It includes specialized construction works (special trades), i.e. parts construction

buildings and other constructions or preparatory works for them.
These works are usually specialized in the way that they can be carried out on different structures and require the possession of a special type of expertise or equipment. These are, for example: driving pillars, building foundations, making load-bearing walls, concreting, bricklaying, paving with stone, setting up construction scaffolding, covering roofs, etc.
The erection of steel structures is classified here only if the structures are not produced by the unit itself. Specialized types of work are mostly performed by subcontractors, and most often when it comes to repairs done directly for the owner of the real estate.
Finishing and craft work is also included.
All types of assembly necessary for the functioning of the building are also covered. These activities are most often performed on the construction site itself, although part of the work can be performed in special workshops. Included are works such as the introduction of plumbing, central heating and air conditioning, antennas, alarm systems and other electrical works, installation of sprinkler systems, elevators and escalators, etc.
This includes insulation work (against moisture, heat, sound), sheet metal work, installation of cooling devices, installation of lighting and signaling systems for roads, railways, airports, ports, etc. Fixes related to the mentioned activities are also included.
Final construction works include works that complete and finish the building, such as glazing, plastering, painting, or covering with various types of materials (parquet, carpet (itison), wallpaper, etc.), then sandblasting, final carpentry works, sound insulation, cleaning exterior etc. Fixes like the mentioned activities are also included.
Rental of construction machines with an operator is classified as one of the construction activities for which these machines are rented.



Demolition and preparation of the construction site


It includes the preparation of the construction site for later construction activity and includes the prior removal of existing structures.


43.11 Demolition of buildings



– demolition and dismantling of buildings and other facilities


43.12 Preparatory construction sites



– clearing the construction site

– earthworks: excavation, embankment, leveling of terrain, excavation of canals, removal of rocks, blasting, etc.

– preparatory works for mining: removal of excavations and other works and preparation of mineral deposits, except for land with oil and gas

– drainage works on the construction site

– drainage works on agricultural or forest land


Does not include:

– drilling for the production of crude oil and natural gas, part. 06.10 and 06.20

– soil decontamination, part. 39.00

– drilling and digging of wells, part. 42.21

– shaft excavation, part. 43.99










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43.13 Examination of the terrain by drilling and probing



– testing the terrain by drilling and sounding and taking samples for the purpose of studying the terrain and construction, as well as for geophysical, geological or other purposes


Does not include:

– drilling of exploitation sources of oil or gas, part. 06.10 and 06.20

– auxiliary services of testing by drilling and probing during mining activities, part.


– drilling and digging of wells, part. 42.21

– shaft excavation, part. 43.99

– oil and gas research, geophysical, geological and seismic measurements, part. 71.12


43.2              Installation works in construction


It includes installation works that support the functioning of the building as such, including the installation of electricity installations, pipelines (water, gas and sewage), heating and air conditioning systems, escalators, etc.


43.21 Installation of electrical installations


It includes the installation of electrical systems in all types of buildings and other structures:

– setting up installations:

* electrical lines and connections

* telecommunication lines

* lines for computer network, cable television, including optical cables

* satellite antennas

* lighting systems

* fire alarms

* burglar alarm systems

* street lights and electric signals

* lighting on airport runways

– connection of household electrical appliances, including underfloor heating


Does not include:

– construction of communication and energy transmission lines, part. 42.22

– monitoring and remote monitoring of electronic security systems, such as burglar alarms and fire protection systems, including their installation and maintenance, part. 80.20


43.22 Installation of water, sewage, heating and air conditioning systems


It includes the installation of plumbing, sewage, heating and air conditioning systems, including additions, adaptations, maintenance and repairs:

– installing installations in buildings or other structures for:

* heating systems (electricity, gas or oil)

* furnaces (boiler houses) and cooling towers

* solar non-electric collectors

* plumbing and sanitary equipment

* ventilation and air conditioning equipment and ducts

* gas appliances

* exhaust pipes

* fire protection systems

* rotary sprayer systems

– excavation of channels for installation works


Does not include:

– installation of electric underfloor heating, part. 43.21










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43.29 Other installation works in construction


It includes the installation of other equipment (except electrical, plumbing, sewage) for heating and air conditioning systems or industrial plants in buildings and other structures.



– installing installations in buildings or other structures for:

* elevators and escalators

* automatic and revolving doors

* lightning rods

* vacuum cleaning system

* heat and sound insulation, protection against vibrations, etc.


Does not include:

– installation of industrial machines, part. 33.20


43.3              Final construction and craft works


43.31 Plastering



– plastering of the external and internal surfaces of buildings and other objects and decorative stucco works, including the application of a suitable substrate


43.32       Installation of carpentry



– installation of doors (except automatic and revolving), windows, door and window frames made of wood or other materials

– installation of kitchen equipment, cupboards, stairs, shop equipment, etc.

– installation of furniture

– interior finishing of ceilings, moving parts, etc.


Does not include:

– installation of automatic and revolving doors, part. 43.29


43.33 Installation of floor and wall coverings



– installation, paving, furnishing (or cladding) in buildings and other structures:

* ceramic, concrete or stone, wall or floor tiles, and covering the stove with ceramic tiles

* parquet and other wooden floor coverings, covering the walls with wood

* tapestry and linoleum floor coverings, including those made of rubber or plastics

* floor and wall coverings made of terrazzo, marble, granite or slate

* wallpaper


43.34 Painting and glazing



– interior and exterior painting of buildings

– painting of other buildings

– glazing, installation of mirrors, etc.


Does not include:

– installation of windows, part. 43.32










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43.39 Other finishing works



– cleaning of new buildings after construction

– other unmentioned final works


Does not include:

– interior decorating works, part. 74.10

– internal cleaning of buildings and other buildings, part. 81.21

– special internal and external cleaning of buildings, part. 81.22


43.9              Other specific construction works


43.91 Roofing works



– raising roofs

– roofing


Does not include:

– rental of construction machinery and equipment without operator, part. 77.32


43.99 Other unmentioned specific construction works



– specialized construction works that are common to different types of buildings and require the possession of special skills or special equipment:

* foundation construction (funding), including piling

* installation of insulation against moisture and waterproofing

* removal of moisture in buildings

* shaft digging

* installation of industrially produced steel elements that were not produced by the contractor

* reinforcement

* brick and stone masonry

* assembly and dismantling of scaffolding and working platforms, including work on rented scaffolding and working platforms

* raising chimneys, industrial furnaces, etc.

* performance of works according to special requirements, for which climbing skills and knowledge of using appropriate equipment are necessary, i.e. work on tall buildings

– execution of underground works

– construction of outdoor swimming pools

– steam cleaning, sandblasting and similar works on the exterior of the building

– rental of cranes and other construction equipment that cannot be classified into a specific type of construction, together with workers


Does not include:

– rental of machines and equipment for construction or demolition without an operator, part. 77.32










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This sector includes the trade of all types of goods wholesale and retail (sale without processing) and the provision of services in the sale of goods. Wholesale trade and retail trade represent the last stages in the distribution of goods. The repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles is also covered.

Sale without processing includes the usual procedures (manipulations) associated with trade, e.g. sorting, sorting and assembly of goods, mixing of goods, bottling (with or without prior cleaning of bottles), packaging, dividing into smaller quantities and repackaging for distribution, storage (with or without freezing or cooling). Area 45 includes all activities related to the sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, while areas 46 and 47 include all other trade activities. The difference between areas 46. (Wholesale trade) and 47. (Retail trade) is based on the predominant type of customer.

Wholesale trade is the resale (sale without processing) of new or used goods to retailers, industrial, commercial and professional users or institutions or other wholesalers, or includes acting as a broker or intermediary in the purchase or sale of goods for third parties.

The main businesses covered here are: wholesalers, i.e. wholesalers who sell goods in their own name and on their own account, such as commercial intermediaries or resellers, distributors of industrial products, exporters, importers and consumer cooperatives. Apart from them, sales branches and sales branches (but not retail stores) are also included, which are part of the production units, and are separated from their plants or mines and carry out the placement of their products, with the fact that they do not fulfill orders received by direct dispatch from plant or mine. Commercial intermediaries, commission agents, brokers and cooperatives engaged in the marketing of agricultural products are also included.

In wholesale trade, large quantities of goods are often physically assembled (assembled), sorted and classified and divided into smaller lots, repackaged and re-divided into smaller quantities (eg pharmaceutical products); storage, cooling, delivery and installation of goods are also carried out, marketing is done on customers and labels are designed. Retail trade is the resale (sale without processing) of new or used goods to customers for personal or household consumption, in stores, department stores, at counters, through the mail or the Internet, through sellers who come to customers’ doors, street vendors, consumer cooperatives, auction houses, etc. Most retailers sell goods in their own name and on their own account, but some also work as agents on behalf of others and sell goods on a consignment or commission basis.


45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles


This area includes all activities (except production and rental) related to motor vehicles

vehicles and motorcycles, including trucks and cargo vehicles, such as trade in

wholesale and retail trade in new and used vehicles, repair and maintenance of vehicles and

wholesale and retail trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles and motorcycles. The activities of intermediaries in wholesale and retail trade in vehicles, auction wholesale trade in cars and wholesale trade via the Internet are also included.


It also includes activities such as washing, polishing, etc.


It does not include retail trade in motor fuels and lubricants or cooling products, as well as the rental of motor vehicles and motorcycles.




Trade in motor vehicles


45.11 Trade in cars and light motor vehicles



– wholesale and retail trade in new and used vehicles:

* passenger motor vehicles, including special passenger motor vehicles such as ambulances, mini-buses, etc.

– wholesale and retail trade in off-road motor vehicles (< 3.5 t capacity)










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Does not include:

– wholesale trade and retail trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles, part. 45.3

– rental of motor vehicles with driver, part. 49.39

– rental of motor vehicles without a driver, part. 77.11


45.19 Trade in other motor vehicles



– wholesale and retail trade in new and used vehicles:

* trucks, trailers and semi-trailers

* camping vehicles such as caravans and motorhomes

– wholesale and retail trade in off-road motor vehicles (> 3.5 t capacity)


Does not include:

– wholesale trade and retail trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles, part. 45.3

– rental of motor vehicles with driver, part. 49.41

– rental of motor vehicles without a driver, part. 77.12


45.2              Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles


45.20 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles



– maintenance and repair of motor vehicles:

* mechanical repairs

* electrical repairs

* repair of electronic injection systems

* regular service

* body repair

* repair of motor vehicle parts

* washing, polishing, etc.

* spraying and painting

* windshield and window repair

* repair of seats in motor vehicles

– repair, adjustment or replacement of outer and inner tires

– corrosion protection

– subsequent installation of parts and accessories


45.3              Trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles


It includes wholesale and retail trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles such as:

* outer and inner tires

* spark plugs for cars, batteries, lighting equipment, electrical equipment, etc.


45.31 Wholesale of parts and equipment for motor vehicles


45.32 Retail sale of parts and equipment for motor vehicles


Does not include:

– retail trade in motor fuels, part. 47.30


45.4              Sale of motorcycles, parts and accessories, maintenance and repair of motorcycles


45.40 Trade in motorcycles, parts and accessories, maintenance and repair of motorcycles



– wholesale and retail trade in motorcycles, including mopeds

– wholesaling and retailing of parts and accessories for motorcycles (via mail or intermediaries)

– maintenance and repair of motorcycles










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Does not include:

– wholesale trade in bicycles and their parts and accessories, part. 46.49

– retail trade in bicycles and their parts and accessories, part. 47.64

– motorcycle rental, part. 77.39

– repair and maintenance of bicycles, part. 95.29


46                            Wholesale trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles


This area includes wholesale trade for own account or for a fee (commission selling) and refers to both domestic wholesale trade and international wholesale trade (import/export).


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in motor vehicles, caravans and motorcycles, part. 45.1 i


– wholesale trade in accessories for motor vehicles, part. 45.31 and 45.40

– renting and leasing, part. 77

– packaging of solid goods and bottling of liquid or gaseous goods, including mixing and filtering for third parties, part. 82.92


46.1              Wholesale for a fee



– activity of commercial intermediaries and all other wholesalers who work in the name and on behalf of others

– connecting sellers and buyers and contracting trade deals on behalf of the goods owner, including making deals over the Internet

– activity of auction houses in wholesale trade, including wholesale trade over the Internet


Does not include:

– mediation in the trade of motor vehicles, part. 45.1

– wholesale trade for own account, part. 46.2-46.9

– activities of insurance brokers, part. 66.22

– the activity of an intermediary in the sale of real estate, part. 68.31


46.11 Mediation in the sale of agricultural raw materials, animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished products


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.12 Mediation in the sale of fuel, ores, metals and industrial chemicals


Includes sales brokerage:

* fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals, including fertilizers


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.13 Mediation in the sale of timber and construction materials


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99










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46.14 Mediation in the sale of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft


Includes sales brokerage:

* machinery, including office machines and computers, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft


Does not include:

– mediation in trade in motor vehicles, part. 45.1

– auction sale of motor vehicles, part. 45.1

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.15 Mediation in the sale of furniture, household items and metal goods


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.16 Mediation in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.17 Mediation in the sale of food, beverages and tobacco


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.18 Specialized mediation in the sale of special products


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99

– activity of insurance agents, part. 66.22

– activity of agents for real estate business, part. 68.31


46.19 Mediation in the sale of various products


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in one’s own name, part. 46.2-46.9

– retail trade outside stores, through sales agents, part. 47.99


46.2              Wholesale trade in agricultural raw materials and animals


46.21 Wholesale trade in grain, raw tobacco, seeds and animal feed


Includes wholesale trade:

– grains and seeds

– oilseed fruits

– raw tobacco

– animal feed and agricultural raw materials not mentioned elsewhere


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in textile fibers, part. 46.76


46.22 Wholesale of flowers and seedlings



– wholesale trade in flowers, seedlings and bulbs










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46.23 Wholesale trade in animals


46.24 Wholesale trade in raw, unfinished and finished leather


46.3              Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco


46.31 Wholesale of fruits and vegetables



– wholesale trade in fresh fruits and vegetables

– wholesale trade in canned fruits and vegetables


46.32 Wholesale trade in meat and meat products


46.33 Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats



– wholesale trade in dairy products

– wholesale trade in eggs and egg products

– wholesale trade in edible oils and fats of animal and vegetable origin


46.34 Wholesale of beverages



– wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages

– wholesale trade in soft drinks

– buying wine in bulk and bottling without processing


Does not include:

– mixing of wine or distilled alcoholic beverage, part. 11.01 and 11.02


46.35 Wholesale of tobacco products


46.36 Wholesale of sugar, chocolate and sweets



– wholesale trade in sugar, chocolate and sweets

– wholesale trade in bakery products


46.37 Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices


46.38 Wholesale trade of other foodstuffs, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs



– wholesale trade in other food such as fish, crustaceans and molluscs

– wholesale trade in prepared meals

– wholesale trade in pet food


46.39 Non-specialized wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco


46.4              Wholesale of household items


It includes wholesale trade in household items, including textiles


46.41 Wholesale trade in textiles



– wholesale trade in yarns

– wholesale trade in fabrics

– wholesale trade in household linen

– wholesale trade in haberdashery: needles, sewing thread, etc.










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Does not include:

– wholesale trade in textile fibers, part. 46.76


46.42 Wholesale of clothing and footwear



– wholesale trade in clothing, including sportswear

– wholesale haberdashery: gloves, ties, braces, etc.

– wholesale trade in footwear

– wholesale trade in fur items

– wholesale trade in umbrellas


Does not include:

– wholesale jewelry trade, part. 46.48

– wholesale trade in leather goods, part. 46.49

– wholesale trade in special sports shoes such as ski shoes, part. 46.49


46.43 Wholesale of household electrical appliances



– wholesale trade in electrical household appliances

– wholesale trade in radio and TV equipment

– wholesale trade in photographic and optical equipment

– wholesale trade in electric heating devices

– wholesale trade in recorded audio and video tapes, CDs and DVDs


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in unrecorded audio and video tapes, CDs and DVDs, part.


– wholesale trade in sewing machines, part. 46.64


46.44 Wholesale of porcelain, glassware and cleaning products



– wholesale trade in porcelain and glass goods

– wholesale trade in cleaning products


46.45 Wholesale of perfumery and cosmetic products



– wholesale trade in perfumery and cosmetic products and soaps


46.46 Wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products



– wholesale trade in pharmaceutical and medical products


46.47 Wholesale of furniture, carpets and lighting equipment



– wholesale trade in household furniture

– carpet wholesale trade

– wholesale trade in lighting equipment


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in office furniture, part. 46.65










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46.48 Wholesale of watches and jewelry


46.49 Wholesale of other household products



– wholesale trade in products made of wood, wicker, cork, etc.

– wholesale trade in bicycles and bicycle parts and accessories

– wholesale trade in paper products, books, magazines and newspapers

– wholesale trade in leather goods and travel accessories

– wholesale trade in musical instruments

– wholesale trade in games and toys

– wholesale trade in sporting goods, including sporting footwear such as ski boots


46.5              Wholesale of information and communication equipment


Includes wholesale trade of information and communication technology equipment

(computers, telecommunication equipment and parts).


46.51 Wholesale of computers, computer equipment and software



– wholesale trade in computers and computer equipment

– wholesale trade in software


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in electronic parts, part. 46.52

– wholesale trade in office machines and equipment (except computer and peripheral equipment), part. 46.66


46.52 Wholesale of electronic and telecommunication parts and equipment



– wholesale trade in electronic components (valves and pipes)

– wholesale trade in semiconductor equipment

– wholesale trade in integrated circuits and microchips

– wholesale trade in printed cars

– wholesale trade in unrecorded audio and video tapes, magnetic and optical discs (CD, DVD)

– wholesale trade in telephones and communication equipment


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in recorded audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical discs (CD, DVD), part. 46.43

– wholesale trade in computers and computer equipment, part. 46.51


46.6              Wholesale of other machines, equipment and accessories


It includes wholesale trade in specialized machines, equipment and accessories for all types of industry and general purpose machines.


46.61 Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and accessories



– wholesale trade in agricultural machinery and equipment:

* plows, fertilizer spreaders and seed drills

* reapers

* threshing machines

* milking machines

* poultry and beekeeping machines

* tractors used in agriculture and forestry










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* mowers, regardless of the type of drive


46.62 Wholesale of machine tools



– wholesale trade in machine tools of all types and for all materials

– wholesale trade in automated machine tools


46.63 Wholesale of mining and construction machinery


46.64 Wholesale of machines for the textile industry and sewing and knitting machines



– wholesale trade in automated machines for the textile industry and automated sewing and knitting machines


46.65 Wholesale of office furniture



– wholesale trade services related to:

* products classified in part. 31.01


46.66 Wholesale of other office machines and equipment



– wholesale trade in office machines and equipment, except for computers and computer peripherals


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in computers and computer equipment, part. 46.51

– wholesale trade in electronic parts, telephones and communication equipment, part. 46.52


46.69 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment



– wholesale trade in transport equipment, except for motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles

– wholesale trade in robots for production lines

– wholesale trade in wire, switches and other installation equipment for use in industry

– wholesale trade in electrical items such as electric motors, transformers and switches

– wholesale trade in other unmentioned machines used in industry (except in mining, construction and high-rise construction and textile industry), trade, navigation and other activities

– wholesale trade in measuring instruments and devices


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in motor vehicles, trailers and caravans, part. 45.1

– wholesale trade in parts and equipment for motor vehicles, part. 45.31

– wholesale trade in motorcycles, part. 45.40

– wholesale trade in bicycles, part. 46.49


46.7              Other specialized wholesale trade


It includes other specialized wholesale trade activities that are not classified in other groups of this branch. This branch includes wholesale trade in semi-finished products, except for agricultural products, which are not usually used in the household.










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46.71 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products



– wholesale trade in fuels, lubricants and oils such as:

* charcoal, coal, coke, firewood and oil

* crude oil, crude oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, heating oil, fuel oil and kerosene

* liquid gasoline, butane and propane

* lubricating oils and fats and refined petroleum products


46.72 Wholesale trade in metals and metal ores



– wholesale trade in iron ores and non-ferrous metals

– wholesale trade of iron ores and non-ferrous metals in primary forms

– wholesale trade in semi-finished products from iron and non-ferrous metals elsewhere not mentioned

– wholesale trade in gold and other precious metals


Does not include:

– wholesale trade in metal waste, part. 46.77


46.73 Wholesale of wood, building materials and sanitary equipment



– wholesale trade in untreated wood

– wholesale trade in products obtained by primary processing of wood

– wholesale trade in paints and varnishes

– wholesale trade in building materials such as sand and gravel

– flat glass wholesale trade

– wholesale trade in wallpaper and floor coverings

– wholesale trade in sanitary equipment:

* bathtubs, sinks and toilet and other sanitary items made of porcelain

– wholesale trade in prefabricated houses


46.74 Wholesale trade in metal goods, installation materials, equipment and accessories for heating



– wholesale trade in metal goods and locks

– wholesale trade in accessories and accessory parts

– wholesale trade in water heaters

– wholesale trade in sanitary installation equipment:

* pipes, lines, faucets, T-parts, joints, rubber pipes, etc.

– wholesale trade in tools such as hammers, saws, drills and other hand tools


46.75 Wholesale of chemical products



– wholesale trade in industrial chemicals:

* aniline, printing inks, essential oils, industrial gases, chemical adhesives, paint bases, synthetic resins, methanol, paraffin, fragrances and spices, soda, industrial salt, acids and sulfur compounds, starch derivatives, etc.

– wholesale trade in fertilizers and chemical products for agriculture


46.76 Wholesale of other semi-products



– wholesale trade in plastic masses in primary forms

– wholesale trade in rubber and rubber

– wholesale trade in textile fibers, etc.










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– wholesale trade in unpackaged paper

– wholesale trade in precious stones


46.77 Wholesale of waste and scrap



– wholesale trade in metal and non-metal waste and scrap intended for recycling, including collection, sorting, separation and dismantling of used goods (such as cars) to obtain usable parts; packaging and repackaging, storage and delivery, but without the actual processing process

– wholesale trade in old paper

– dismantling of cars, computers, televisions and other equipment for obtaining and reselling usable parts


Does not include:

– collection and processing of industrial and communal waste (from households and industry), part. 38.1

– processing of waste, not for further use in the industrial production process, but for the purpose of disposal, part. 38.2

– processing waste and residues into secondary raw materials when a real transformation process is required (secondary raw materials resulting from that process are suitable for direct use in the industrial production process, but do not represent the final product), part. 38.3

– dismantling of cars, computers, televisions and other equipment intended for recycling, part. 38.31

– mechanical pressing of old cars, part. 38.32

– cutting ships, part. 38.31

– retail trade in used products, part. 47.79


46.9              Non-specialized wholesale trade


46.90 Non-specialized wholesale trade



– wholesale trade in various goods, without special specialization


47                            Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles


It includes the resale (sale without processing) of new and used products, mainly for personal use and consumption in the household, in shops, department stores, at stalls, through the post office, through street vendors, acquirers, consumer cooperatives, etc.

Retail trade is first classified according to the type of sales facility (Retail trade in shops: branches 47.1-47.7; Retail trade outside shops: branches 47.8 and 47.9). Retail trade in shops includes the retail sale of second-hand goods (group 47.79). In the case of retail sales in stores, there is a difference between specialized retail sales (branches

47.2-47.7) and non-specialized retail sales (branch 47.1).

The listed activities are further classified according to the type of products sold.

Sales outside stores are divided according to the form of sales: sales at stalls and markets (branch 47.8) and other sales outside stores, e.g. via mail, internet, door-to-door, through vending machines, etc. (branch 47.9).

Goods sold in this area are limited to so-called consumer goods or retail goods; does not include goods not normally sold at retail, e.g. grain, ores, industrial machinery, equipment, etc. This also includes the retail sale of goods intended for the public – goods on display (such as computers, office equipment, paints, lumber), although they do not have to be used for personal or household use. Manipulations that are common in trade do not affect the essential character of the goods and may include, for example, sorting, separating, mixing and packing.


It also includes:

– retail trade through commission agents

– activity of auction houses in retail sales

Does not include:

– trade in own agricultural products carried out by agricultural producers, part. 01










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– production and sale of goods that are usually classified as production in part. 10-32

– sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles and their parts, part. 45

– trade in grains, legumes, ores, crude oil, industrial chemicals, iron, steel, industrial machinery and equipment, part. 46

– sale of food and beverages in catering facilities and sale of takeaway food, part. 56

– renting and leasing of items for personal and household use, part.



47.1              Retail trade in non-specialized stores


It includes retail trade of various products in non-specialized stores such as, for example. supermarkets and department stores.


47.11 Retail trade in non-specialized stores, mainly food, beverages and tobacco



– retail trade in various goods, mainly food, beverages or tobacco:

* the activity of general merchandise stores where, in addition to food, drinks and tobacco as the main products, various other products such as clothes, furniture, household appliances, metal goods, cosmetics, etc. are sold.


47.19 Other retail trade in non-specialized stores



– retail trade in a variety of goods, where food, drinks and tobacco do not predominate

– the activity of department stores dealing in the general sale of various products, including clothing, furniture, household appliances, metal goods, cosmetics, jewelry, toys, sports equipment, etc.


47.2              Retail trade in food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores


47.21 Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialized stores



– retail trade in fresh fruits and vegetables

– retail trade in canned fruits and vegetables


47.22 Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialized stores



– retail trade in meat and meat products (including poultry meat)


47.23 Retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialized stores



– retail trade in fish, seafood and products obtained from them


47.24 Retail sale of bread, pasta, cakes and sweets in specialized stores


47.25 Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores



– retail trade in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in specialized stores

(not consumed on site)










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47.26 Retail trade in tobacco products in specialized stores



– retail trade in tobacco and tobacco products in specialized stores


47.29 Other retail trade in food in specialized stores



– retail sale of dairy products and eggs

– retail sale of other food products, not mentioned elsewhere


47.3              Retail sale of motor fuels in specialized stores


47.30 Retail sale of motor fuels in specialized stores



– retail trade in fuels for motor vehicles and motorcycles

– retail trade in products for lubrication and cooling of motor vehicles


Does not include:

– wholesale fuel trade, part. 46.71

– retail trade in liquefied petroleum gas for heating or cooking in households, part.



47.4              Retail trade in information and communication equipment in specialized stores


It includes the retail sale of information and communication equipment (ICT) such as computers and peripherals, telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics, in specialized stores.


47.41 Trade             on the            a bit                    computers,         peripheral         units                     and   software                          in specialized stores



– retail sales in specialized stores:

* computers and peripheral equipment

* video game console

* specially designed software, including video games


Does not include:

– retail trade in unrecorded tapes and discs, part. 47.63


47.42 Retail trade in telecommunications equipment in specialized stores


47.43 Retail trade in audio and video equipment in specialized stores



– retail sale of radio and television equipment

– retail sale of audio and video equipment

– retail sale of devices for playing and recording CDs, DVDs, etc.


Does not include:

– retail sale of gramophone records, recorded tapes and video tapes, laser and similar records and cassettes, part. 47.63


47.5              Retail trade in other household equipment in specialized stores


Includes retail trade in household equipment, e.g. textiles, metal goods, carpets, electrical appliances, furniture, etc., in specialized stores.










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47.51 Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– cloth

– knitting yarn

– basic materials for making blankets, tapestries and embroidery

– sewing accessories, needles, thread, etc.

– textiles


Does not include:

– clothing retail trade, part. 47.71


47.52 Retail trade in metal goods, paints and glass in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– metal goods

– paints, coatings and varnishes

– flat glass

– other construction materials such as bricks and tiles, wood, sanitary equipment, etc.

– materials and equipment for DIY activities


47.53 Retail sale of carpets, wall and floor coverings in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– carpets and floor coverings

– curtains and net curtains

– wallpaper and floor coverings


Does not include:

– specialized retail trade in cork coverings intended for the floor, del. 47.52


47.54 Retail sale of household electrical appliances in specialized stores


Does not include:

– retail sale of audio and video equipment, part. 47.43


47.59 Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household items in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– household furniture

– items for lighting

– household utensils, cutlery, pottery items made of clay and ceramics, items made of glass and porcelain, etc.

– items made of wood, cork and wicker

– non-electric appliances and household equipment

– musical instruments and sheet music

– electrical security systems with alarms, such as locking devices, cash registers and safes, without installation and maintenance services

– household items and equipment not mentioned elsewhere


Does not include:

– retail trade in antiques, part. 47.79










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47.6              Retail trade in cultural and recreational items in specialized stores


Includes retail trade in cultural and recreational items in specialized stores, e.g. books, newspapers, music and videos, sports equipment, games and toys.


47.61 Retail sale of books in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– a book from all fields


Does not include:

– retail sale of used or rare books in antique shops, part. 47.79


47.62 Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores


It also includes retail sales:

– writing accessories: pencils, pens, staples, paper, etc.


47.63 Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– recorded music tracks, audio cassettes, compact discs and cassettes

– video tapes and digital videos


47.64 Retail trade in sports equipment in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– sports equipment, fishing equipment, camping equipment, boats and bicycles


47.65 Retail trade of games and toys in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– games and toys made of any material


Does not include:

– retail trade in video consoles, part. 47.41

– retail trade in software, including video games, part. 47.41


47.7              Retail trade in other goods in specialized stores


Includes retail sale in specialized stores of products not elsewhere classified, such as clothing, footwear, leather goods, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, watches, souvenirs, cleaning materials, weapons, flowers, pets and others. It also includes retail sales of used items in specialized stores.


47.71 Retail trade in clothing in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– clothing items

– fur items

– clothing accessories such as gloves, ties, shoulder straps, etc.


Does not include:

– retail trade in textiles, part. 47.51










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47.72 Retail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– shoes

– leather items

– travel articles made of leather and artificial leather


Does not include:

– retail trade in special leather sports shoes, e.g. ski boots, part.



47.73 Retail sale of pharmaceutical products in specialized stores –



Includes retail sales of:

– pharmaceutical products


47.74 Retail sale of medical and orthopedic aids in specialized stores


47.75 Retail trade in cosmetic and toiletry products in specialized stores


Includes retail sales of:

– perfumery, cosmetic and toiletry products


47.76 Retail sale of flowers, seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, pets and pet food in specialized stores


47.77 Retail trade in watches and jewelry in specialized stores


47.78 Other retail trade in new products in specialized stores



– retail sale of photographic and optical equipment and equipment for precise measurements

– activity of an optician

– retail sale of souvenirs, handicrafts, religious objects, etc.

– activity of commercial art galleries

– sale of heating oil, bottled gas, coal and firewood

– sale of weapons and ammunition

– sale of postage stamps and coins (numismatics)

– retail services of art galleries

– sale of non-food products elsewhere not mentioned


47.79 Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores



– sale of used books

– sell other second-hand goods

– sale of antiques (antiques)

– activity of auction houses within retail sales


Does not include:

– retail trade in used motor vehicles, part. 45.1

– online auctions and other auctions outside stores (retail), part. 47.91 and 47.99

– activities of pawnshops, part. 64.92


47.8              Retail trade at stalls and markets


It includes retail trade in new or second-hand products of any kind that takes place at mobile stalls, along public roads or at an organized market.










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47.81 Retail trade in food, beverages and tobacco products at stalls and markets


Does not include:

– sale of dishes prepared for immediate consumption (mobile sales facilities, stalls), part. 56.10


47.82 Retail trade in textiles, clothing and footwear at stalls and markets


47.89 Retail sale of other goods at stalls and markets


Includes retail trade:

– other goods at stalls and markets:

* carpets and floor coverings

* books

* toys and games

* household appliances and consumer electronics

* music and video recordings


47.9              Retail trade outside shops, stalls and markets


It includes mail order retailing, internet retailing, door to door retailing, vending machines, etc.


47.91 Retail trade by mail order or via the Internet


This group includes activities of retail trade via mail or internet, i.e. retail trade activities where the customer, based on advertisements, catalogs, information that can be obtained on the website, samples or any other means of advertising, chooses which products to buy and orders them via mail, the Internet (usually in special ways provided by the website) or by phone. Purchased products can be directly downloaded from the Internet or physically delivered to the customer.



– retail trade in goods of any kind through the mail

– retail trade in goods of any kind via the Internet

– direct sales via television, radio or telephone

– internet auctions within retail trade


Does not include:

– retail trade in motor vehicles, their parts and accessories for them over the Internet, part. 45.1 and 45.3

– retail trade in motorcycles, their parts and accessories for them via the Internet, part. 45.4


47.99 Other retail trade outside shops, stalls and markets


Includes retail trade:

– any products in a manner not covered elsewhere:

* sales through persons who come to the customer’s door

* sales through vending machines

– direct sale of fuel (fuel oil, firewood, etc.) delivered to the customer’s address

– sales through traveling salesmen

– retail trade through auction houses, outside of stores (except the Internet)










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SECTOR H                             TRANSPORT AND STORAGE


It includes the provision of passenger and cargo transportation services in rail, pipeline and road traffic, inland waterways and air traffic, regular or non-scheduled, providing services in ancillary activities (such as services at terminals and parking lots), then storage, cargo handling, etc.

It also includes renting vehicles with a driver or operator. It also includes postal and courier activities.


Does not include:

– major repairs or reconstructions of means of transport, except for motor vehicles, part.


– construction, maintenance and repair of roads, railways, ports, piers and airports, part. 42

– maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, part. 45.20

– rental of means of transport without a driver or operator, part. 77.1 and 77.3


49                            Land transport and pipeline transport


It includes the transportation of passengers and cargo by road and rail, as well as the transportation of cargo by pipelines.


49.1              Railway passenger transport, long-distance and regional


49.10 Rail transport of passengers, long-distance and regional



– passenger transportation using railway vehicles between two cities over longer distances

– transportation of passengers using railway rolling stock in the area of one region

– transportation of passengers by car for sleeping or dining as an integral part of the carrier’s business


Does not include:

– transportation of passengers in urban and suburban transport, part. 49.31

– activity of passenger terminals, part. 52.21

– activities related to railway infrastructure; activities such as changing tracks and shunting, part. 52.21

– transportation of passengers by sleeping or dining cars that are not an integral part of the carrier’s business, part. 55.90 and 56.10


49.2              Rail freight transport


49.20 Rail transport of cargo



– freight transportation on public railway infrastructure and industrial railways

– combined transport of a cargo unit by rail, where the initial or final part of the transport route is performed over a short distance by road transport


Does not include:

– storage, part. 52.10

– operation of facilities and equipment at the terminal, part. 52.21

– activities related to railway infrastructure; activities such as changing tracks and shunting, part. 52.21.

– cargo manipulation, part. 52.24


49.3              Other land transport of passengers


It includes all other activities related to the land transportation of passengers, except for the transportation of passengers by rail. However, rail transport, which is considered urban or suburban transport, is classified here.










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49.31 Urban and suburban land transportation of passengers



– land transportation of passengers by urban and suburban transport systems

– transportation to and from the airport and other passenger terminals


Various modes of transportation such as bus, tram, trolleybus, subway, overground, etc. can be included here. This transport is carried out on regular routes, according to the established schedule, which implies boarding and disembarking passengers at certain stations.



– transportation by funiculars, cable cars, etc., if they are part of the urban or suburban transport system

– transportation from the city to the airport and from the city to the railway stations


Does not include:

– remote transportation of passengers by rail, part. 49.10


49.32 Taxi transportation



– taxi transport

– other rental of passenger vehicles with driver


49.39 Other transportation of passengers in land traffic



– other passenger transport by road:

* regular intercity bus transportation

* extraordinary transportation (charter transportation), e.g. for excursion purposes, and other occasional transportation services

* transportation of passengers within the space belonging to the airport

– transportation by funiculars, cable cars and ski lifts if they are not part of the city or suburban transport system

– transportation by school buses and buses for the transportation of employees

– transportation of passengers by animal-drawn vehicles


Does not include:

– transportation by ambulance, part. 86.90


49.4              Road freight transport and relocation services


It includes all activities related to land transportation of cargo, except transportation of cargo by rail.


49.41 Road transport of cargo



– all activities related to the transportation of cargo by road:

* transportation of logs

* transport of animals

* transportation of refrigerated cargo

* transportation of heavy cargo

* transportation of bulk cargo, including transportation by trucks and tankers, as well as collection of milk from farms

* car transport

* transportation of waste and waste materials, without collection and disposal

* rental of a truck with a driver

* cargo transportation by vehicles pulled by people or animals










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Does not include:

– transportation of logs in the forest as part of logging activities, part. 02.40

– water supply using trucks and tanks, part. 36.00

– waste transportation as an integral part of waste collection activities, part. 38.11 and 38.12

– operation of terminal equipment for cargo handling, part. 52.21

– packing in order to prepare for transport, part. 52.29

– postal and courier activities, part. 53.10 and 53.20


49.42 Relocation services



– relocation services of business entities and households by road transport


49.5              Pipeline transport


49.50 Pipeline transport



– transfer of gas, liquid, semi-liquid mixtures and other cargo through pipelines

– operation of pumping stations


Does not include:

– distribution of natural and industrially obtained gas, water or steam, part. 35.22, 35.30 and


– transportation of liquids by trucks, part. 49.41


50                            Water traffic


It includes regular and non-scheduled transportation of passengers and cargo by waterway, as well as activities carried out using pushers or tugboats, excursion boats, ferries, taxi-carriers on waterways, then cruises, tours, etc. Although location is an indicator of the difference between maritime and inland waterway traffic, the decisive factor differentiating the two types of traffic is the type of vessel used. Transport by ships used in maritime traffic is classified in branches 50.1 and 50.2, while transport by other ships is classified in branches 50.3 and 50.4.


It does not include jobs performed in restaurants and bars (sections 56.10 and 56.30) if they are performed by units that are not part of the organization that deals with the transportation of passengers and cargo.


50.1              Maritime and coastal passenger transport


It includes the transportation of passengers by vessels designed for sea navigation and navigation in coastal sea waters. Also included is passenger transportation, e.g. on large lakes, when similar types of transport are used.


50.10 Maritime and coastal transportation of passengers



– overseas passenger transport, as well as transport in coastal sea waters, regular and non-regular:

* operation of ships for excursions, cruises or tours

* ferry operation and taxi transport on waterways

– renting boats with a crew for tourist purposes and transportation in coastal sea waters (e.g. for a fishing trip)


Does not include:

– activities of restaurants and bars on ships when they are performed by independent units, part.

56.10 and 56.30

– renting boats and yachts for entertainment without a crew, part. 77.21

– rental of commercial ships without a crew, part. 77.34

– activities of floating casinos, part. 92.00










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50.2              Maritime and coastal cargo transportation


It includes cargo transportation by vessels designed for sea navigation and navigation in coastal sea waters. Freight transportation is also included, e.g. on large lakes, when similar types of transport are used.


50.20 Maritime and coastal transportation of cargo



– overseas cargo transportation, as well as cargo transportation in coastal sea waters, regular and extraordinary

– transportation by towing or pushing by tugboats and pushers, oil platforms, etc.

– rental of crewed ships for maritime cargo transportation and cargo transportation in coastal sea waters


Does not include:

– cargo storage, part. 52.10

– port operations and other auxiliary activities such as:

* docking, pilotage (ships), transportation by barges, rescue, etc., part. 52.22

* cargo manipulation, part. 52.24

– rental of commercial ships or boats without a crew, part. 77.34


50.3              Transportation of passengers by inland waterways


It includes the transportation of passengers by inland waterways, ships that are not suitable for sea transportation.


50.30 Transportation of passengers by inland waterways



– transportation of passengers by rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways, including transportation within ports and piers

– rental of tourist boats and yachts with crew, for transport on inland waterways


Does not include:

– rental of pleasure boats and yachts without a crew, for transport on inland waterways, part. 77.21


50.4              Cargo transportation by inland waterways


It includes the transportation of goods by inland waterways, vessels that are not suitable for maritime transport.


50.40 Cargo transportation by inland waterways



– cargo transportation by rivers, canals, lakes or other inland waterways, including transportation within ports and piers

– rental of means of transport (ships) with a crew, for the transport of cargo on inland waterways


Does not include:

– cargo manipulation, part. 52.24

– rental of commercial ships or boats without a crew, part. 77.34


51                            Air traffic

It includes the transportation of passengers and cargo by air or in space. Does not include:

– treatment of sown areas by aircraft, part. 01.61

– repair and maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines, part. 33.16

– provision of services at the airport, part. 52.23

– advertising from the air, part. 73.11

– aerial photography, part. 74.20










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51.1              Air passenger transport


51.10 Air transport of passengers



– transportation of passengers by air on regular lines, with an established flight schedule

– charter flights

– flights to see the panorama

– rental of aviation equipment with a crew for the purpose of transporting passengers

– other civil aviation activities such as:

* transportation of passengers by aero clubs for the purpose of training or entertainment


Does not include:

– rental of unmanned aircraft equipment, part. 77.35


51.2              Air freight and space traffic


51.21 Air cargo transportation



– cargo transportation by air on regular lines, with a fixed flight schedule

– emergency cargo transportation by air

– rental of manned aviation equipment for the purpose of cargo transportation


51.22 Space traffic



– launching of satellites and space vehicles

– space transportation of passengers and cargo


52                            Storage and related activities in traffic


It includes warehousing and related transport activities such as activities within the transport infrastructure (eg airports, ports, tunnels, bridges, etc.), activities of transport agencies and handling of goods.


52.1              Storage


52.10 Storage



– operation of storage and loading facilities for all types of cargo, such as:

* grain silos, warehouses for various loads, warehouses-refrigerators, etc.

– storage and preservation of goods in free customs zones (foreign trade zones)

– instant freezing for storage purposes


Does not include:

– parking lots for motor vehicles, part. 52.21

– operation of facilities and equipment for independent storage and preservation

– renting free space, part. 68.20


52.2              Accompanying activities in traffic


It includes activities that monitor and support the transport of passengers and cargo, such as those within parts of the transport infrastructure, or the manipulation of goods immediately before or after the completed transport or between certain stages of transport. It includes operation and maintenance of all transport facilities and equipment.










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52.21 Service activities in land transport



– activities related to land transport of passengers, animals or cargo:

* operation of terminal facilities and equipment, such as train and bus stations and cargo handling stations

* railway infrastructure management (maintenance, organization and regulation of railway traffic and provision of access and use of public railway infrastructure)

* accompanying activities related to the use (billing and maintenance) of roads, bridges, tunnels, parking lots or garages, parking lots for bicycles, winter accommodation of trailers, etc.

– changing tracks (turning) and shunting

– vehicle towing and roadside assistance

– converting gas into liquid for transport purposes


Does not include:

– cargo manipulation, part. 52.24


52.22 Service activities in water traffic



– activities related to the transportation of passengers, animals or cargo in water traffic:

* operation of facilities and equipment at terminals such as ports and wharves

* operation of water locks, etc.

* navigation, pilotage and docking

* rescue, transportation by tugboats and pushers, etc.

* operation of the lighthouse


Does not include:

– cargo manipulation, part. 52.24

– operation of the marina, part. 93.29


52.23 Service activities in air transport



– activities related to the transportation of passengers, animals or goods by air:

* operation of terminal facilities such as airport terminals, etc.

* airport and air traffic control

* ground service work at airports, etc.

– fire protection and defense at airports


Does not include:

– cargo manipulation, part. 52.24

– activity of flying schools, part. 85.32 and 85.53


52.24 Manipulation of cargo



– loading and unloading of cargo or passengers’ luggage, regardless of the type of means of transport by which the transport was carried out

– loading and unloading from ships

– loading into and unloading from freight railway wagons


Does not include:

– operation of cellular facilities, part. 52.21-52.23


52.29       Other related activities in traffic



– forwarding operations

– organizing transportation by rail, road, sea or air

– organization of group and individual shipments (including collection and delivery, as well as grouping of shipments)

– issuing and obtaining transport documents and waybills

– duties of customs representatives

– jobs of maritime and air freight forwarders










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– brokerage services for shipping and aircraft space

– cargo handling, e.g. temporary packaging only for the purpose of protecting the goods during transit, repacking, sampling and measuring the weight of the goods


Does not include:

– courier activities, part. 53.20

– insurance of means of transport, part. 65.12

– activity of travel agencies, part. 79.11

– activities of travel organizers, part. 79.12

– auxiliary tourist activities, part. 79.90


53                            Postal activities


It includes postal activities of public and commercial service, such as reception, transfer (processing and transport) and delivery of postal items (letter items and packages), under different conditions of service provision.

Postal activities include courier, express, hybrid, accelerated, direct and others. postal services.


53.1              Postal activities of the public service


53.10 Postal activities of the public service


Public service postal activities are the activities of operators working under a single service system within one or more specific service providers.

Activities imply that when performing postal services, postal operators use the postal network, postal network units, processing centers, carry out the transport of parcels according to the established route, collect and deliver postal parcels.

Postal items can be delivered/paid, e.g. mail items (letters, stationery, printed matter, money orders, etc.) and packages, addressed goods or documents.

Other services necessary to support a unified service system are included here:

– collection of postal items from mailboxes, units of the postal network, through an authorized person, in the business premises of the user or electronically

– reception, processing, transport and delivery (delivery or delivery) of domestic and international postal items carried out by units outside the scope of the unified service system, one or more means of private or public transport may be included in the provision of services

– receipt, transfer and payment of money order


Does not include:

– operation of postal savings banks and other financial operations performed by the post office, except for money orders, part. 64.19


53.2              Postal activities of the commercial service


53.20 Postal activities of commercial service


It includes services that imply special requirements in terms of methods (courier, express, accelerated, hybrid, etc.) and quality of transmission:

– reception, processing, transportation and delivery of domestic and international postal items performed by units outside the scope of the unified service system. The provision of services may include one type of private/public transport vehicle or more.










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The sector includes the provision of accommodation services for short stays of visitors and other travelers, as well as the preparation of complete meals and drinks for immediate consumption. The scope and type of supplementary services in this sector can vary widely.


It does not include accommodation for a long period, in the capacity of primary residence, which is classified within activities related to real estate (sector L). Also excluded is the preparation of food and beverages that are not intended for immediate consumption or are sold through independent distribution channels, i.e. through wholesale or retail trade. The preparation and sale of such food is classified as an activity of the processing industry (sector C).


55                            Accommodation


The area includes the provision of short-term accommodation services for visitors and other travelers. It also includes the provision of long-term accommodation services for students, pupils, workers and others. Some accommodation units may offer only accommodation, while others offer a combination of accommodation, food and/or recreation services.


It does not include long-term accommodation services, in the capacity of primary residence, in facilities such as apartments rented (as a rule) on a monthly or annual basis, which are classified within activities related to real estate (sector L).


55.1              Hotels and similar accommodation


55.10 Hotels and similar accommodation


It includes the provision of accommodation services, as a rule, on a daily or weekly basis, primarily for short-term visitors. It also includes accommodation in furnished rooms or apartments. Accommodation services here include daily room cleaning and bed making. The range of additional services may include the preparation and serving of food and drinks, parking, laundry, use of swimming pools, exercise rooms, recreation facilities, holding conferences, congresses, conventions, etc.


Includes accommodation services in:

– hotels

– tourist settlements

– motels

– rural tourist households

– home-made objects

– other tourist accommodation facilities


Does not include:

– accommodation services in houses and furnished or unfurnished flats or apartments for long stays, leased, as a rule, on a monthly or annual basis, part. 68


55.2              Resorts and similar facilities for short stays


55.20 Resorts and similar facilities for short stays


It includes accommodation services for a short stay, usually on a daily or weekly basis. Visitors can use the space intended for independent use, which consists of fully equipped rooms, or space for living/dining and sleeping, with cooking appliances or a fully equipped kitchen. These can be apartments or flats in smaller, detached multi-storey buildings, in bungalows, cottages, holiday homes or settlements, etc. Additional services, if provided at all, are minimal.


Includes accommodation in:

– children’s, student and student resorts

– apartments and bungalows

– country houses, log cabins, without maintenance service

– youth hotels and mountain lodges










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Does not include:

– accommodation services for short stays in hotels and similar accommodation, part. 55.10

– renting out houses and furnished or unfurnished apartments or apartments for a longer stay, as a rule, on the basis of a monthly or annual lease, part. 68


55.3              The activity of camps, car camps and camps for tourist trailers


55.30 Activities of campsites, auto-camps and campsites for tourist trailers



– accommodation services for short stays of visitors in camps, camps for tourist trailers, recreational camps and camps for hunting and fishing

– rental of spaces and facilities for recreational vehicles

– accommodation services in protected shelters or in open space (bivouac)

intended for placing tents and/or sleeping bags


Does not include:

– accommodation services for short stays in mountain lodges, log cabins and hostels, part. 55.20


55.9              Other accommodation


55.90 Other accommodation


It includes the services of temporary accommodation or long-term accommodation for pupils and students. Pupils are provided with accommodation, food and educational services, and students with accommodation and food.



– student dormitories

– workers’ hostels

– railway sleeping cars


56                            The activity of preparing and serving food and drinks


It includes the preparation of complete meals and beverages for on-site consumption, whether in traditional restaurants, self-service restaurants or take-out restaurants, in fixed or mobile kiosks, with or without seating. The decisive criterion for classification is the meals that are offered (they are ready to be consumed on the spot), and not the type of facility in which they are offered.


It does not cover the production of meals that are not suitable or intended for consumption on the spot, as well as the production of food that is not considered a meal (section 10 and section 11).

It also does not include the sale of food prepared elsewhere, which is not considered a meal or is not prepared for consumption on the spot (sector G).


56.1              Activities of restaurants and mobile catering establishments


56.10 Activities of restaurants and mobile catering facilities


It includes the preparation and serving of food to guests, whether they are served at the table or serve themselves from displayed dishes, whether they eat prepared meals in the establishment, take them with them or have them delivered to them. It also includes the preparation and serving of food for immediate consumption from motor vehicles and other vehicles.


Includes activities:

– restaurants

– cafeteria

– fast food restaurants

– restaurants with take-out service

– mobile carts for selling ice cream

– mobile carts with food

– preparing food at market stalls

– restaurants and bars connected to traffic when they are operated by separate units










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Does not include:

– sale of food through vending machines, part. 47.99

– preparation and delivery of food based on concession, part. 56.29


56.2              Catering and other food preparation and serving services


It includes the preparation and serving of food during special occasions, or during a certain period, on the basis of a concession, e.g. in sports and similar facilities.


56.21 Catering


It includes the provision of food preparation and serving services based on contractual arrangements with consumers and at a location specified by the consumer, and for certain occasions.


Does not include:

– production of perishable food intended for resale, part. 10.89

– retail trade in perishable food, part. 47


56.29 Other food preparation and serving services


It includes the provision of food preparation and delivery services based on contractual arrangements with consumers, for a specific period. It also includes the preparation and delivery of food on the basis of a concession, in sports and similar facilities. Food is usually prepared in a central unit.



– preparing and delivering meals based on the contract (e.g. for companies dealing with traffic)

– preparation and delivery of food on the basis of a concession, in sports and similar facilities

– operation of canteens and cafeterias (e.g. in factories, institutions, hospitals or schools)

based on the contract


Does not include:

– production of perishable food intended for resale, part. 10.89

– retail trade in perishable food, part. 47


56.3              Beverage preparation and serving services


56.30 Beverage preparation and serving services


It includes the preparation and serving of beverages for on-site consumption:

– in bars

– in taverns

– in cocktail lounges

– in discotheques

– in pubs

– in cafes

– selling drinks from specialized vehicles


Does not include:

– resale of packaged/prepared drinks, part. 47

– sale of drinks through vending machines, part. 47.99

– operation of discotheques and play areas without serving drinks, part. 93.29










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It includes the production and distribution of information and cultural content. It provides the means for the transmission or distribution of these products, as well as data or communications. It includes the activity of information technology and data processing and the provision of other information services.

The main components of this sector are publishing activities (area 58), including software publishing, film and sound recording (area 59), broadcasting and production of radio and TV programs (area 60), telecommunication activities (area 61), information technology activities (area 62) and other information services (area 63).

Publishing is the publication of publications for the purpose of their dissemination (distribution to a larger number of users).

All possible forms of publishing are covered (printed publishing, in electronic or audio form, on the Internet, multimedia products such as manuals on CD-ROMs, etc.).

Activities related to the production and distribution of TV programs include part. 59-61, which reflect the different stages of this process. Individual elements, such as films, television series, etc., are produced on the basis of activities specified in field 59, while the creation of a complete program of a television channel consists of parts specified in field

59 or parts included in area 60.

Broadcasting of programs by producers is included in area 60. The distribution of a complete television program by a third party, without any modification of the content, is included in area 61. This distribution in area 61 can be done by broadcast, satellite or cable systems.


58                            Publishing activities


It includes the publication of books, brochures, prospectuses, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, maps and maps; publication of newspapers, magazines and periodicals; directories and address books and other publications, as well as publishing software.

Publishing is the publication of publications for the purpose of their dissemination (distribution to a larger number of users).


All possible forms of publishing are covered (printed publishing, in electronic or audio form, on the Internet, multimedia products such as manuals on CD-ROMs, etc.).


Does not include:

– release of films, videos and films on DVDs, CDs or similar media, part. 59

– production of matrices (masters) for duplicating sound, image or text, part. 59

– printing, part. 18.11 and 18.12

– mass reproduction of recorded media, part. 18.20


58.1              Publication of books, magazines and other publishing activities


It includes the publication of books, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, address books and postal directories, as well as photographs, engravings, postcards, calendars, patterns, posters and reproductions of works of art. These works are characterized by the necessity of intellectual creativity necessary for their development and are usually protected by copyright.


58.11 Publication of books


Includes issuing:

– a book in printed or electronic form, in audio-recording or on the Internet

– brochures, prospectuses, leaflets and similar publications, including the publication of dictionaries and encyclopedias

– atlases, maps and charts

– encyclopedia on compact discs (CD-ROM)


Does not include:

– production of globes, part. 32.99

– issuance of advertising material, part. 58.19

– publishing of sound and music recordings, part. 59.20

– products of freelance artists, part. 90.03










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58.12 Issuance of directories and address books


It includes the release of data sheets/information (database) protected in terms of form, but not content. These lists can be issued in printed or electronic form.


Includes issuing:

– address book

– telephone directories

– other directories and compilations such as collections of laws and interpretations of laws,

pharmaceutical compendiums, etc.


58.13 Publication of newspapers



– publication of newspapers, including advertising newspapers, which are published at least four times a week; this information may be issued in printed or electronic form, including an online edition


Does not include:

– activities of news agencies, part. 63.21


58.14 Publication of magazines and periodicals


Includes issuing:

– magazines and periodicals published less than four times a week; this information may be issued in printed or electronic form, including an online edition

– reviews of radio and television programs


58.19 Other publishing activities



– publication (including online):

* catalog

* photo, engraving and postcard

* congratulations

* forms

* posters and reproductions of works of art

* advertising material

* other printed material

– issuance of statistical and other information


Does not include:

– publication of advertising newspapers, part. 58.13

– on-line provision of software (hosting – hosting of applications and provision of application services), part. 63.11


58.2              Software release


58.21 Publishing of computer games



– release of computer games for all platforms


58.29 Release of other software



– release of finished software that is not specifically adapted to a specific user, including translation or adaptation of such finished software for a specific market, for your own account:

* operating systems

* business and other applications










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Does not include:

– duplication of software, part. 18.20

– retail trade in ready-made software that is not specially adapted for a specific user, part. 47.41

– development of software that is not related to publishing, including translation or adaptation of such finished software for a specific market, for a fee or on the basis of a contract, part.


– on-line provision of software (hosting – hosting of applications and provision of application services), part. 63.11


59                            Cinematographic and television production, recording of sound recordings and publishing of music recordings


It includes the production of cinematographic works intended for public screening regardless of the carrier (cinemas, television, public transport, etc.); post-production, distribution of cinematographic works and other audio-visual products to other activities; showing cinematographic works and other audio-visual products.

It also includes sound recording, i.e. production of original (master) sound recordings, publication, promotion and distribution and release of music recordings, as well as service activities related to sound recording in a studio or elsewhere.


59.1              Cinematographic and television production


It includes the production of cinematographic works, including digital distribution, intended for public screening regardless of the carrier (cinemas, television, public transport, etc.); post-production, distribution of cinematographic works and other audio-visual products to other activities, as well as their screening.

It includes the purchase and sale of rights to distribute cinematographic works and other audio-visual products.


59.11 Production of cinematographic works, audio-visual products and television programs



– production of cinematographic works, television programs (television series,

documentaries, etc.) or television commercials


Does not include:

– duplication of films (except for copies intended for distribution to cinemas), sound and video tapes, duplication of masters on CDs or DVDs, part. 18.20

– wholesale trade in recorded video tapes, CDs or DVDs, part. 46.43

– wholesale trade in blank video tapes and CDs, part. 46.52

– retail trade in video tapes, CDs or DVDs, part. 47.63

– post-production activities, part. 59.12

– recording sound recordings and recording books on tapes, part. 59.20

– broadcasting of television programs, part. 60.2

– creating a complete program of the television channel, part. 60.2

– processing of cinematographic works, except processing for the film industry, part. 74.20

– activity of theatrical and artistic agents or agencies, part. 74.90

– rental of video tapes, DVDs, etc. 77.22

– subtitling of live telecasts of meetings, conferences, etc., part. 82.99

– activities of independent artists, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical experts, part. 90.0


59.12 Activities that follow the filming phase in the production of cinematographic works and television programs



– post-production editing, editing, film/tape transfer, production of titles, subtitles, closing credits, production of subtitles, computer graphics, animation and special effects, development and processing of cinematographic works, as well as activities performed in film laboratories and special production laboratories animated films, and the activity of archives of film clips and short sequences










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Does not include:

– duplication of films (except for copies intended for distribution to cinemas), sound and video tapes, duplication of masters on CDs or DVDs, part. 18.20

– wholesale trade in recorded video tapes, CDs or DVDs, part. 46.43

– wholesale trade in blank video tapes and CDs, part. 46.52

– retail trade in video tapes, CDs or DVDs, part. 47.63

– film processing, except processing for the film industry, part. 74.20

– rental of video tapes and DVDs, part. 77.22

– activities of independent artists, cartoonists, cartoonists, directors,

scenographers and technical experts, part. 90.0


59.13 Distribution of cinematographic works, audio-visual works and television programs



– distribution of cinematographic works and other audio-visual products to cinemas,

television stations, networks and other viewers

– securing the right to distribute cinematographic works and other audio-visual products


Does not include:

– making copies of films and reproduction of audio tapes, video tapes, CDs or DVDs from the original, part. 18.20

– wholesale trade in recorded video tapes and DVDs, part. 46.43

– retail trade in recorded video tapes and DVDs, part. 47.63


59.14 The activity of showing cinematographic works



– authorized screening of cinematographic works through appropriate technologies and technical devices, accessible to citizens under equal conditions in public premises, i.e. public spaces

– activities of cinema clubs


59.2              Recording and publishing of sound recordings and music


59.20 Recording and publishing of sound recordings and music


Includes activities related to the production of original sound recordings on tapes and CDs; publication, promotion and distribution of sound recordings to the wholesale trade, retail trade and the public (direct). Those activities may be integrated or unintegrated with the production of original records in the same unit. If they are not integrated, the unit performing those activities must acquire the rights to reproduce and distribute the original recordings.

This also includes service activities during the recording of sound recordings in the studio or elsewhere,

including the production of a previously recorded radio program (not directly).

Also included are activities within music publishing, i.e. activities related to exercising copyright on musical works, promotion and use of those musical works on radio, television, films, live broadcasts, print and other media.

Units engaged in these activities may be copyright holders or act as representatives of the copyright holder on his behalf.

It also includes the publication of sheet music and audio books.


60                            Program activities and broadcasting


It includes the creation of content and the subsequent broadcasting of that content (radio or television entertainment programs, news, conversations, etc.).

It also includes the broadcasting of data that is an integral part of the broadcasting of radio and TV programs. Broadcasting can be done using different technologies, via radio waves, satellites, cable networks or the Internet.

It also includes the production of special programming intended for specific target groups, such as news, sports, educational and youth programming, on a subscription or fee basis, for later broadcast.


It does not include the distribution of cable and other programs on a subscription basis, part. 61.










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60.1              Broadcasting of radio programs


60.10 Broadcasting of radio programs



– broadcast of a sound signal via radio stations and equipment for transmitting radio programs to the general public, the network of radio stations and subscribers

– radio network activities, i.e. compilation and transmission of radio programs to affiliates and subscribers by broadcasting via radio waves, cable network or satellite

– radio broadcasting via the Internet (radio stations on the Internet)

– integrated broadcasting of data and radio programs


Does not include:

– production of radio programs recorded on tapes, part. 59.20


60.2              Production and broadcasting of television programs


60.20 Production and broadcasting of television programs


It includes the production of a complete television program of one channel based on purchased shows (eg movies, documentary shows, etc.), own produced program (eg local news, on-the-spot reports), or a combination thereof.

A complete television program may be broadcast by production units or produced for transmission by a third party, such as cable networks or satellite television program providers.

It includes the production of programs that can be general or specialized (special programs such as news, sports programs, educational programs and youth programs). Included are activities related to the development of programs that are delivered to users free of charge and programs for which a subscription is paid. The creation of programs for video channels on demand is also included.

It also includes data broadcasting integrated with television broadcasting.


Does not include:

– production of television program components (films, documentaries, dialog shows, commercials, etc.) that are not an integral part of broadcasting, part. 59.11

– compilation of channel packages and distribution of those packages without programming, part. 61


61                            Telecommunications


It includes activities that provide telecommunication and related services, i.e. any broadcasting, transmission or reception of messages (speech, sound, text, image or data) in the form of signals, using wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems. Portable devices that support these activities can be based on a single technology or a combination of several technologies. The common feature of these activities is the transmission of content without its creation. The classification levels are based on the type of infrastructure used.

In the case of the transmission of a television signal, it may involve the linking of complete television channels (produced in part 60) into program packages which are then distributed.


61.1              Cable telecommunications


It includes activities related to operating, maintaining or providing access to devices for any broadcast, transmission or reception of messages (speech, sound, text, image or data) using the cable telecommunications infrastructure. Portable devices that support these activities can be based on a single technology or a combination of several technologies.


61.10 Cable telecommunications



– management, maintenance or provision of capacity for any broadcasting, transmission or reception of messages (speech, sound, text, image or data) using the cable telecommunications infrastructure, including:

* management and maintenance of transmission and communication devices that ensure signal distribution to a specific point, from where the signal can be transmitted via land lines, microwaves or a combination of land lines and satellite connections:










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* management of the cable distribution system (e.g. for the distribution of data and television signals)

– delivering telegraphic and other non-sound communications using own devices

– purchasing network access and network capacity from network owners and operators and providing telecommunication services to businesses and households using the network capacity

– provision of internet access by cable infrastructure operators


Does not include:

– resale of telecommunication services, part. 61.90


61.2              Wireless telecommunications


61.20 Wireless telecommunications


It includes activities related to the management, maintenance and provision of access to devices for any broadcast, transmission or reception of messages (speech, sound, text, image or data) using a wireless telecommunications infrastructure. These devices enable multidirectional transmission with electromagnetic waves and can be based on one technology or a combination of several technologies.

Activities related to the maintenance and management of mobile and other wireless telecommunication networks are also included.

It also includes the purchase of network access and capacity from network owners and operators and the provision of wireless telecommunications services (except satellite) to businesses and households using this capacity.

It also provides Internet access by wireless infrastructure operators.


It does not include the resale of telecommunication services, part. 61.90.


61.3              Satellite telecommunications


61.30 Satellite telecommunications


It includes the management, maintenance and provision of access to devices for any broadcast, transmission or reception of messages (speech, sound, text, image or data) using the satellite telecommunications infrastructure. Delivery to users of visual, sound and text programs received from cable networks or radio networks via satellite systems is also included.

Units classified in this activity usually do not produce programs. It also includes Internet access by satellite infrastructure operators. It does not include the resale of telecommunication services, part. 61.90.

61.9              Other telecommunication activities


61.90 Other telecommunication activities



– provision of special telecommunication services such as satellite tracking,

communication remote measurement and operation of the radar service

–     management of the operation of satellite terminals and devices operationally connected to one or more terrestrial communication systems that can transmit signals to the satellite system or receive them from the satellite system

– enabling network access to the Internet between the user and the Internet service operator, which is not owned or controlled by the Internet service operator, such as Internet access

– enabling phone and internet access via freely available devices

– provision of telecommunication services through existing telephone connections:

* provision of conversation services over the Internet

– purchase and resale of network capacity without providing additional services










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Does not include:

– enabling access to the Internet by telecommunication infrastructure operators, part. 61.10-61.30


62                            Computer programming, consulting and related activities


It includes professional activities in the field of information technology: writing, modifying, testing and maintaining software; planning and designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software and communication technology; managing clients’ on-site computer systems and/or data processing devices; other professional and technical activities related to computers.


62.0              Computer programming, consulting and related activities


Computer programming, consulting and related activities.


62.01 Computer programming



– writing, changing, testing, documenting and maintaining software; includes writing programs based on user instructions

– designing the structure and content and/or writing the code necessary for creation and implementation:

* system software (including updates and patches)

* application software (including updates and patches)

* database

* Web page

– software customization, i.e. modifying and configuring the existing application to ensure its functionality in the environment of the client’s information system


Does not include:

– release of software packages, part. 58.29

– translation or adaptation of non-tuned software for a specific market, for your own account,

part 58.29

– planning and designing computer systems that integrate hardware, software and communication technology, even when providing software is an integral part, part. 62.02


62.02 Consulting activities in the field of information technology



– planning and designing computer systems that integrate hardware, software and communication technologies; services may also include appropriate user training


Does not include:

– sale of hardware and software, part. 46.51 and 47.41

– installation of central (mainframe) and similar computers, part. 33.20

– installation of personal computers, part. 62.09

– software installation, recovery after a crash or computer system crash,

part 62.09


62.03 Management of computer equipment



– providing management of the client’s on-site computer system and/or data processing equipment, as well as providing appropriate support services



62.09 Other information technology services


It includes other information technology activities and activities related to computers,

not mentioned elsewhere, such as:

– recovery services after a crash or system crash (disaster recovery)










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– installing personal computers

– software installation services


Does not include:

– installation of central (mainframe) and similar computers, part. 33.20

– computer programming, part. 62.01

– consulting related to computers, part. 62.02

– computer equipment management, part. 62.03

– data processing and hosting, part. 63.11


63 Information service activities


It includes web browser portal activities, data processing and hosting activities, as well as

other activities that primarily provide information.
63.1 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
– activity of providing infrastructure for hosting, data processing services and so on

related activities as well as providing search tools and other portals for



63.11 Data processing, hosting, etc.



– hosting infrastructure provisioning activities, data processing services and related activities

– specialized hosting activities such as web hosting, multimedia services or application hosting, provision of application services, enabling the use of time-sharing resources of the central (mainframe) computer by the user

– the activity of the entire processing of data submitted by the user and the creation of specialized reports based on data obtained from clients, as well as data entry


Does not include:

– activities in which the service provider uses a computer as a tool; they are classified according to the nature of the services provided


63.12 Web portals



– work on websites that use search engines to generate and maintain extensive databases of internet addresses and content in an easily searchable form

– work on other websites that act as portals on the Internet, such as media sites that provide periodically updated content


Does not include:

– publication of books, newspapers, magazines, etc. via the Internet, part. 58

– broadcasting over the Internet, part. 60


63.9              Other information service activities



– activities of news agencies and provision of all remaining information services


Does not include:

– library and archive activities, part. 91.01


63.91 Activities of news agencies



– the activity of newspaper associations and agencies that supply the media with news, photos and reports










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Does not include:

– activities of independent photojournalists, part. 74.20

– activities of independent journalists, part. 90.03


63.99 Information service activities not elsewhere specified


It includes information activities not mentioned elsewhere, such as:

– information services provided over the phone with the help of a computer

– information search services for a fee

– services related to press clippings, etc.


Does not include:

– activities of call centers, part. 82.20










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It includes financial services, including insurance, reinsurance, pension funds and auxiliary activities in the performance of financial services. It also includes the activity of holding companies, the activity of trust funds (trusts), investment funds and similar financial entities.


64                            Financial services, except insurance and pension funds


It includes activities related to the acquisition and redistribution of financial resources, except for insurance, pension funds and mandatory social insurance.


64.1              Monetary intermediation


It includes obtaining financial resources in the form of transferable deposits, i.e. funds with a fixed nominal value, which are collected on a daily basis, from sources of a primarily non-financial nature, excluding the central bank.


64.11 Central Bank



– issuance and management of the national currency

– supervision and control of money supply

– receiving deposits used for clearing between financial institutions

– supervision of banking operations

– keeping foreign exchange reserves of the state

– performing banking operations for the state


64.19 Other monetary intermediation


It includes receiving deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits and, on the other hand,

providing credit or loan funds to users.

Lending, in addition to usual bank loans, can occur in different forms, such as: mortgage loans, credit card loans, etc.

These activities are performed by monetary institutions, other than the central bank, such as:

– banks

– savings banks

– credit cooperatives

It also includes services provided by:

– postal giro banks and postal savings banks

– specialized depository institutions for approving housing loans

– institutions that perform money order transactions (payment/disbursement of money orders) and money transfers


Does not include:

– approval of housing and other types of loans by non-deposit credit institutions, part. 64.92

– processing of transactions made through credit cards, clearing and balancing for the account of other persons, part. 66.19


64.2              Activities of holding companies


64.20 Activities of holding companies


It includes the activities of holding companies, i.e. legal entities that are engaged in “holding” the funds of a group of affiliated companies (owning the controlling level of their basic capital) and whose predominant activity is the ownership of a group of companies. Holding companies classified in this activity do not provide any other service to the companies whose capital they own, i.e. they do not perform ongoing administrative and managerial tasks of affiliated companies.










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Does not include:

– active management of companies, strategic planning and decision-making in companies, part. 70.10


64.3              Trust funds (trusts), investment funds and similar financial entities


64.30 Trust funds (trusts), investment funds and similar financial entities


It includes legal entities organized with the aim of pooling financial assets that are managed and managed on behalf of investors or users, where investment (portfolio) management is performed by specialized fund management companies. The portfolio of these funds is adjusted to optimize certain investment characteristics, such as: investment diversification, risk, rate of return and price volatility. These entities generate income from interest, dividends and other income from property, with few or no employees, and do not perform any other economic activity.


They include:

– open investment funds

– closed investment funds

– private investment funds

– trust funds (trusts), probate funds and representative or trust accounts that are managed and managed on behalf of the investor or beneficiary of the funds in accordance with the terms of the trust agreement (trust), will or representative account agreement

– unit investment trusts and other funds and trusts established with the aim of increasing the personal assets of investors or founders


Does not include:

– funds and trusts that gain profit from the production or sale of goods and services (see their main activity)

– activity of holding companies, part. 64.20

– pension funds, part. 65.30

– fund management, i.e. fund management companies, part. 66.30

– endowments, foundations and non-profit funds established with the aim of allocating funds for humanitarian, cultural-artistic, scientific and similar purposes (awards, scholarships, grants, donations, etc.), part. 94.99


Trust or fiduciary services of a personal, administrative and executive nature without investment (portfolio) management are included in 66.19.

Trust or fiduciary services that include investment (portfolio) management, i.e. authorization to make investment decisions based on entrusted funds, are included in 66.30.


64.9              Other financial services, except insurance and pension funds


It includes other types of financial services, except those provided by monetary institutions.


It does not include insurance and pension funds, part. 65.


64.91 Financial leasing


Includes asset leasing services when the lease period approximately covers the expected life of the leased asset, whereby the lessee gains substantially all of the benefits from its use and assumes all of the risks associated with ownership of the asset. Ownership of the asset may or may not be transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease. This type of lease covers all or almost all costs of using the leased asset, including interest.


Does not include:

– operating leasing, according to the type of leased goods, part. 77










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64.92 Other lending services


It includes financial services related to the granting of loans by non-depository institutions that are not involved in monetary intermediation, whereby the lending of funds can take different forms such as: cash loans, mortgage loans, issuing credit cards, etc. The following types of services are classified into this group:

– approval of consumer loans, i.e. financing of the purchase of goods and services, except by banks and other monetary institutions

– financing of international trade by specialized non-deposit institutions (financing of permanent working capital of domestic exporters, approval of loans to buyers of domestic goods and services abroad, lending and refinancing of loans of domestic exporters and other forms of export financing)

– provision of long-term funds to the economy by non-deposit credit institutions whose founders are commercial companies (Industrial banks/Industrial loan companies, non-deposit)

– other forms of lending funds outside the banking system

– approval of housing loans by specialized non-deposit institutions

– services of pawn shops and pawn brokers


Does not include:

– approval of housing loans by specialized institutions that are also depository institutions, i.e. collect deposits, part. 64.19

– operational leasing according to the type of leased goods, part. 77

– donor and similar activities of organizations that are financed on the basis of membership fees,

part 94.99


Collection of deposits and lending of funds from these deposits is included in 64.19.


64.99 Other financial services not mentioned, except insurance and pension funds



– other financial intermediation services, which primarily refer to other types of financing, except through loan approval:

* factoring

* services related to swaps, options and other hedging instruments

* activity of companies for viatic settlements (purchase of life insurance policies)

– activities of investing financial resources for one’s own account (primarily in equity securities and shares), such as the activities of venture capital companies, investment clubs (partnerships) and similar legal entities established with the aim of pooling financial resources and investing them (except by approving loans and issuing debt securities, part 64.92)

– investment banking services

– dealer operations on financial markets for own account

– warranty and related services, except in the case of standardized warranty schemes that function in accordance with the principles of non-life insurance, part. 65.12


Does not include:

– financial leasing, part. 64.91

– dealing with securities for someone else’s account, part. 66.12

– trade, leasing and leasing of real estate, part. 68

– business of collection of receivables for the account of other persons without redemption of debts (“bill collection”,

“debt collection”), part. 82.91

– donor and similar activities of organizations that are financed on the basis of membership fees,

part 94.99


65                            Insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, except compulsory social insurance


It includes insurance services through the sale of life, annuity (annuity) and non-life insurance policies and the investment of income from premiums with the aim of forming a portfolio of financial assets that will be used to settle compensation claims of policy owners in the future. It includes provision of direct insurance as well as reinsurance.










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65.1              Insurance


It includes life insurance with or without significant savings elements and non-life insurance.


65.11 Life insurance


It includes insurance services through the sale of life insurance policies and annuity insurance policies, insurance policies against disability, against death caused by an accident and against the loss of a body part or damage to the functionality of bodily organs (with or without significant elements of savings).


65.12 Non-life insurance



– provision of insurance services, except life insurance services:

* from accidents and fires

* Health Insurance

* passenger insurance

* property insurance

* insurance of motor vehicles, ships, airplanes, transport insurance

* from monetary losses and liability

* standardized guarantee schemes, for example, credit guarantees, which operate in accordance with non-life insurance principles related to risk assessment, provisioning, etc.


65.2              Reinsurance


65.20 Reinsurance


It involves the assumption of all or part of the risk in connection with an existing insurance policy initially issued by other insurance companies.


65.3              Pension funds


65.30 Pension funds


It includes legal entities, i.e. funds (plans or programs) organized for the purpose of paying pensions exclusively for fund members or employed investors in the pension fund.

It includes individual and group pension plans, plans with predetermined pension payments, as well as plans where the amount of the pension is determined on the basis of contributions, i.e. members’ investments.

Does not include:

– management of pension funds, part. 66.30

– mandatory social insurance programs, part. 84.30


66                            Auxiliary activities in the provision of financial services and insurance


It includes activities that are involved in the provision of financial services or are closely related to these services, but which do not constitute financial services in themselves. The division of this activity is primarily carried out according to the type of financial transaction, that is, the fund to which auxiliary services are provided.


66.1              Auxiliary activities in the provision of financial services, except for insurance and pension funds


It includes providing a physical or electronic venue to facilitate the buying and selling of stocks, options, bonds or commodities.










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66.11 Financial and commodity exchanges


It includes the operation and supervision of organized and regulated financial markets (except for the supervision carried out by state authorities), such as:

– commodity exchanges

– exchanges for commodity futures contracts

– stock exchanges

– stock exchanges

– exchanges for financial and commodity options (option contracts)


66.12 Brokerage with securities and stock exchange goods



– operations on the financial market for the account of other persons (for example, services of sales agents for shares and units of investment funds)

– brokerage services related to securities with the aim of connecting sellers and buyers of a certain financial instrument and related activities

– brokerage services related to stock market goods and commodity bills

– exchange office services, etc.


Does not include:

– dealer operations on financial markets for own account, part. 64.99

– investment (portfolio) management based on commission or agreed fee,

part 66.30


66.19 Other auxiliary activities in the provision of financial services, except for insurance and pension funds


Includes auxiliary activities in financial intermediation, not mentioned elsewhere:

– processing of financial transactions, clearing and balancing, including credit card transactions

– investment consulting services and other ancillary services related to investment banking

– services of mortgage consultants and brokers

– trustee services, fiduciary and custodian services based on commission or agreed fee, without investment (portfolio) management

– processing, clearing and balancing of transactions with securities (clearing houses for securities)


Does not include:

– activities of representatives (agents) and intermediaries (brokers) in insurance, part. 66.22

– investment (portfolio) fund management, i.e. fund management companies,

part 66.30


66.2              Auxiliary activities in insurance and pension funds


It includes the activities of agents and intermediaries in the sale of insurance policies and administrative services related to insurance and pension funds, such as: processing of claims, liquidation of claims and mediation in the regulation of claims (Third Party Administration – TPA).


66.21 Processing of claims and assessment of risks and damages


It includes the provision of administrative insurance services such as the processing and settlement of claims:

– processing of compensation claims:

* liquidation of damages

* risk consideration and assessment

* examination of compensation claims, assessment of risks and damages

* liquidation of accidents in marine insurance and other losses covered by insurance

– settlement of compensation claims, i.e. calculation and payment of insurance benefits and related activities










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Does not include:

– real estate assessment, part. 68.3

– assessment of property value for other purposes, part. 74.90

– activity of private investigators, part. 80.30


66.22 Activity of representatives and intermediaries in insurance



– activity of insurance representatives (agents) and insurance intermediaries (brokers), i.e. in the sale, negotiation or bidding of insurance and reinsurance policies


66.29 Other auxiliary activities in insurance and pension funds



– auxiliary activities that are included in the provision of insurance and pension fund services or are closely related to these services, except for financial intermediation, processing of compensation claims and services of representatives and intermediaries in insurance:

* administrative tasks related to damaged items and remains of damaged items

* actuarial services


Does not include:

– auxiliary activities in maritime and river traffic related to accidents, 52.22


66.3              Fund management


66.30 Management of funds


It includes fund management services that include investment (portfolio) management, i.e. authorization to make investment decisions based on entrusted funds (decision to invest fund or trust funds), on the basis of a commission or agreed fee.



– management of investment funds

– management of pension funds

– management of trust and other funds and trusts










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SECTOR L                             REAL ESTATE BUSINESS


It includes the services of lessors, agents or intermediaries in one or more activities: sale or purchase of real estate, rental of real estate and provision of other services related to real estate.

Activities in this sector can be carried out with own or rented real estate for a fee.

It also includes the construction of properties while retaining ownership of them or leasing those properties.

It also includes real estate management.


68                            Real estate business


68.1              Buying and selling own real estate


68.10 Purchase and sale of own real estate



– purchase and sale of own real estate:

* residential buildings and apartments

* non-residential buildings, including exhibition halls, storage facilities and shopping centers

* land

– subdivision


Does not include:

– preparation of building projects for the purpose of selling those buildings, part. 41.10

– subdivision and equipping the land with infrastructure, part. 42.99


68.2              Renting own or leased properties and managing them


68.20 Renting of own or leased real estate and their management



– renting own or leased real estate and managing it, such as:

* residential buildings and apartments

* non-residential buildings, including exhibition halls and storage facilities

* land

– rental of houses and apartments, furnished and unfurnished, or apartments for long-term use, usually on a monthly or annual basis

– organizing the execution of construction projects for the purposes of own business

– activities related to the management of space for accommodation of mobile housing units


Does not include:

– the activity of accommodation in hotels, hotel apartments, rooms for rent, campsites, within the area intended for caravans and in other non-residential buildings, as well as the activity of accommodation for short-term stays, part. 55


68.3              Real estate business for a fee


68.31 Activities of real estate agencies


It includes the provision of real estate services by real estate agencies:

– mediation in the purchase, sale and rental of real estate for a fee

– consulting activities and evaluation services related to the purchase, sale or rental of real estate, for a fee

– activities of agents who act as a neutral third party and who hand over the real estate after meeting the previous written conditions


Does not include:

– legal affairs, part. 69.10










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68.32 Real estate management for a fee


Does not include:

– legal affairs, part. 69.10

– building maintenance services (combination of services such as general internal cleaning, maintenance and minor repairs, waste removal, protection and security), part.


– management of facilities such as military bases, prisons and other facilities (except management of computer devices), part. 81.10










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It includes specialized professional, scientific, innovative and technical activities. In order to be able to perform them, a high level of training, possession of specialized knowledge and expertise, which are made available to users, is necessary.


69                            Legal and accounting affairs


It includes the provision of legal assistance to individuals and legal entities before courts, state authorities and other legal entities, performed by lawyers.

It also includes the preparation and drafting of legal documents such as contracts and documents related to the establishment of companies or other economic subjects, protection of patents, trademarks and copyrights, property rights related to the disposal of assets during life and after death, etc.

Jobs performed by notaries public, justices of the peace, arbitrators, mediators, experts, etc. Accounting and bookkeeping services, such as audits of accounting reports, bookkeeping records, financial reports and bookkeeping.


69.1              Legal jobs


69.10 Legal affairs



– legal services providing legal assistance, giving advice and representing natural and legal persons before regular and special courts, state authorities and other legal persons:

* giving advice and representation in civil disputes

* giving advice and representation in criminal, misdemeanor and commercial disputes

* giving advice and representation in disputes related to employment and family relations

– consultations and giving advice in the preparation of legal documents:

* partnership agreement, partnership agreement, establishment of business companies or similar documents related to the establishment and operation of economic entities

* drafting letters related to patents, trademarks and copyrights

* drafting lawsuits, appeals, petitions, petitions, wills, statements, performing legal work in the name and on behalf of natural and legal persons on the basis of which these persons exercise their right

– other legal affairs that include the activities of: notaries public, justices of the peace, mediators, investigators, experts, bankruptcy trustees, executors, forensic experts, representatives for patents, trademarks and trade marks


Does not include:

– court activities, part. 84.23


69.2              Accounting, bookkeeping and audit work; tax consulting


69.20 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consulting



– monitoring trade or other business transactions

– preparation of financial reports and verification of those reports

– audit of financial statements

– preparation of personal and business tax returns

– advisory activities and representation of clients before tax authorities, etc.


Does not include:

– data processing and tabulation, part. 63.11

– advisory services such as organizing accounting systems and budget control procedures, part. 70.22

– collection of accounts, part. 82.91










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70                            Management activities; management consulting


It includes the provision of advisory assistance to business and other organizations related to management, such as strategic and organizational planning; financial planning and budget planning; technology transfer; marketing objectives and policies; policy, practical issues and planning related to human resources; production organization and control implementation planning.

It also includes monitoring and managing the economic entity.


70.1              Management of an economic entity


70.10 Management of the economic entity


It includes the monitoring of the economic entity and its management; implementing strategic or organizational planning and making decisions related to the economic entity; performing control and managing the daily affairs of interconnected units.


This also includes the management of the economic entity:

– from his seat

– from central departments

– from regional and regional departments

– from subsidiaries


Does not include:

– activities of holding companies that are not involved in management, part. 64.20


70.2              Managerial consulting jobs


70.21 Communication and public relations activity


It includes advising, directing and providing operational assistance in relation to communications and public relations, including lobbying for other entities.


Does not include:

– agencies for advertising and representation services in the media, part. 73.1

– market research and public opinion survey, part. 73.20


70.22 Consulting activities related to business and other management


It includes advising, directing or providing operational assistance to business and other organizations related to management, such as company strategies and organizational planning, business process transformation, management change, cost reduction and other financial matters.

It also includes marketing objectives and policies; policies, practical issues and planning in the field of human resources, provision of human resources, practice and planning; retirement strategy; production planning and control.

Business services may include giving advice, directing or providing operational assistance to economic entities and public services in relation to:

– by creating accounting procedures, programs and procedures of budget control costs

– giving advice and providing assistance to economic entities and public services, related to planning, organizational issues, business efficiency and control, information management, etc.


Does not include:

– designing software for accounting, part. 62.01

– providing legal advice and representation, part. 69.10

– performing accounting, bookkeeping and control tasks; giving tax advice, part. 69.20

– architectural and engineering consulting activities, part. 71.11 and 71.12

– environmental, agronomic, security and similar consulting activities, part. 74.90

– activity of employment agencies, part. 78.10

– auxiliary educational activities, part. 85.60










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71                            Architectural and engineering activities; engineering testing and analysis


It includes the provision of architectural and engineering services, design, planning, construction supervision, surveying and cartography.

It also includes performing physical, chemical and other analytical tests.


71.1              Architectural and engineering activities and technical consulting


It includes the provision of architectural and engineering services, design, development of plans, construction supervision, surveying, cartography and the like.


71.11 Architectural activity



– providing architectural advice related to:

* drafting and project plans

* urban and spatial planning and landscape design


Does not include:

– information technology services, part. 62.02 and 62.09

– interior decoration services, part. 74.10


71.12 Engineering activities and technical consulting



– engineering design (i.e. application of the laws of physics and principles of engineering in the design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems) and consulting activities related to:

* machines and processes

* projects for civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and traffic

* water management projects

– preparation and implementation of studies in the field of electrical engineering, mining, chemistry, mechanical engineering, industry and security systems

– development of projects used for air conditioning, cooling, purification and testing of air pollution, in the field of acoustics, etc.

– geophysical, geological and seismological measurements

– geodetic activities:

* border and terrain surveying

* hydrological measurement

* underground measurement

* provision of cartographic information


Does not include:

– trial drilling related to the exploitation of ores, part. 09.10 and 09.90

– development and publishing of software, part. 58.29 and 62.01

– information technology services, part. 62.02 and 62.09

– technical testing, part. 71.20

– research and development in technical and technological sciences, part. 72.19

– industrial design, part. 74.10

– aerial photography, part. 74.20


71.2              Technical examination and analysis


71.20 Technical examination and analyses


It includes physical, chemical and other analytical tests of all types of materials and products, including:

* examination of acoustics and vibration

* examination of the composition and purity of minerals, etc.

* food hygiene testing, including veterinary testing and control of food production

* examination of the physical characteristics and resistance of materials, such as strength, thickness, durability, radioactivity, etc.










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* testing of quality and reliability

* testing of complete equipment: engines, cars, electronic devices, etc.

* radiographic examination of welding and soldering

* analysis of shortcomings

* examination and measurement of environmental indicators: air and water pollution, etc.

– issuing certificates for products, including consumer goods, motor vehicles, aircraft, pressure vessels, nuclear plants, etc.

– Issuance of conformity documents for products, processes, services, management systems and professionals

– periodic examination of the correctness of motor vehicles

– testing using models (e.g. airplanes, ships, dams, etc.)

– work of police laboratories


Does not include:

– testing of animal samples, part. 75.00

– diagnosis, medical and dental testing and analysis, part. 86


72                            Scientific research and development


It includes three types of research and development:

1) basic research: experimental and theoretical work primarily for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge based on phenomena and facts, independent of specific application or use

2) applied research: conducting original research in order to acquire new knowledge aimed primarily at achieving a specific goal

3) experimental development: systematic work based on knowledge obtained from research and/or practical experience, directed towards the production of new materials, products and devices, the establishment of new processes, systems and services, and towards the essential improvement of those already produced or introduced.

Research and experimental development activities in this area are divided into two categories: the first – natural and technical-technological sciences, and the second – social and humanities.

It includes activities undertaken to create scientific and technological innovations, such as new products, technologies, processes and services or significant changes to existing ones, in accordance with market needs.


Does not include market research, part. 73.20.


72.1              Research and experimental development in natural and technical-technological sciences


It includes basic research, applied research and experimental development in natural and technical-technological sciences.


72.11 Research and experimental development in biotechnology


It includes research and experimental development in the field of biotechnology:

– DNA/RNA: microbiological research (genomics, pharmacogenomics), genetic testing, genetic engineering, sequencing/synthesis/amplification of DNA/RNA, analysis of conversion of DNA sequences into functional proteins, and use of antisense technologies

– construction of proteins and other molecules: sequencing/synthesis/engineering of proteins and peptides (including large hormone molecules); proteomics, isolation and purification of proteins, signalling, recognition of cellular receptors

– cell and tissue cultivation and engineering: cell/tissue culture cultivation, tissue engineering (including tissue elements and biomedical engineering), cell fusion, serum-immune vaccines, embryo manipulation

– processes of biotechnological techniques: fermentation based on the use of bioreactors (bioprocess engineering, biological extraction, biological pulp production, biological bleaching, biological desulfurization, biomedical preparations, biofiltration and phytopreparations)

– extraction of genes and RNA vectors: gene therapy, viral vectors

– bioinformatics: construction of databases on (genomes), protein sequences;

modeling of complex biological processes, including biological systems










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– nanobiotechnology: the application of tools and processes in nano/micro production for the production of means used in biosystem research and applied in the production of medicines, diagnostics, etc.


72.19 Research and development in other natural and technical-technological sciences



– research and development in natural and technical-technological sciences, except in biotechnological research and development:

* in natural sciences

* in the field of technical and technological sciences

* in medical sciences

* in agricultural sciences

* interdisciplinary research and development, mainly in natural and technical-technological sciences


72.2              Research and development in the social sciences and humanities


72.20 Research and development in the social sciences and humanities



– research and development in social sciences

– research and development in the humanities

– interdisciplinary research and development, predominantly in social sciences and humanities


Does not include:

– market research, part. 73.20


73                            Advertising and market research


It includes organizing and implementing advertising campaigns (in magazines, newspapers, radio, television or other media) and organizing exhibitions and installations.


73.1              Advertising


73.11 Activities of advertising agencies


It includes the provision of a full range of advertising services (eg in-house or subcontracted), including consultancy, creative services, production of advertising material and sales.



– creation and publication of advertisements in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet and other media

– creation and placement of advertisements in open space, e.g. on billboards, panels, bulletins, in shop windows, painting cars and buses, etc.

– advertising from the air

– distributing or delivering promotional material or samples

– arrangement of stands and other facilities and spaces used for displaying propaganda material

– management of the marketing campaign and other advertising services with the aim of attracting and retaining consumers:

* product promotion

* marketing activities at the point of sale

* direct mail advertising

* marketing consulting


Does not include:

– issuance of advertising material, part. 58.19

– production of commercial messages for television and film, part. 59.11

– production of commercial messages for radio, part. 59.20

– market research, part. 73.20

– advertising photos, part. 74.20

– organization of congresses and trade exhibitions, part. 82.30

– postal addressing, part. 82.19










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73.12 Media representation



– media presentation, e.g. sale and resale of space and time for media campaigns aimed at finding a buyer


Does not include:

– sale of media time or space for advertising directly from the owner of media time and space (publisher, etc.)

– public relations activities, part. 70.21


73.2              Market research and public opinion polls


73.20 Market research and public opinion polls



– research of market potential, awareness, acceptance and knowledge of products and consumer buying habits in order to promote, sell and develop new products and services, including statistical analysis of results

– survey of public opinion on political, economic and social issues and their statistical analysis


74                            Other professional, scientific and technical activities


It includes professional, scientific and technical services (except: legal and accounting activities; architectural and engineering activities; engineering research and analysis; management and management-consulting activities; research and development and advertising activities).


74.1              Specialized design activities


74.10 Specialized design activities



– fashion design of fabrics, clothes, shoes, jewelry, furniture (and other interior decoration) and other fashion products for personal and household use

– industrial design, i.e. creation and development of design and criteria that improve the utility value and appearance of the product, including the determination of the type of material, construction, mechanism, shape, color and method of surface treatment of the product, taking into account the characteristics and needs of people, safety, market requirements and efficiency in production, delivery , use and maintenance

– graphic design

– interior decoration


Does not include:

– creation of web sites, part. 62.01

– building design, part. 71.1

– engineering design, i.e. application of physical laws and technical principles in the design of machines, materials, instruments, compositions, processes and systems, part. 71.12


74.2                   Photographic services


74.20 Photographic services



– production of photographs for commercial purposes and for consumers:

* for documents, schools, weddings, etc.

* photos for advertising, publishing, fashion, real estate and tourism needs

* aerial photography

* video recording of events: weddings, meetings, etc.

– film processing:










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* developing, duplicating and enlarging from negatives or films taken from clients

* laboratories for developing films and making photographs

* photoshops for quick photo creation (no camera sales)

* making slides

* copying, restoration or retouching of photographs

– activity of a photojournalist

– microfilming of documents


Does not include:

– film processing related to film and television activities, part. 59.12

– provision of cartographic and spatial information, part. 71.12

– the operation of the photo machine, part. 96.09


74.3              Translation and interpreting services


74.30 Translation and interpreter services


74.9              Other professional, scientific and technical activities


74.90 Other professional, scientific and technical activities


It encompasses a wide range of services provided to clients on a commercial basis. Activities that require a higher degree of expertise and scientific and technical knowledge are included, but do not include ongoing, routine jobs that are usually of short duration.



– mediation in the purchase and sale of economic entities, e.g. organizing the purchase and sale of small and medium-sized enterprises, including medical practices, but not mediation in the sale of real estate

– mediation during the legal transfer of patent rights

– valuation, except for the value of real estate and the value of objects for insurance purposes (antiques, valuables, etc.)

– accounting audit and information on tariffs for the transportation of goods

– weather forecast

– giving advice on security

– giving agronomic advice

– giving environmental advice

– giving other advice

– providing other advice, except advice related to architecture, engineering and management

– activities of quantitative assessors

– activities performed by agents and agencies in the interest of individuals, in connection with obtaining engagements for filming films, theater performances or other entertainment and sports events, marketing books, plays, works of art, photographs, etc.


Does not include:

– wholesale auction trade in used motor vehicles, part. 45.1

– online sales, part. 47.91

– activities of auction houses (retail trade), part. 47.79

– activities of real estate agents, part. 68.31

– bookkeeping activities, part. 69.20

– giving advice regarding management, part. 70.22

– architectural and engineering consultations, part. 71.1

– industrial and mechanical design, part. 71.12 and 74.10

– veterinary examination and control related to food production, part. 71.20

– activity of advertising agencies, part. 73.11

– making stands and other constructions for displaying propaganda material, part. 73.11

– organization of exhibitions and gatherings, part. 82.30

– activities of independent auctioneers, part. 82.99










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– creation of a program to retain customer loyalty, part. 82.99

– giving advice regarding consumer loans and debts, part. 88.99




Veterinary activities


They include farm animal health care and pet health care. These activities are performed by qualified veterinarians in veterinary stations, as well as on the farms themselves, in kennels or stables, in private veterinary practices and surgical practices or in other places; the activity of transporting sick animals is also included.




Veterinary activity


75.00 Veterinary activity



– taking care of the health of animals on farms

– taking care of the health of pets

– activity of veterinary assistants and other auxiliary veterinary staff

– clinical-pathological and other diagnostic activities related to animals

– transportation of sick animals


Does not include:

– accommodation of domestic animals without health care, part. 01.62

– sheep shearing, part. 01.62

– artificial insemination, herd control, herd servicing, livestock admission, poultry capping, poultry house cleaning, etc., part. 01.62

– activities related to artificial insemination, part. 01.62

– accommodation of pets without health care, part. 96.09










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This sector includes a variety of activities that support the business of economic entities. They differ from activities in the M sector in that their main purpose is not the transfer of specialized knowledge.


77                            Renting and leasing


It includes the renting and leasing of tangible and intangible assets (eg cars, computers, consumer products and industrial equipment), as well as non-financial intangible funds (eg intellectual property and the like).


It is divided into:

1) rental of motor vehicles

2) rental of recreational and sports equipment, personal equipment and household equipment

3) lease of other machines and equipment that are often used for the performance of activities, including means of transport, i

4) leasing of products protected by intellectual property rights and similar products. Only the provision of operational leasing is included in this sector.

Does not include:

– financial leasing, part. 64.91

– real estate rental (sector L)

– rental of equipment with an operator, in construction (sector F), in traffic (sector H)


77.1              Renting and leasing of motor vehicles


77.11 Renting and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles



– renting and leasing of the following types of vehicles:

* passenger vehicles or other light motor vehicles without a driver (capacity up to 3.5 t)


Does not include:

– renting or leasing of passenger vehicles with a driver, part. 49.32 and 49.39


77.12 Renting and leasing of trucks



– renting and leasing of the following types of vehicles:

* trucks, trailers and heavy motor vehicles (load capacity over 3.5 t)

* recreational vehicles


Does not include:

– renting or leasing of heavy goods vehicles or trucks with a driver, part. 49.41


77.2              Renting and leasing of items for personal and household use


It includes rental of personal and household items, rental of recreational and sports equipment, as well as video cassettes. These items are generally rented for a short period of time, although in some cases they can be rented for a longer period of time.


77.21 Renting and leasing of equipment for recreation and sports


Includes rental of equipment for recreation and sports:

– ships, boats and sailboats

– bicycles

– sunbeds and umbrellas for the beach

– other sports equipment

– skis










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Does not include:

– renting boats and sailboats with crew, part. 50.10 and 50.30

– rental of video cassettes, CDs and DVDs, part. 77.22

– renting and leasing of other items for personal and household use, part. 77.29

– rental of equipment for rest and leisure, which is an integral part of facilities for recreation, part. 93.29


77.22 Rental of video cassettes and compact discs



– rental of video cassettes, records, CDs, DVDs, etc.


77.29 Renting and leasing of other items for personal and household use


Rental includes:

– all types of items for personal use, for use in households or economic entities (except equipment for recreation and sports):

* textiles, clothing and footwear

* furniture, pottery and glassware, kitchen and dining utensils, electrical appliances and housewares

* jewelry, musical instruments, decorations and costumes

* books, newspapers and magazines

* machinery and equipment used by amateurs (eg household repair tools)

* flowers and plants

* electronic equipment in the household


Does not include:

– rental of cars, trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles without a driver, part. 77.1

– rental of equipment for recreation and sports, part. 77.21

– rental of video cassettes, CDs and DVDs, part. 77.22

– office furniture rental, part. 77.33

– rental of motorbikes and caravans without a driver, part. 77.39

– washing clothes, work uniforms and related items in laundries, part. 96.01


77.3              Renting and leasing of machines, equipment and material goods


77.31 Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment



– rental and leasing of machines and equipment for agriculture and forestry without operators:

* rental of products manufactured in group 28.30, such as agricultural tractors and others.


Does not include:

– rental of machines and equipment for agriculture and forestry with operator, part. 01.61 and 02.40


77.32 Renting and leasing of construction machinery and equipment



– rental and leasing of machinery and equipment for construction without operators, namely:

* cranes

* scaffolding and work platforms, not including assembly and disassembly


Does not include:

– rental of machinery or equipment for construction with an operator, part. 43


77.33 Renting and leasing of office machines and office equipment (including computers)



– rental and leasing of office machines and office equipment without operators:

* computers and computer equipment

* duplicating machines, typewriters and word processing machines

* accounting machines and equipment (cash registers, electronic calculators, etc.)










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* office furniture


77.34 Renting and leasing of water transport equipment



– rental and leasing of equipment for water transport without an operator:

* rental of commercial boats and ships


Does not include:

– rental of vessels for water transport with an operator, part. 50

– rental of ships, sailboats and sports boats for leisure, part. 77.21


77.35 Renting and leasing of air transport equipment



– renting and leasing of unmanned aerial vehicles, namely:

* airplane

* hot air balloon


Does not include:

– rental of air transport equipment with crew, part. 51


77.39 Renting and leasing of other machines, equipment and material goods



– rental and leasing of other machines and equipment without operators, which are usually used as capital goods:

* engines and turbines

* machine tools

* equipment for mining and oil fields

* professional radio, television and communication equipment

* equipment for film production

* measuring and control equipment

* other scientific, commercial and industrial machines

– rental and leasing of land transport equipment (except motor vehicles) without a driver:

* motorcycles, caravans, caravans, etc.

* railway vehicles

– rental of residential and office containers

– renting animals (e.g. herds, racing horses)

– rental of other containers

– rental of pallets


Does not include:

– bicycle rental, part. 77.21

– rental of machines and equipment for agriculture and forestry, part. 77.31

– rental of machinery and equipment for construction, part. 77.32

– rental of office machines and equipment, including computers, part. 77.33


77.4              Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, works of authorship and related rights


It includes the approval of the use of products protected by intellectual property rights and similar products for which the owner of the product is given a fee or license payment for use. Leasing of these products can take different forms, such as use in other processes or in the production of other products, conducting business within the franchise, etc. Existing owners may be the creators of those products.










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77.40 Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, author’s works and objects of related rights



– leasing of products protected by intellectual property rights (except copyright works such as books or software)

– receiving a fee or license payment for the use of:

* patents

* trademarks

* rights for exploitation and exploration of mineral deposits

* franchise agreements


Does not include:

– taking over rights and publishing, part. 58 and 59

– production, reproduction and distribution of all types of author’s works and objects of related rights protected by copyright or related rights (books, software, films), part.

58 and 59

– lease of real estate, part. 68.20

– lease of material goods, part. 77.1-77.3


78                            Employment activities


It includes the preparation of job offers and the guidance, ie employment of candidates who have applied for employment. This also includes providing suitable workers to business clients for a certain period in order to temporarily replace the client’s workforce.



– search and employment of executives

– activities of audition agencies


It does not include the activities of agencies or intermediaries for independent artists, part. 74.90


78.1              Activities of employment agencies


78.10 Activities of employment agencies


It includes the compilation of job vacancies and the orientation (referral) and employment of candidates.



– finding workers, activities related to the selection of candidates for referral to the employer and employment, including the finding and employment of executives

– agencies and audition bureaus

– activity of employment agencies via the Internet


Does not include:

– agencies for mediation in the engagement of independent theater, film and other artists, part. 74.90


78.2              Activities of temporary employment agencies


78.20 Activities of agencies for temporary employment


It includes the provision of workers to clients for a certain period, as a supplement or temporary replacement of the client’s workforce, where employed individuals are permanently employed in units for temporary service provision. The units classified in this group do not directly supervise their employees who work in the workplaces assigned to them by the client-employer.










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78.3              Other assignment of human resources


78.30 Other assignment of human resources


It includes providing human resources for client needs. The units classified in this group represent employers of employees and are related to the payment of wages, taxation, other fiscal and human resources issues, but are not responsible for the management and supervision of employees.

Human resource provision is usually done on a long-term basis. The units classified here perform a large number of tasks related to human resource management.


Does not include:

– provision of labor together with supervision or business management

– provision of human resources for temporary replacement or as an additional resource for the needs of clients, part. 78.20


79                            Activities of travel agencies, tour operators, reservation services and related activities


It includes the activities of agencies primarily engaged in the sale of travel, tour arrangements, transportation and accommodation services and the activities of organizing and connecting trips sold through travel agencies or directly through agents such as tour operators and other travel-related services, including reservation services. Tour guide services and tourism promotion are also included.


79.1              Activities of travel agencies and tour operators


It includes the activities of agencies primarily engaged in the sale of travel, tour arrangements, transportation and accommodation services and the activities of organizing and connecting trips sold through travel agencies or directly through agents such as tour operators.


79.11 Activities of travel agencies



– agencies primarily engaged in the sale of travel, tourist arrangements, transportation and accommodation services on a wholesale or retail basis to individual users or business clients


79.12 Activities of tour operators



– organizing and combining trips sold through travel agencies or directly through tour operators. Trips may include all of the above services or only some of them:

* transportation

* accommodation

* food

* visits to museums, historical and cultural places, theaters, music and sports events


79.9              Other reservation services and related activities


79.90 Other reservation services and related activities



– reservation services and other travel-related services:

* booking transport, accommodation, food, car rental, attending sports events, etc.

– time sharing accommodation

– ticket sales for cultural, sports and entertainment events

– help to tourists and visitors:

* provision of tourist information

* activity of tourist guides

– promoting the tourist offer










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Does not include:

– activities of travel agencies and tour operators, part. 79.11 and 79.12

– organizing and conducting exhibitions, congresses and conferences, part. 82.30


80                            Protective and investigative activities


It includes services related to protection such as: investigative and detective services; security and patrol services; collection and transfer of money, documents and other valuables with the help of staff and equipment to protect these valuables during transfer.

This includes ensuring the functioning of electronic alarm systems such as burglar and fire alarms, mainly remote monitoring of these systems, which often includes their sale, installation and repair.

If the sale, installation and repair of these systems are performed separately, these services are not classified in this area, but in retail, construction, etc.


80.1              Private security activity


80.10 Activity of private security


It includes one or more of the following services: protection and patrolling, collection and transfer of money, documents and other valuables with the help of personnel and equipment to protect these valuables during transfer.


Services include:

– use of armored vehicles

– providing physical protection

– using a lie detector

– fingerprinting

– protection


Does not include:

– ensuring public order and general security, part. 84.24


80.2              Security system services


80.20 Security system services



– monitoring and remote monitoring of electronic security alarm systems such as burglar and fire alarms, including their installation and maintenance

– installation, maintenance, repair and adjustment of mechanical or electronic locking devices, security safes associated with close and remote monitoring


Units carrying out these activities may be engaged in the sale of security systems, mechanical or electronic locking devices, security and safety safes.


Does not include:

– installation of security systems such as burglar and fire alarms, without subsequent monitoring, part. 43.21

– retail trade in security systems, mechanical or electronic locking devices, safety and security safes in specialized shops, without supervision, installation and maintenance services, part. 47.59

– giving advice on security, part. 74.90

– ensuring public order and general security, part. 84.24

– services for making duplicate keys, part. 95.29


80.3              Investigative activities


80.30 Investigative activities



– investigative and detective services

– activities of all private investigators regardless of who and what they are investigating










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81                            Facilities and environment maintenance services


It includes a large number of services provided during the maintenance of facilities: internal and external cleaning of buildings, industrial machines, wagons, buses, airplanes, streets, tanks and tankers.

This includes disinfection and destruction of pests in buildings, railway carriages and ships, removal of bottles, snow and ice from the streets.

It also includes the provision of services related to landscape design, landscaping and maintenance (walking paths, retaining walls, fences, artificial lakes or ponds) and similar works.


81.1              Facility maintenance services


81.10 Facilities maintenance services


It includes a combination of facilities maintenance services, which include cleaning, maintenance, waste disposal, storage and protection, mail delivery, laundry and similar services within the facility.

Auxiliary activities are performed by auxiliary personnel who are not involved in the performance of the main activity of the service user and who are not responsible for it.


Does not include:

– provision of only one of the auxiliary services (e.g. only internal cleaning services)

– provision of management and work staff services for the full operation of the unit owned by the service user, e.g. hotels, restaurants, mines, hospitals

– ensuring the functioning of the client’s computer system and/or data processing device, part. 62.03

– operation of prisons and correctional facilities for compensation, part. 84.23


81.2              Cleaning services


It includes interior and exterior cleaning of all types of buildings, specialized cleaning of buildings or other specialized cleaning of industrial machines, streets, tanks and tankers.

This includes disinfecting buildings and destroying pests in buildings, as well as cleaning industrial machinery, collecting bottles from the streets and cleaning the streets from snow and ice.


Does not include:

– protection against pests in agriculture, part. 01.61

– cleaning of buildings immediately after construction, part. 43.39

– cleaning of facades with steam and sandblasting, part. 43.99

– cleaning of carpets and rugs, draperies and curtains, part. 96.01


81.21       Regular building cleaning services



– regular cleaning of all types of facilities such as:

* offices

* houses or residential buildings

* factories

* actions

* institutions

These activities are mainly related to internal cleaning, although they may also include external cleaning (eg windows or passageways).


Does not include:

– specialized cleaning (eg windows, chimneys, fireplaces, greenhouses, boiler rooms, large furnaces, boilers, ventilation passages and exhaust devices), part. 81.22


81.22 Services of other cleaning of buildings and equipment



– exterior cleaning of all types of buildings, including offices, factories, shops and other commercial and residential buildings

– specialized cleaning of buildings, such as washing windows and greenhouses, cleaning chimneys, fireplaces, boiler rooms, large furnaces, boilers, ventilation passages and exhaust devices

– cleaning of industrial machines

– other cleaning of buildings and industrial equipment, not mentioned elsewhere










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Does not include:

– steam cleaning, sandblasting and similar works on the exterior of the building, part. 43.99


81.29 Other cleaning services



– cleaning and maintenance of the swimming pool

– cleaning of trains, buses and planes

– cleaning of tanks and tankers

– disinfection of facilities and destruction of pests

– collection and removal of bottles from the streets

– street cleaning, snow and ice removal

– cleaning activities elsewhere not mentioned


Does not include:

– protection against pests in agriculture, part. 01.61

– car cleaning and washing, part. 45.20


81.3              Services of arrangement and maintenance of the environment


81.30 Environmental landscaping and maintenance services



– arrangement and maintenance of parks and gardens for:

* private houses and residential buildings

* public buildings (schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, churches, etc.)

* city green areas and cemeteries

* greenery along roads (roads, railways and tram tracks, waterways, ports)

* industrial and business buildings

– arrangement and maintenance of greenery and sports fields for:

* buildings (roof gardens, greenery on facades, home gardens, etc.)

* sports fields (football fields, golf courses, etc.), playing fields, sunbathing lawns and other green areas for recreation

* shores around water bodies (bays, alternating wetlands, artificial lakes, pools, canals, riverbeds, factory wastewater)

– planting trees to protect against noise, wind, erosion, etc.


Does not include:

– commercial production and planting of plants, part. 01 and 02

– nurseries of trees and forest trees, part. 01.30 and 02.10

– maintenance of land for agricultural use in a good ecological condition, part. 01.61

– construction of green areas, sector F

– urban planning, part. 71.11


82 Office-administrative and other auxiliary business activities


It includes the provision of everyday office-administrative services, as well as business

support for others, for compensation.
This area also includes complete administrative services for business, on the other
place not mentioned.
Units classified in this area are not engaged in providing staff for the entire business
82.1 Office-administrative and auxiliary activities
It includes day-to-day office-administrative services such as financial
planning, invoicing and document storage, delivery services and logistics for others, for a fee.
It involves providing business support to others for a fee ie. usual business support
for the functioning of the business unit.
Units classified in this area are not engaged in providing staff for the entire business
These units are classified into groups according to the type of services.










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82.11 Combined office and administrative services


Includes day-to-day office-administrative services such as receiving mail, financial planning, invoicing and document storage, delivery and logistics for others, for a fee.


Does not include:

– units specialized in performing only one of the activities listed above

– provision of staff for business, part. 78


82.19 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support


It includes copying, document preparation and other specialized activities that support office operations:

– preparation of documents

– correction and review of documents

– typing and word processing

– secretarial support services

– copying of documents and other secretarial services

– typing and retyping letters

– mail processing (sorting, addressing, etc.), with the exception of direct mail advertising

– photocopying

– copying

– diazo copying

– other document copying services, without providing printing services (eg offset printing, high-speed printing, digital printing and prepress services)


Does not include:

– document printing (offset printing, high-speed printing, etc.), part. 18.12

– prepress services, part. 18.13

– direct mail advertising, part. 73.11

– specialized shorthand services, part. 82.99

– shorthand services, part. 82.99


82.2              Activity of call centers


82.20 Activity of call centers



– inbound call centers, where customer calls are answered by an operator or automatic call distribution, integrated billing and telephone systems, interactive voice systems or similar methods are used to take orders, provide product information, answer customer questions or resolve complaints

– outbound call centers, where similar methods are used to sell and promote goods and services to potential consumers and conduct research or opinion polls and perform similar activities for users


82.3              Organizing meetings and fairs


82.30 Organization of meetings and fairs


It includes the organization, promotion and/or business management of trade fairs, congresses, conferences and meetings, regardless of whether staff services are provided for organizing events and equipping the premises where they are held.


82.9              Business, auxiliary, service and other activities


It includes the activities of debt collection and collection agencies, credit departments and all other ancillary services provided to business units that are not mentioned elsewhere.










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82.91 Activities of debt collection agencies and credit bureaus



– collection of receivables and remittance of collected receivables, such as bill and debt collection services

– obtaining information about the creditworthiness and employment history of the client and the creditworthiness of units, as well as providing such information to financial institutions, retailers and others in order to assess the creditworthiness of those persons and units


82.92 Packaging services



–     packaging services for someone else’s account, regardless of whether the automatic procedure is included:

* bottling liquids, including drinks and food

* packaging of solid products (bubble wrap, foil wrapping, etc.)

* protected packaging for pharmaceutical preparations

* labeling, marking and embossing

* packaging of shipments and gift wrapping


Does not include:

– production of refreshing drinks and production of mineral water, part. 11.07

– packaging within the traffic activity, part. 52.29


82.99 Other business support service activities


It includes service activities such as:

– provision of reports and shorthand recording, transcription and other similar services

– simultaneous translation of telecast of meetings and congresses

– bar code preparation services

– bar code marking services

– meter reading for consumption of water, electricity, gas, etc.

– property confiscation services for forced collection

– parking fee services

– activities of independent auction managers

– customer loyalty program implementation services (loyalty marketing, special discounts, etc.)

– unmentioned business service activities


Does not include:

– services of providing transcription of documents, part. 82.19

– post-production editing services, part. 59.12










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It includes the activities of the state administration performed by the state administration. It includes the passing of laws and judicial interpretation of laws and relevant regulations, as well as the implementation of programs based on those laws and regulations, legislative power, taxation, national defense, public order and security, immigration services, foreign affairs and the performance of state administration. This sector also includes compulsory social insurance. Belonging to this sector is not determined based on the legal or institutional status itself, but on the basis of the character of the described activities.

Activities that are classified elsewhere do not belong to this sector, although they are dealt with by state institutions. For example, management of the school system (ie regulations, control, curricula) belongs to this sector, but not teaching, which is classified in the P sector.

Prison or military hospitals are classified in sector Q. Certain activities described in this sector can be carried out by non-governmental units.


84                            Public administration and defense; compulsory social insurance


84.1              State administration, economic and social policy


It includes administration in general (e.g. executive and legislative power, financial administration, etc. – at all levels) and supervision in the social and economic field.


84.11 Activities of state bodies



– legislative and executive power of state bodies at all levels

– management and supervision of fiscal affairs:

* work of tax authorities

* collection of duties and taxes and monitoring of the application of tax regulations

* the customs administration

– execution of the budget and management of public funds and debts:

* collecting, charging and controlling the spending of money

– management of research and development policy and funds intended for those purposes

– management of economic and social development and statistical affairs at all levels


Does not include:

– management of buildings owned or leased by the state, part. 68.2 and 68.3

– management of research and development aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals and funds intended for those purposes, part. 84.12

– management of research and development aimed at improving economic activities and competitiveness, part. 84.13

– management of research and development related to defense and funds intended for those purposes, part. 84.22

– work of state archives, part. 91.01


84.12 Regulating the activities of entities that provide health care, services in education and culture and other social services, except for mandatory social insurance



– management of state programs aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals: health, education, culture, sports, recreation, environment, housing and social services, management of research and development in these areas and funds intended for these purposes

– sponsoring cultural and recreational activities

– distribution of donations to artists

– management of drinking water supply programs

– management of waste collection and removal programs

– management of environmental protection programs

– management of housing programs


Does not include:

– collection, removal and recycling of waste and wastewater, part. 37, 38 and 39

– compulsory social insurance, part. 84.30

– education activity, sector P

– population health care activity, part. 86

– activities of museums and other cultural institutions, part. 91










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– activity of state libraries and archives, part. 91.01

– sports and other recreational activities, part. 93


84.13 Organization of business and contribution to more successful business in the field of economy



– state management of various economic areas and their regulation, including the distribution of subsidies: agriculture, land use, energy and mining, infrastructure, transport and communications, hospitality and tourism, wholesale and retail trade

– management of research for the improvement of economic activity, management of development, as well as funds intended for these purposes

– management of nuclear facilities

– management of general affairs in the field of work

– implementation of regional development measures, e.g. measures to reduce unemployment

– accreditation work, determining the competence of organizations to perform conformity assessment work

– standardization work, adoption, publication, review and withdrawal of standards


Does not include:

– research and development activities, part. 72


84.2              Auxiliary activities for the functioning of the state


This branch includes foreign affairs, defense affairs and preservation of public order and security.


84.21 Foreign affairs



– foreign affairs, activities of diplomatic and consular missions abroad or at international organizations

– management of culture and information services intended for the dissemination of information and culture beyond state borders

– providing assistance to foreign countries, regardless of whether the assistance is directed through international organizations

– provision of military assistance to foreign countries

– management of foreign trade, international financial and technical assistance


Does not include:

– international protection of refugees from areas affected by disasters or conflict situations, part. 88.99


84.22 Defense Affairs



– management, supervision and management of military defense affairs for land and air defense forces such as:

* combat forces of the ground army, air force and anti-aircraft defense

* engineering, traffic, communication, intelligence, material, human and other non-combat forces and commands

* reserve and auxiliary forces of the defense system

* military logistics (supply of equipment, resources, foodstuffs, etc.)

* health care of military personnel

– management and leadership of the civil defense forces

– implementing a plan for unforeseen situations and carrying out exercises involving civil institutions and the population

– management of research and development related to defense, as well as funds intended for those purposes


Does not include:

– research and development activities, part. 72

– provision of military aid to foreign countries, part. 84.21

– provision of emergency supplies in the country in case of peacetime accidents, part. 84.24

– education in military schools, colleges and academies, part. 85.4

– activities of military hospitals, part. 86.10










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84.23 Judicial and judicial activities



– management of courts and the work of courts for civil, criminal, administrative, misdemeanor and other court proceedings, as well as the work of other judicial bodies, including the public prosecution and representatives of state bodies, bodies of territorial autonomy and local self-government units

– making court decisions and interpreting the law

– management of institutions for the execution of criminal sanctions


Does not include:

– counseling and representation in criminal proceedings, civil and other disputes, part.


– activities of prison schools, part. 85

– activities of prison hospitals, part. 86.10


84.24 Ensuring public order and security



– management of regular and reserve police forces and their work, then the work of port, border and coast guards and other special police forces, including traffic regulation and registration of foreigners, as well as keeping records of arrestees

– ensuring emergency procurement in the country in case of peacetime accidents


Does not include:

– activities of police laboratories, part. 71.20

– defense affairs, part. 84.22


84.25 Activity of firefighting units



– fire extinguishing and fire protection

– management of regular and auxiliary fire brigades for fire protection and their work, extinguishing fires, rescuing people and animals, providing assistance in civil accidents, floods, traffic accidents, etc.


Does not include:

– the forest fire service if it does not perform its activity independently, part. 02.40

– extinguishing fires in oil and gas fields, part. 09.10

– fire protection and fire extinguishing at airports if it is not performed as an independent activity, part. 52.23


84.3              Compulsory social insurance


84.30 Compulsory social insurance



– financing of mandatory social protection programs and their management:

* health insurance, work injury insurance and unemployment insurance

* pension insurance

* programs that alleviate the loss of income during maternity leave, temporary incapacity for work, due to the death of a spouse, etc.


Does not include:

– voluntary social insurance, part. 65.30

– social assistance and social work services (without accommodation), part. 88.10 and 88.99










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SECTORP                             EDUCATION


It includes education at all levels and for all professions. Teaching can be done orally or in writing and can be done through radio, television, the Internet or by correspondence.

It includes education provided by various institutions within the regular school system, at various levels, as well as adult education, literacy programs, etc. It also includes military schools and academies, prison schools, etc. This sector includes public and private education.

At every level, in the initial stages of education, special education for physically and mentally handicapped students is included.

The categorization performed in this sector is based on the levels of education defined in the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-1997), level 0-6. This sector also includes teaching in sports and recreational activities (such as tennis and golf), as well as supporting activities in education.


85                            Education


85.1              Preschool education


85.10 Preschool education



– preschool education that precedes primary education


Preschool education is the initial stage of organized teaching that is available to children from 6 months to 6 and a half years, until they start school. The preparatory preschool program is part of the full-day or half-day preschool institution’s regular program, which is implemented with children in the year before starting school, which enables children to bridge the differences between the family and school environment.


Does not include:

– day care and care of children, part. 88.91


85.2              Primary Education


85.20 Elementary education


Basic education includes activities that are organized for the purpose of acquiring quality knowledge, skills, and forming values of attitudes in the areas of linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical, and information literacy; knowledge and skills necessary for life and work in modern society and acquiring the basis for further education.

Basic education and upbringing is acquired at school through the implementation of the curriculum for eight years and is achieved in two educational cycles (4+4) and ends with passing the final exam.

This type of education is intended for children, but it also includes literacy programs that are similar to primary education programs and are intended for adults.


Does not include:

– adult education defined in part. 85.5

– daily child care and care, including daily care of students in the so-called

living room, part. 88.91


85.3              High school


It includes the provision of general and secondary professional education.


Does not include:

– adult education defined in part. 85.5


85.31 Secondary general education


This teaching provides the type of education that creates the basis for permanent education and personality development and prepares for higher educational programs. Units that fall into this group provide subject-oriented programs taught by subject teachers.










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Various majors in general secondary education (gymnasiums) provide guidance and continuation of education. These programs prepare students for vocational education, in the sense of higher vocational education or for the transition to higher education (master’s). It ends with passing the general matriculation exam.



– secondary education, which, as a rule, provides access to higher education


85.32 Secondary vocational education


This teaching provides a type of education in which, in addition to general education, specialized subjects are emphasized. It enables the acquisition of theoretical foundations and the mastering of practical skills related to the current or future profession, as well as preparation for employment. It ends with the passing of the professional or artistic graduation or final exam. It can last 4, 3, 2 or a year.



– professional education that does not belong to higher education defined in part. 85.4


Does not include:

– higher and higher education, part. 85.4

– training for work according to the “do-it-yourself” system, for recreation, hobby and self-improvement purposes, part. 85.52

– schools for drivers that are not intended for professional drivers, part. 85.53

– training for work as part of social work without accommodation, part. 88.10 and 88.99


85.4              High education


This teaching includes non-tertiary post-secondary education programs as well as academic courses leading to diplomas up to graduate and post-graduate levels. To enroll in this level of education, a diploma from a completed four-year high school is required.


Does not include:

– vocational education of adults, part. 85.5


85.41 Post-secondary non-higher education


It includes the continuation of secondary education which cannot be considered as higher education. For example, secondary education in preparation for higher education or specialization at vocational schools.


85.42 Higher education



– first, second and third degree of higher education

– performing arts schools that provide higher education


85.5              Other education


It includes general and professional education and training for the performance of any profession, for the pursuit of any hobby or for the purposes of self-improvement.

Training can take place in camps and schools that provide training in sports activities, foreign languages, art, acting, music or providing other specialized training, both to groups and individuals.


Does not include:

– preschool, primary, secondary and higher education, part. 85.1–85.4


85.51 Sports and recreational education


It includes training in sports activities intended for groups or individuals and carried out in camps or schools. Sports camps with tuition and accommodation provided and day camps are also covered here.

Training can take place in various facilities, such as client-owned training halls, educational institutions and elsewhere. The training classified in this group is formally organized.










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– sports lessons (basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, etc.)

– sports lessons in camps

– gymnastic training

– riding training (riding academies or schools)

– swimming training

– activities of professional sports instructors, teachers and trainers

– training in martial arts

– training in playing cards (bridge)

– yoga classes


Does not include:

– sports gymnasiums and high sports schools, part. 85.3 and 85.4

– art education, part. 85.52


85.52 Art education


It includes training for artistic, acting and musical activities. Institutions that provide this type of training can be called schools, studies, classes, etc. Although they provide formally organized teaching (mainly for the purposes of hobby, recreation and self-improvement), such training does not lead to a professional diploma or a diploma of any academic or other title.



– training in playing the piano and other musical training

– painting training

– dance training in dance studios

– training in acting (except academies)

– schools of fine arts (except academies)

– performing arts schools (except academies)

– schools of photography (except commercial ones)


Does not include:

– teaching of foreign languages, part. 85.59


85.53 Activities of driving schools



– schools of flying, sailing and ship management, for the acquisition of licenses, the issuance of which does not have the character of commercial certificates and licenses


Does not include:

– schools for professional drivers, part. 85.32


85.59 Other education



– education that is not defined according to degrees of education

– academic tutoring

– learning centers offering remedial courses

– preparatory classes for taking the exam

– language learning and conversation classes

– computer training

– religious instruction

– training for lifeguards at swimming pools and beaches

– training for survival in the natural environment

– training for public performances

– speed reading training


Does not include:

– literacy programs for adults, part. 85.20

– general secondary education, part. 85.31

– technical and professional secondary education, part. 85.32

– higher education, part. 85.4










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85.6              Auxiliary educational activities


85.60 Auxiliary educational activities



– non-curricular activities that support educational processes or systems:

* educational consulting

* advisory activities for guidance in education

* activities of testing and evaluation of tests

* organization of student exchange programs


Does not include:

– research and development in social sciences and sciences in the field of culture and art,

part 72.20










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It includes activities in the field of health and social work, starting from health care provided by professional medical staff in health institutions and private practice, to care and health care in institutions for permanent accommodation (residential institutions) and social work activities without the participation of health workers.


86                            Health activities


Includes activities in health institutions without accommodation capacity; health institutions for short-term or long-term hospitalization (general hospital, special hospital, clinical-hospital center, clinic, institute, clinical center) and homes for the elderly with medical care.

It also includes health care within general and specialist branches of medicine,

by health workers.

It includes general and specialist dental health care in health institutions and private practice.

In addition, this field includes the methods and procedures of traditional medicine performed by health workers in health institutions and private practice.


86.1              Activities of hospitals


86.10 Activities of hospitals



– diagnostic activities, short-term or long-term treatment in hospitals (such as general hospitals, special hospitals, clinics, institutes, clinical-hospital centers, clinical centers, hospitals of non-profit organizations, military hospitals and prison hospitals) and specialized hospitals (e.g. for mental health, tuberculosis, non-specific lung diseases and other chronic diseases and conditions, rehabilitation, etc.)


Activities are mainly focused on hospitalized patients and include:

* services of medical and non-medical personnel

* laboratory services and technical services, including radiological and anesthesiology services, etc.

* emergency services

* hospital pharmacy services, food services and other hospital services

* medical treatment services such as sterilization or termination of pregnancy, with accommodation

* activities within day hospitals


Does not include:

– laboratory testing and control of all types of materials and products, except medical, part. 71.20

– veterinary activities, part. 75.00

– health care of military personnel in the field, part. 84.22

– dental activities of a general and specialized nature, for example: dentistry, endodontic and children’s dentistry; oral pathology and orthodontic activities, etc. part 86.23

– activity of medical laboratories, part. 86.90

– transport by medical vehicles, part. 86.90


86.2              Medical and dental practice


It includes health advice and treatment by medical doctors and medical specialists, dentists and dental specialists, etc.

These activities can be performed in specialist services within health centers, companies, schools, homes for the elderly, labor and social organizations, as well as in private practice. Activities of this type can also be performed in patients’ apartments.


86.21 General medical practice



– medical consultation and treatment in the field of general medicine performed by doctors of general medicine

– protection in the field of general medicine performed by doctors of general medicine










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Does not include:

– activity of hospitals, part. 86.10

– activities performed by nurses and health technicians, part. 86.90


86.22       Specialist medical practice



– medical consultations and treatment in the field of specialist branches of medicine by specialist doctors

– family planning center services, without accommodation


Does not include:

– activities of hospitals, part. 86.10

– activities of nurses and health technicians, part. 86.90


86.23 Dental practice



– dental activity of general and specialist practice, e.g. dentistry,

endodontic and children’s dentistry, orthodontic activities, oral surgery, etc.


Does not include:

– production of artificial teeth, prostheses and prosthetic accessories in dental laboratories,

part 32.50

– activity of hospitals, part. 86.10

– activities of dental staff, such as dental nurses and dental technicians part. 86.90


86.9              Other health care


86.90 Other health care



– health care that is not provided by doctors of medicine and doctors of dentistry in hospitals:

* activities of nurses and health technicians in health institutions and private practice, including methods and procedures of traditional medicine; healthcare associates (eg defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, biologist, chemist, physicist, etc.) in healthcare institutions.


These activities are carried out in health clinics and practices within companies, schools, homes for the elderly, labor and social organizations, as well as in private practices (except hospitals), the patient’s apartment or elsewhere.



– activities of medical laboratories for:

* blood analysis, medical or clinical biochemistry, microbiology,


* dental technique

– activities of blood, sperm and organ banks for transplantation, etc.

– medical transportation of patients, emergency assistance, including transportation by aircraft; these services are often provided during emergency medical interventions


Does not include:

– production of artificial teeth, prostheses and prosthetic accessories by dental laboratories,

part 32.50

– transportation of patients, without life-saving equipment and without medical staff, part. 49-51

– non-medical laboratory examination, part. 71.20

– examination of the correctness of food, part. 71.20

– activities of hospitals, part. 86.10

– health and dental practice, part. 86.2

– homes for the elderly with medical care, part. 87.10










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87                            Social protection with accommodation


It includes residential care combined with another type of care, supervised care or other types of care, at the request of persons who are placed in such institutions. The care provided in them is a combination of health and social care.


87.1              Activities of accommodation facilities with medical care


87.10 Activities of accommodation facilities with medical care



– homes for the elderly with care

– recovery homes with medical care


Does not include:

– professional health care services in the home, part. 86

– homes for the elderly without medical care or with minimal medical care, part. 87.30

– social work activities with accommodation, such as orphanages, children’s resorts and homes and temporary shelters for the homeless, part. 87.90


87.2              Social care in residential institutions for persons with developmental disabilities, mentally ill persons and persons with addiction diseases


87.20 Social care in residential institutions for persons with developmental disabilities, mentally ill persons and persons with addiction diseases


It covers the provision of accommodation and care (without a license for inpatient care) to mentally ill persons and persons with addictive diseases. Institutions provide accommodation, food, supervision, protection, consultation and some forms of health care.



– activities of institutions with accommodation:

* institutions for the treatment of alcohol and drug addicts

* homes for psychiatric recovery

* homes for people with emotional problems

* institutions for persons with disabilities in mental development

* mental health day hospitals


Does not include:

– mental health hospitals, part. 86.10

– social work with secured housing and temporary shelters for the homeless,

part 87.90


87.3              Work of institutions for the elderly and persons with special needs


87.30 Operation of institutions for the elderly and persons with special needs


It includes accommodation and care services for the elderly and people with special needs who are unable to take care of themselves or do not want to live independently. Care includes accommodation, food, supervision and assistance with daily living, such as housekeeping. In some cases, these units provide skilled medical care for those who are in separate rooms within the facility.



– help in meeting basic life needs

– long-term care for pensioners

– homes for the elderly with minimal medical care

– homes for the accommodation of elderly and infirm persons without hospital care


Does not include:

– homes for the elderly with medical care, part. 87.10

– social work with accommodation where medical care or education are not of primary importance, part. 87.90










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87.9              Other forms of social protection with accommodation


87.90 Other forms of social protection with accommodation


Includes accommodation and care services for persons (except for the elderly and persons with special needs)

who cannot take care of themselves or do not want to live independently.



– all-day provision of social assistance to children and special categories of people with certain limitations in the ability to take care of themselves, but where medical care or education are not essential elements:

* orphanages

* children’s homes and shelters

* correctional homes for youth

* temporary shelters for the homeless

* institutions for the care of single mothers and their children

* groups of homes for resocialization of persons with social and personal problems

* homes for resocialization of criminals and perpetrators of criminal acts

* correctional homes for minors


Activities can be performed by state institutions and private organizations.


Does not include:

– financing and management of mandatory social insurance programs, part. 84.30

– accommodation facilities with medical care, part. 87.10

– homes for the elderly and persons with special needs, part. 87.30

– activities related to adoption, part. 88.99

– activities of short-term shelters for victims of natural and other disasters,

part 88.99


88                            Social protection without accommodation


It includes various social assistance services for beneficiaries. Activities in this area do not include accommodation services, except on a temporary basis.


88.1              Social protection without accommodation for the elderly and persons with special needs


88.10 Social protection without accommodation for the elderly and persons with special needs



– social, advisory, health and similar services to the elderly and persons with special needs provided in their homes or elsewhere, by the state or private organizations and domestic or local self-help organizations and specialists providing advisory services:

* visiting elderly people and people with special needs

* day care for the elderly or persons with special needs

* professional rehabilitation and training of persons with special needs and limited educational opportunities


Does not include:

– financing and management of mandatory social insurance funds, part. 84.30

– activities similar to those described in this group, but with accommodation, part. 87.30

– day care for children with special needs, part. 88.91


88.9              Other social protection without accommodation


88.91 Activities of day care of children



– daycare for children, including all-day care and stay for children with special needs










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88.99 Other unmentioned social protection without accommodation



– social, counseling, health services, refugee services, referral services for medical examinations and similar services provided to persons in their homes or elsewhere by state or private disaster relief organizations and domestic or local self-help organizations, as well as specialists who provide advisory services:

* social guidance activities for children and youth

* adoption, activities to prevent violence against children and other persons

* consulting related to managing the family budget, marriage and family counseling,

credit and debt advice

* activities in the immediate and wider community (local community, settlement, etc.)

* assistance to accident victims, refugees, emigrants, etc., including temporary or permanent shelters for them

* professional rehabilitation and vocational training of unemployed persons with educational limitations

* determination of fulfillment of the criteria for receiving social assistance, allowances for rent or food

* day care facilities for the homeless and other socially vulnerable groups

* charitable activities (eg fundraising) and other social work support activities


Does not include:

– financing and management of mandatory social insurance funds, part. 84.30

– activities similar to those described in this group, but with accommodation, part. 87.90










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It includes activities that satisfy various cultural, entertainment or recreational needs and interests, including the performance of musical and stage works, the operation of museums, galleries and collections, the protection of cultural assets, holding games of chance, sports and recreational activities.


90                            Creative, artistic and entertainment activities


It includes activities that satisfy the cultural needs of the users and provides entertainment in facilities intended for this purpose. Production, promotion and performance of plays, maintenance of artistic and entertainment programs and preparation of exhibitions intended for the public are included; providing artistic, creative and technical opportunities to create works of art and perform performances.


Does not include:

– operation of museums of all kinds, botanical and zoological gardens; maintenance of historical places;

activities of national parks and nature reserves, part. 91

– gambling and betting, part. 92

– sports, entertainment and recreational activities, part. 93


Some units that provide cultural, entertainment and recreational facilities and services are classified into other branches and groups such as:

– production and distribution of cinematographic works and other audio-visual products, part. 59.11-59.13

– screening of cinematographic works, part. 59.14

– broadcasting of radio and television programs, part. 60.1 and 60.2


90.0              Creative, artistic and entertainment activities


It includes activities in the field of creative and performing arts and related activities.


90.01 Performing arts



– staging of theater and opera and dance programs/performances, preparation of musical programs (concerts), as well as other types of stage performances:

* activities of theater troupes, troupes, orchestras or musical groups and circuses

* activities of independent artists such as actors, dancers, musicians and presenters

Does not include:

– activities of theater and art agents who represent artists or agencies, part. 74.90

– auditions, part. 78.10


90.02 Other artistic activities within performing arts



– auxiliary activities within performing arts, theatrical dance performances, concerts and opera performances and other types of stage performances:

* activities of directors, producers, scenographers and stage workers, lighting masters

* activities of producers or organizers of artistic events, with or without stage equipment


Does not include:

– activities of theater and art agents who represent artists or agencies, part.


– auditions, part. 78.10


90.03 Artistic creation



– activities of independent artists such as sculptors, painters, cartoonists, caricaturists, engravers, etchers, lithographers, etc.

– activities of writers, in all fields, including fiction, technical texts, etc.

– activities of freelance journalists (art critics)

– conservation and restoration of works of art such as paintings, films, books










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Does not include:

– production of statues, except works of art (sculpture), part. 23.70

– restoration of the organ and other historical musical instruments, part. 33.19

– production of films and video films, part. 59.11 and 59.12

– restoration of furniture (excluding restoration carried out in museums), part. 95.24


90.04 Work of art institutions



– activity of concert and theater halls and other art institutions

– activity of school and student cultural centers


Does not include:

– screening of cinematographic works, part. 59.14

– activities of ticket sales and reservation agencies, part. 79.90

– work of museums of all kinds, part. 91.02


91                            Activities of libraries, archives, museums, galleries and collections and other cultural activities


It includes the activities of libraries and archives, museums, galleries and collections of botanical and zoological gardens; management of historical sites, nature reserves and national parks. It also includes activities related to the preservation and exhibition of objects, historical monuments and natural landmarks that are of cultural-historical and educational importance (eg monuments and places that belong to the world cultural heritage).


Does not include:

– sports, entertainment and recreational activities such as beach and recreational park activities, part. 93


91.0              The work of libraries, archives, museums, galleries and collections, institutes for the protection of cultural monuments and other cultural activities


91.01 Activities of libraries and archives



– documentation and information activities of libraries of all kinds, reading rooms, listening rooms and special rooms for watching films and video materials, which provide services to users such as students, scientists, officials, as well as the work of archives that perform the activity of protecting archival material and documentation material, that is, they record, download, store, organize, process, publish, make available archival materials, issue certificates about the facts contained in archival materials and provide services to users of archival materials:

* preparing collections, regardless of whether they are specialized or not

* creation of catalogs of collections and collections, i.e. information resources about archival material

* collection, processing, protection, preservation and provision of access to library-information materials, books, maps, magazines, films, records, tapes, works of art, etc. that is, the release of archival materials for use

* provision of all forms of library and information services on site and at a distance

– activities of photo libraries and cinema libraries and accompanying services


91.02 Activities of museums, galleries and collections



– work of museums of all kinds:

* museums of art, jewelry, furniture, clothing, ceramics, silverware, etc.

* natural history, scientific-technical, historical and military museums

* other specialized museums

* open air museum

– protection of movable cultural assets (preventive protection, restoration and conservation)


Does not include:

– activities of commercial art galleries, part. 47.78

– restoration of works of art and museum exhibits, part. 90.03

– activities of archives and libraries, part. 91.01










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91.03 Protection and maintenance of immovable cultural assets, cultural and historical sites, buildings and similar tourist monuments



– protection and maintenance of immovable cultural assets, cultural and historical sites, buildings and tourist monuments

Does not include:

– renovation and restoration of other locations and buildings, sector F


91.04 Activities of botanical and zoological gardens and protection of natural values



– activity of botanical and zoological gardens, including zoological gardens for children

– management of protected areas (national parks, reserves, monuments and nature parks, landscapes, etc.), including the protection of wild flora and fauna, speleological facilities and geo-heritage


Does not include:

– activities within landscape architecture and landscaping and maintenance of gardens, part. 81.30

– activities to preserve terrain for sports hunting and fishing, part. 93.19


92                            Gambling and betting


It includes the operation of gambling facilities such as casinos, bingo halls, video terminals, casinos and bookmakers and the provision of gambling services such as lotteries.


92.0              Gambling and betting


92.00 Gambling and betting


It includes gambling and betting activities such as:

– sale of lottery tickets (lottery tickets and the like)

– exploitation of machines for games of chance

– activities related to the maintenance of virtual gambling websites

– betting and other similar activities

– betting outside the field where events are taking place in connection with the outcomes of which betting is being carried out

– operation of casinos, including casinos on floating objects


93 Sports, entertainment and recreational activities


It includes recreational, entertainment and sports activities (with the exception of museum activities, maintenance

historical sites, botanical and zoological gardens, national park activities,

activities related to gambling and betting).


It does not include dramatic, musical and other types of art, as well as entertainment (performance of theater performances, concerts and operas or dance performance and performance of other types of performing arts), part. 90.




Sports activities


It includes the operation of sports facilities; activities of sports teams or clubs that primarily participate in sports events that take place in front of an audience for paid tickets; independent athletes participating in a sporting event in front of a ticket-paying audience.

It also includes car races, dog races, horse races, etc., as well as the activities of sports coaches who provide special services to participants in sports events or competitions.
It includes the activity of arenas and stadiums and other unmentioned activities related to the organization, promotion and management of sports events.










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93.11 Activities of sports facilities



– operation of open or closed sports facilities (open, fenced or covered, with or without stands):

* football, hockey, cricket and rugby stadiums

* car racing tracks and dog and horse racing tracks

* swimming pools and stadiums

* fields and stadiums for athletic competitions

* halls and stadiums for winter sports

* ice hockey halls

* boxing halls

* golf courses

* bowling alleys

– the organization of outdoor and indoor sports events and their management, for professional athletes and amateurs, in their own facilities; this group includes staff activities and management of staff working in these facilities


Does not include:

– operation of ski lifts, part. 49.39

– rental of equipment for sports and recreation, part. 77.21

– activity of fitness facilities, part. 93.13

– activities in parks and beaches, part. 93.29


93.12 Activities of sports clubs


It includes the work of sports clubs that, whether they are professional, semi-professional or amateur, enable their members to engage in sports activities:

– football, bowling, swimming, golf, boxing, winter sports, chess, athletics, archery, etc.


Does not include:

– sports instruction provided by coaches, part. 85.51

– operation of sports facilities, part. 93.11

– the organization of outdoor and indoor sports events and their management, for professionals or amateurs, by sports clubs with their own facilities or not, part. 93.11


93.13 Activities of fitness clubs



– activities of fitness and body-building clubs


Does not include:

– sports teaching performed by coaches, part. 85.51


93.19 Other sports activities



– activities of producers or promoters of sports events

– activities of independent athletes, judges, timekeepers, etc.

– activities of sports leagues and their supervisory bodies

– activities related to the promotion of sports events

– activities within stables, kennels and garages

– sport-recreational hunting and fishing in reserves

– activities of mountain guides

– auxiliary services in sports and recreational hunting and fishing


Does not include:

– rental of sports equipment, part. 77.21

– activities of sports schools and dance schools, part. 85.51

– activities of sports instructors, teachers and coaches, part. 85.51

– the organization of sports events by sports clubs, outdoors and indoors, and their management, for professionals or amateurs, part. 93.11 and 93.12

– activities organized in parks and on beaches, part. 93.29










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93.2              Other entertainment and recreational activities


It includes units that manage facilities or provide services for the various recreational interests of users. It includes activities that contain various attractive contents, such as a mechanical merry-go-round, slides, water games, shows, performances, thematic exhibitions and organized picnic grounds.

It does not include sports activities, then stage, music and other arts and leisure activities.


93.21 Activities of amusement and theme parks


It includes the operation of amusement and theme parks that offer various attractive contents, such as thematic exhibitions, shows, performances, mechanical merry-go-round, slides and water games.


93.29 Other entertainment and recreational activities


Includes activities related to leisure and recreation (except activities of amusement and theme parks), not mentioned elsewhere:

– operation of slot machines

– recreational park activities (without accommodation)

– organization of the work of recreational facilities connected to transport, e.g. marina

– organization of the work of recreation facilities, e.g. ski slopes

– rental of equipment for rest and leisure as an integral part of recreational facilities

– fairs and fairs of a recreational nature

– beach activities, including rental of equipment such as cabins, lockers, chairs, etc.

– organization of space for dancing


This group also includes the activities of producers or organizers of live entertainment events, other than artistic and sporting events, on or off premises.


Does not include:

– functioning of cable cars, funiculars and ski lifts, part. 49.39

– recreational fishing on a cruise, part. 50.10 and 50.30

– provision of space and facilities for a short stay of visitors in recreational parks and camps, part. 55.30

– parking lots for trailers in camps, hunting and fishing camps, campsites and campsites, part. 55.30

– drinks pouring services in discotheques, part. 56.30

– theater and circus groups, part. 90.01



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SECTOR S                              OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES


This sector (as a residual category) includes activities of membership-based organizations, computer repair, repair of personal and household items, and various personal service activities not elsewhere specified.


94                            Activities of the association


It includes the activities of organizations that represent the interests of particular groups or promote their ideas. These organizations usually function on a membership basis, but non-members who have an interest can join their activities.

The basic division in this area is determined by the purpose that these organizations serve, namely the interests of employees, self-employed and scientific communities (section 94.1), the interests of employees (section 94.2) or the promotion of ideas and activities related to religious, political, cultural and educational issues or to questions from the field of recreation (section 94.9).


94.1              Activities of business and professional organizations and employers


It includes the activities of units that promote the interests of members of business organizations and employers. In the case of membership-based professional organizations, it also includes activities promoting professional interests of professionals.


94.11 Activities of business associations and employers’ associations



– activities of organizations whose members join together for the purpose of developing and improving the work of business entities in a certain area, including agriculture, or because of the economic growth and general business climate of a certain regional area or administrative-territorial unit, regardless of the area of business

– activities of the alliance of such associations

– activities of chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar organizations

– spreading (dissemination) of information, representation before state institutions, public relations and negotiation on the work of organizations of business entities and employers


Does not include:

– trade union activities, part. 94.20


94.12 Activities of professional associations



– activities of mandatory, independent, professional organizations established by law, which exercise public powers such as: bar associations, medical associations, notary associations, etc.

– activities of organizations whose members have an interest primarily within a specific professional discipline or profession, such as medical associations, lawyers’ associations, accountants’ associations, engineers’ and technicians’ associations, architects’ associations, etc.

– activities of associations of specialists from special fields engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities, such as writers, painters, artists of all kinds, journalists, etc.

– dissemination of information, establishment of standards that are applied in practice and supervision of their application, representation before state authorities and public relations of professional associations

– activities of scientific societies


Does not include:

– education offered by these organizations, part. 85


94.2              Trade union activity


94.20 Trade union activity



– promoting the interests of labor organizations and employee unions

– activities of associations whose members are employees interested primarily in representing their own views regarding wages and working conditions, and coordinated action through the organization



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– activities of trade union organizations in individual organizations, activities of trade union organizations composed of related trade union subsidiaries, as well as associations of branch trade unions on a professional or regional basis, according to the type of organizational structure or other criteria


Does not include:

– education offered by these organizations, part. 85


94.9              Activities of other membership-based organizations


It includes the activities of units (except organizations and associations of business entities and employers, professional associations and trade unions) that promote the interests of their members.


94.91 Activities of religious organizations



– activities of traditional churches and religious communities, confessional communities and other religious organizations

– activities of monasteries, convents and other similar units

– activities related to the provision of funeral religious services


Does not include:

– education offered by these organizations, part. 85

– health activities of these organizations, part. 86

– social work of these organizations, part. 87 and 88


94.92 Activities of political organizations



– activities of political organizations and their parts (eg youth sections of political parties). Those organizations primarily deal with influencing decision-making in state bodies by appointing party members or their supporters to state bodies, as well as dissemination of information, public relations, fundraising, etc.


94.99 Activities of other membership-based organizations



– activities of organizations that are not directly related to political parties, although they deal with public issues and goals and influence public education, exercise political influence, collect funds, etc.:

* civil initiatives or protest movements

* environmental movements and movements for environmental protection

* organizations that support the social community and educational institutions, not mentioned elsewhere

* organizations for the protection and improvement of the position of special groups, for example, ethnic and minority groups

* patriotic associations, including associations of fighters

– consumer associations

– associations of motorists

– associations with the purpose of social cohesion (e.g. Rotary clubs, Masonic lodges, etc.)

– youth organizations, youth associations, student organizations, clubs and fraternities, etc.

– associations for engaging in cultural or recreational activities or hobbies (except sports and games), e.g. poetry, literature and reading clubs, history clubs, film and photography clubs, music and art clubs, artisan and collector clubs, social clubs, carnival clubs, etc.

– providing assistance and giving donations from membership-based organizations and other organizations


Does not include:

– charitable activities such as the collection of funds intended for social work, part. 88.99

– activities of professional artistic groups or organizations, part. 90.0

– activities of sports clubs, part. 93.12

– activities of professional associations and associations, part. 94.12



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95                            Repair of computers and items for personal and household use


It includes repair and maintenance of computer equipment such as desktop, laptop, computer terminal, data storage devices, printer, etc.

Also includes repair of communication equipment (eg faxes, two-way radios), electronic devices (eg radio, television), home and garden equipment (eg lawnmower, fan), footwear, leather goods, furniture, clothing and clothing accessories, sports equipment, musical instruments, hobby items and other personal and household goods.

Does not include repair of medical and diagnostic radiological equipment, measuring and research instruments, laboratory instruments, radar and sonar equipment, part.



95.1              Repair of computers and communication equipment


It includes repair and maintenance of computers, computer peripherals and communication equipment.


95.11 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment



– repair of electronic equipment such as computers, calculators and related equipment:

* desktop, laptop, magnetic disks, chips and other embedded elements, optical disks (CD-R, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R), printers, monitors, keyboards, mice, joysticks, balls for computer mice, internal and external computing modems, dedicated terminals, servers, scanners, card readers, virtual reality helmets, computer projectors, etc.


It also includes the repair and maintenance of computer terminals such as automated teller machines (ATMs), bar code reading terminals (POS) and pocket computers (PDAs).


Does not include:

– repair and maintenance of modem equipment carriers, part. 95.12


95.12 Repair of communication equipment


It includes repair and maintenance of communication equipment such as:

– wireless and mobile phones, modem equipment carriers, fax, communication transmission equipment (eg routers, couplers, modems), two-way radios, professional television and video cameras


95.2              Repair of items for personal and household use


It includes the repair and maintenance of items for personal and household use.


95.21 Repair of electronic devices for general use


Includes repair and maintenance of electronic devices:

* televisions, radios, video recorders (VCRs), CD players, video cameras for amateur use, etc.


95.22 Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment


Includes repair and maintenance of household appliances and home and garden equipment:

* refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, clothes dryers, air conditioners, etc.

* lawn mowers, side mowers, leaf and snow blowers, hedge maintenance machines, etc.


Does not include:

– repair of manual electric tools, part. 33.12

– repair of central air conditioning systems, part. 43.22


95.23 Repair of footwear and leather goods


Includes repair and maintenance of footwear and leather goods:

– boots, shoes, leather suitcases and similar items

– adjustment of heels



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95.24 Maintenance and repair of furniture



– reupholstering, finishing, repair and restoration of furniture and equipment in the house, including office furniture


95.25 Repair of watches and jewelry



– repair of clocks, alarm clocks and their parts, e.g. cases of all kinds of materials, moving parts of watches, chronometers, etc.

– jewelry repair


Does not include:

– industrial metal engraving, part. 25.61

– repair of stopwatches, time/date indicators, time locks and similar instruments for measuring and telling time, part. 33.13


95.29 Repair of other personal and household items


Includes repair of personal and household items:

* bicycles

* clothes

* sports equipment (except sports weapons) and camping equipment

* a book

* musical instruments (except organ and historical instruments)

* toys and similar things

* other items for personal and household use

– piano tuning


Does not include:

– repair and maintenance of manual electric tools, part. 33.12

– repair of sports and recreational weapons, part. 33.12


96                            Other personal service activities


It includes all unmentioned service activities: especially washing and dry cleaning of textile and fur items, hairdressing, cosmetology, pedicure, funeral and similar activities.


96.0              Other personal service activities


96.01 Washing and dry cleaning of textile and fur products



– washing and dry cleaning, ironing, etc. all types of clothing (including fur) and textiles using mechanical equipment, by hand or in self-service laundries, for household, industrial or business users

– collection and delivery of laundry and clothes for dry cleaning, washing and ironing

– cleaning of carpets and bedspreads, washing of curtains and draperies, whether in the user’s premises or not

– dyeing linen, work uniforms, etc. as part of the laundry service

– washing diapers

– canvas dyeing

– chemical cleaning and dyeing of leather items and fur cleaning

– repair of clothing and other textile items (due to minor damage), which is performed as part of the laundry service

Does not include:

– renting clothes, except work uniforms, even when cleaning these items is an integral part of the activity, part. 77.29

– repair and alteration of clothing as an independent activity, part. 95.29



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96.02 Activities of hairdressing and beauty salons



– washing, trimming and cutting hair, making hair, coloring and bleaching hair, curling, straightening and similar services for women and men

– shaving and trimming the beard

– facial massage, manicure, pedicure, make-up, etc.


Does not include:

– wig making, part. 32.99


96.03 Funeral and related activities



– burial and burning of human and animal corpses:

* preparation of corpses for burial, cremation and embalming and funeral services

* burial and cremation services

* rental of equipped space for burial ceremonies at the cemetery

– renting and selling grave sites

– maintenance of graves and monuments


Does not include:

– performance of religious funeral rites, part. 94.91

– arrangement of the cemetery, part. 81.30


96.04 Activities of body care and maintenance



– activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, slimming salons, massage salons, etc.


Does not include:

– medical massage and therapy, part. 86.90

– fitness clubs and gyms, part. 93.13


96.09 Other unmentioned personal service activities



– performing astrological and spiritualist sessions

– organizing escorts, scheduling meetings, marriage mediation services

– pet care services (accommodation and feeding, combing, keeping and training)

– activities of organizations for the discovery of ancestry (genealogy)

– tattoo and piercing studio activity

– the activity of shoe cleaners, porters, car parking charges, etc.

– performing activities on the basis of a license with self-service machines (photo booths, scales, blood pressure measuring devices, “safes” for belongings and wardrobe, etc.)


Does not include:

– veterinary activities, part. 75.00

– self-service washing machines in laundries, part. 96.01

– gambling machines and games, part. 92.00










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97                            Activity of households that employ servants


97.0              Activity of households that employ servants


97.00 Activity of households that employ servants


It includes the activities of households that employ servants such as: maids, cooks, valets, butlers, laundresses, gardeners, porters, grooms, drivers, guards, governesses, nannies, teachers, secretaries, etc.

It is allowed for a servant employed in the household to state the activity of his employer in censuses and surveys, even when the employer is a natural person. Products and services that are created on the basis of that activity are consumed in the employer’s household.


Does not include:

– provision of services such as cooking, gardening, etc. from an independent service provider (company or natural person); see the corresponding type of services


98                            Activity of households that produce goods and services for their own needs


It includes different production of goods and services in households. The household should be classified here only in the case when it is not possible to identify the predominant activity on the basis of which it is supported.

If the household produces for the market, it is classified according to the predominant activity it performs.


98.1              Activity of households that produce goods for their own needs


98.10 Activities of households that produce goods for their own needs


It includes the production of various goods that are used in the household, i.e. different activities of households in the production of goods for their own needs. These activities include hunting, gathering fruits, gardening, production on agricultural farms, construction of residential buildings, sewing clothes and other production for own needs.

If the household produces goods for the market, it is classified according to the predominant activity it performs.


98.2              Activity of households that provide services for their own needs


98.20 Activities of households that provide services for their own needs


It includes various service activities of the household for its own needs. These activities include cooking, education, care for household members and other household services for one’s own needs.

If the household produces services for the market, it is classified according to the predominant activity it performs.










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Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies




Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies


99.00 Activity of extraterritorial organizations and bodies



– the activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, regional bodies, etc., the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union, the European Free Trade Association trade etc.

– the work of diplomatic and consular missions, which are determined by the country in which they are posted, and not by the country they represent

What activities can not perform flat rate taxed entrepreneur in Serbia (preduzetnik pausalac)?

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*offer valid for new clients who register at our address during special offer

Individual entrepreneur in Serbia has the right to submit a request to pay flat rate tax (hereinafter: flat-rate taxation).

The right to flat-rate taxation cannot be granted to the taxpayer referred to in paragraph 1 of this article:

1) who performs activities in the field of advertising and market research;

2) who performs activities in the fields of: wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, financial mediation and activities related to real estate;

3) in whose activity other persons also invest;

4) whose total turnover in the year preceding the year for which the tax is determined, i.e. whose planned turnover when the activity begins – is greater than 6,000,000 dinars;

5) who is registered as a value added tax payer in accordance with the law regulating value added tax.

As an exception to the provisions of paragraph 2, point 2) of this article, a taxpayer who carries out trade or hospitality activities in a kiosk, trailer or similar prefabricated or mobile facility may, at his request, be granted the right to pay tax on a flat-rate determined income.

The right to flat-rate taxation in accordance with para. 1. to 3. of this article can be achieved by a taxpayer who manufactures and sells exclusively his own products as part of his activities.

Activities from para. 2. and 3. of this article are determined in accordance with the regulations governing the classification of activities.

Where to find activity codes for my company (DOO, preduzetnik – IP – individual entrepreneur)?

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No change of price in next years! Free change of address in SBRA (APR) for existing firms (you pay only SBRA fee)
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*offer valid for new clients who register at our address during special offer